Billie Eilish, Khalid—lovely / Bart Simpson

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Simpsons season 27 episode 9
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damn, Bart is my favorite Simpsons character now


Everbody: depression
Me: why i havent watched those episodes


Quarentena: A

Eu: D E P R E S S I O N


It’s been 5 years since I died inside myself. It feels so awful walking in the city, watching all these people doing their own things. I really can’t find anything pleasant in this world anymore. I’m skipping eating because I don’t enjoy food anymore. Every morning I wake up wondering why even getting up from bed. Does it really matter to anyone? What difference does it make to the world? Is there even a point of doing what all these people out there are doing? I hate it. I hate people that tells me that I’m not trying hard enough. I hate when people are watching me strangely because I look dead and depressed all the time. And most importantly, I hate myself so much I can’t even look in the mirror anymore. This modern society making every aspect of life toxic and putting pressure on it. You either fit in or you be kicked out and called names. Too bad I got a chance to live in this sad time of this sad and rotten world. It is what it is I guess.


Its better having a true enemy than a fake friend...



His grandpa was the only person Bart liked in his family😞


This one really hits close to home
My grandmother and Grandfather from my fathers side was my one positive thing that prevented me from being completely cold blooded due to my father (And their son) was living in the other part of the country for most of my life and my mom was a neglectful narcissist who manipulated both me and my brother by being neglectful and loving and then neglectful

My grandmother died 6 months before i turned 18 and turning 18 and having so many responsibilities overnight was difficult enough due to my ASD however unknown to me at the time i had a major depression too (That i since recovered from thankfully)

But in those next 3 years before i he passed away himself my grandfather who had been so quiet my whole life actually became more open and warm hearted and i started to realise just how much alike we really were and how much he actually cared about it

I think his side of my family might've been where the ASD came from but up until then i had never actually talked to him and he was always very quiet mostly due to my grandma doing all the "Talking" for him i guess

But year around 3 years later he passed away himself and that death despite only getting to know him properly for 3 years is one that will affect me until i die myself one day
sometimes i still cry uncontrollable when talking about him or thinking about him and he died in 2016...

I loved this episode of the simpsons but when i saw this video mixed with the billie eilish song i couldn't help but tear up all over again

I just wish i had asked him more questions when i had the chance instead of being so shy... After he died i finally got around to researching my family tree etc and i learned about so many relatives who passed away long before i was born and i now have very few ways of learning about them if i want too

But he could've been a gold mine of information and we could have bonded so much over that properly... And now he's gone forever

Just like Abe simpson in this episode....

Damn time sure flies


His parents always wanted his good, but they couldn't give him that love and affection, and they only had eyes for Lisa...


" *_He was like a father to me, I loved him like a son_* "

Edit: to prove that people are gonna get mad over anything, this Is a reference from Pewdipie why's everyone going sicko mode over one comment🖾🖾🖾


Alguém 2020
Quarentena :A
Eu : choro, bate a bed, alguém mais que chora com músicas dela ?


Things go so fast and its sad. As this year for others goodbye 2000-2020. Hello 2020-2024 😢


Pobre Bart, a lisa nada más le daban atención, y el abuelo era el único que le daba amor, y murió :((


*me: sad mood*
*Also me: watching this video*


This is the heart and the core of
faked depressed kids


Not me sitting her listening to this crying my eyes out thinking about the harsh things people have said to me 😢


Впервые мне было грустно из-за этого мультика😫


No importa lo que te hagan tu ignorarlo, sigue adelante, siempre va a haber alguien mejor que tu, trata de ganarle, nunca te rindas, eres y siempre serás el mejor si te lo propones... Si... Tu el que lee este comentario, ten buen día, una buena vida.


“ *Abraham Simpson*, *He was a good man, and was like a father to me.* ”


Na cabeça do bart:😞eu sou um fracasso

Na minha: o bart é sensacional


Só quem é brasileiro (a) deixa o like🖒
