9 Barter Item Rules

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My rules on how I determine what items I want to have available for barter
Won't talk about precious metals as they have been classified as money now for 6000 years and using them is a purchase, not a barter transaction
Based on
my personal experience
Selco Begovic - My Year in Hell
Fernando "Ferfal" Aguirre - "Street Survival Skills"
Fernando "Ferfal" Aguirre - "The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse"
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I love Mother Earth News. I've been subbed to them for years.


Thank you, LeRoy! Keep em coming! ❤️💥


Bartering is a new prospective territory to me, so I appreciate your thoughts on the subject. Thanks for all of the effort you put forth to make this video!


I love your videos. Love your stories :) I’m not a big Vodka fan but I keep some on hand in case someone else wants some or we need extra alcohol in place of rubbing alcohol- it was cheap at Costco.


Sure wish the volume was HIGHER ! TAKE CARE..


Sound wasn't good but if you have important information speak quietly 😉 ❤🙏


I agree on the ammo rule and as nutty as people are now for vices like smoking, strong drink and drugs, I’d be very suspicious of them later.
Also to let anyone know that you have anything, will be risky.
We have a neighbor with three little girls, we will do without to help feed those children.


Good vid, good thoughts. I believe one of the things that drives any prepper's thoughts on bartering is their overall outlook on themselves after an event--shtf or otherwise. The Lone Wolves who are prepared to run out into the jungle, live in a cave and hunt deer the rest of their lives view bartering (if any at all) as more of a 'what can I TAKE from the other guy for as little damage to my stuff as I can.' For others, who are more community minded, they see it as 'how can WE come out of this deal affecting the best possible outcome for both traders.' I'm the latter. Many of our national trade deals work in this arena. If the neighbours down the street are dealing with--whatever it is--in the best way possible, then that makes my life better. In bartering, I would want to not only seek a fair and honest trade, but make a possible friend or at least someone I'd consider as a working partner. Good and honest bartering will help build back whatever damage society will incur.

One thought on the smoking. True that only about a fifth of the U.S. still smokes. However, I remember the first time our outfit shipped out, we barely had maybe three smokers among us. By the time we came home, all of us were smoking! OK, had to stop it later, but a traumatic event just might make those smokes a bit more valuable. If we prepare for the worst, and in my opinion a Grid Down/EMP would be second only to nuclear war, we'll be prepared for anything. I'm always a bit perplexed at us human beans. Take the hurricane prone places. They live there, they know what a hurricane does...yet each time one comes along all of a sudden there's this mad dash to buy out batteries, plywood and bottled water. Long lines at the pumps. What's with our species? Keep prepping and I subbed.


Yep…I bought a bunch of N-95’s recently….don’t slack up people.


You talked so low I had trouble figuring what you were talking about. Please try to speak louder. Than you
