Gravitomagnetic, gravity, or electric scalar waves? | detected !

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Some older footage I decided to share showing waveforms related to motion of discs. At first I was convinced it was a proof of "kinemassic" fields, or gravity waves showing on my scope as a result of nuclear polarization due to the Barnett Effect!
However, I realized that something else was at play, very unexpected actually. Far more 'powerful'. Perhaps, what you see in this video is responsible for gravity, and momentum.... something called a scalar potential wave!

....Simply put, charges in accelerated motion....
charges zipping around every nucleus under constant acceleration might radiate this 'momentum' !

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This is most likely microphonics. Piezo transducers are used as speakers AND microphones in consumer electronics.
Please confirm your experiment in vacuum (no sound waves) and on a vibration free table (no mechanical coupling) to rule out any acoustical effects.


Scaler wave weapon technology.I have a well good scientist friend of mine from my old university now works for D A R P A on the technology and other very interesting stuff classified and non classified technology.


I've seen crazy stuff like this. There was a guy on YouTube who made static devices. When moved you could see waves around it. Also affect the weight of rocks. On point I saw around the other side on the surface. Like it was bending light? I myself taking b vitamins every day for a year. I started noticing waves from large moving objects. Such, I ran 400 ton press to cold forge metal. Someone I knew built a bismuth levitation device. At that time I stood there watching waves flow from the turning floating magnet? This was many years ago.


Did you try aligning the ions in the lattice of your disc? Why not try to build up the moving mass instead of letting all the ions angular momentum cancel each other out?


Gravity is a scalar electromagnetic wave, so if you are detecting scalar waves you are detecting gravity. Nice job! By the way, surface area should make a big difference. So the bigger the disc the bigger the effect. (The tiny dremal sized discs should have the smallest effect.) Also, you shouldn’t be seeing any noise in the oscilloscope from the dremal motor. That means that your EMF shielding is not 100%. You may want to add a ground to the jar as well as a secondary wire faraday cage, as a foolproof method for blocking all hertzian EMF signals. Also the wire going from the jar to the oscilloscope may be acting as an antennae. So I would suggest using a linzwire that employs a bucking coil effect so that no outside EMF can corrupt your signal to the oscilloscope. Take a look at LessLoss cable as an example (they make high end speaker cable and interconnects for audiophile grade stereo equipment)


It looks like you're detecting a magnetic field, inducing a potential in both legs in phase.


very interesting. Is the jar grounded? I think it should be grounded to properly shield.
Ken Wheeler stated Bismuth is the highest dielectric material. So would this be a form of dielectric induction?


Here's an odd thing I noticed yesterday with a hall effect 3144... it detected my car coil from 4 fee away! I'll post a video.


That was quite impressive. You made a seismometer and you are actually detecting a signal coming from your rotating discs.


The scope radiates and you have it next to your antenna. Is the scope grounded? The shielded jar won't shield anything if it's not grounded. Also, your scope probe ground clip forms an antenna loop, as do the piezo disks. So all you have is an antenna that picks up random current distributions. No gravity, no scalar waves.


you are measuring the parametric capacitance of the disc to the piezos, not gravity or "scalar" waves


you should have tried using a disc with just epoxy (same size and weight and shape) without anything else as a control


This is so cool!! How did you make the S wave detector? Was it just some piezo elements connected directly to the oscope? The fact that some of the discs worked and some didn't proves it to me that something was happening, now we just need to figure out how to make the best disk better.


One question: Why are you having two ribbons instead two lines in your scope? it seems less precise and accurate


Now you have to try it after dunking the disks in liquid nitrogen :D


Scalar waves are not electric they are magnetism.


Scalar waves are what we call gravity. The universe is a toroid shape that scalar waves spin within creating all the energy at the zero-point. Beta waves bad. Scalar pulses good.
