Weather changes - How should a Single Mother take care of two children? & Harvest Cassava to sell

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Weather changes - How should a Single Mother take care of two children? & Harvest Cassava to sell
Thank you everyone for caring about me Wishing everyone and their families peace
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Mulher batalhadora! Te admiro! Aproveita este lugar tão fértil de raízes para fazer um caldo para sua criança maior e você. ❤


Дорогая, тебя всегда приятно видеть..то, как ты работаешь, заботишься о детях, строишь свой дом..хозяйство..куры, цыплята..и все это своими руками.. Я восхищаюсь твоим мужеством жить в трудных условиях. Желаю тебе добра, здоровья тебе и твоим детям, благополучия и...быть Всегда рады на видео встречи с ❤


Vejo outros casos como o seu, porém minha admiração maior é pelo ser lindo q vc é! Vejo esse bebê seu do coração te olhando sorrindo e vejo na inocência dele a gratidão à Deus por ter colocado vc na vidinha dele. Deus em Sabedoria Suprema sabia q vc era a indicada p a missão. Seu pequeno rapazinho bebê * tendo q dividir atenção carinho alimeno materno c o irmãozinho do coração é uma gracinha, no fundo ele nem compreende o tamanho de seu coração de sua generosidade p c eles. Vc sempre será abençoada, pois suas ações são agradáveis à Deus! ❤


Wow so nice to have a clean and organized House you have good luck❤❤❤


Hello dear Ly thi good to see you today I see everything doing well today babies don’t cry to much God bless you and your babies take good care of yourself and babies ❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️


WOW YOU ARE AMAZING. I LOVE YOUR MOTHERING SKILLS. You are not taking away Breastfeeding I love it, but introducing food.
I think you are a wonderful MOTHER🦋♥️GOD BLESS YOU🙏🏽


Me gusta mucho ver los vedeos de esta muchacha. Que bonito es ver como se esmera por el bien estar de los niños. Me encanta ver como ella sola costruye todo y bien linda para cuidar los niños


Yes 👏👏👏👏👏now these babies have porridge and supplement milk. So proud of you❤❤❤❤❤❤


Good. The baby 🍼 got feeding bottle 🍾 for milk. Nice idea. That's great 👍❤


I hope with the weather changing you are putting in a door and windows. You can't let the baby's get siek. Make your cabin warm. And not a fire inside. Always be careful the the cabin don't burnt down. Good luck.


For all of you people showing Hate for this young girl. Try to be her try being her age in her culture with a baby of her own and one she found that another mother had abandoned. Try doing all this on your own. Also if you don’t have a kind word to say or helpful advise without being hateful then why not just not say anything and move along. I don’t care if you think this is all fake stop hating on a video showing a culture and struggles you know nothing about. This young girl is trying and improving in so many ways!!


Oi linda, que legal que você comprou mamadeira para o bebê, nota mil pra você, merece meu like❤


No creó que el niño mallor sea ningún mostruoto simplemente es un niño qué no sabemos si tiene siquiera un añito y el no tiene la culpa de qué su mamá tenga un corazón tan. Grande


Девушка, я вас обожаю и ваших детей, вы супер, ловкая, умелая, трудолюбивая, посмотрите, какой домик сама построила, у неё и огородик и куры, посадила розы и ко всей этой милоте, купила очаровательного щенка... Кто пишет, что у неё дети грязные, у вас глаза не там где надо находятся, дети всегда чистенькие, накормлены и любимы. Посмотрите, если бы, дети были ужасно голодные, они бы так нехотя не кушали, как они это делают.И конфеты- печенье прошлый раз старший тоже, больше баловался, чем кушал. Детишки, пухленькие, упитанные и красивые.👍👍👍


Hello, I wish you and your baby good health❤


I'm so glad you finally got a bottle! They will learn how to suck from the bottle as it is different from the breast, but the older boy can feed himself and shouldn't cry and whine so much. Glad you are feeding them real food. Your home looks great. Lots of hard work!


Thank you for listening to your viewers and trying to do better feeding that baby. Please get them fruit like bananas and boil them and then mash them up for them to get vitamins that they really need. Hold your son in your arms when you give him that bottle but, you cannot still breast feed him and then expect him to take the bottle. May God always be with you and those children.


Какая мужественная сильная девушка. И работает и за детьми смотрит хорошо.Удачи тебе.Здоровья тебе и детям.Будь счастлива.❤❤❤


Hello my friend how are you doing today i hope you and the children a good day today every blessings


Ly .this is totally unfair on your part to take to take out the milk bottle from little babies mouth & give it to your spoilt son ! Let him cry & wait for his turn don't spoil him too much
