Everything I LOVE About Return of the Jedi

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It's the fortieth anniversary of Return of the Jedi! To celebrate, here is everything I think is GREAT about the movie! Let me know what you love about it in the comments!

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The fact he points out the number of dots in the opening credits. 😂 Your the best kind of Star Wars nerd man! 👍


13:34 The Death Star II has never been an issue for me. As a kid, I found it strange that TV villains would come up with a new evil scheme week after week, instead of having a second go at one that nearly worked, so this felt very subversive. I loved that the Emperor had clearly decided _"Well, it worked perfectly well until it was blown up! Let's just do it again, and THIS TIME I'll win!"_


I love Vader saying "You already have." to Luke after he says "I need to save you."


It was incredible seeing this in theaters for the 40th anniversary. The crowd I was with really loved all the humor and laughed hard at Han Solo's dumb face at the end when Leia is like "yeah Luke's my brother and I totally made out with him"


One part I'd like to add is Mon Mothma. Even before they decided to make her character important in the background lore, it was obvious she was a very important person in the rebellion - and I don't just mean because she's giving a briefing. She appears as a sort of anti-Palpatine in her appearance and mannerisms, wearing white and being more gently spoken but the part where she pauses to reflect on the lives lost to get them their information always sticks out. I remember, as a kid, not knowing anything about her and knowing instinctively she was the political leader of the Rebel Alliance and, when I heard about the New Republic in the EU, automatically knew she'd be Head of State - even before I learned her name.


I love the eerie music that plays when Luke is beating the crap out of Vader. It's so different than what we usually think of when it comes to music in lightsaber fights. It's not fist-pumping like Duel of the Fates, it's lamenting the fact that father and son have come to blows. It really sucks that most soundtracks for the film tend to leave it out.


Oola's nipslip, Luke's Force kick, Yoda warning Luke not to underestimate Palpatine, first use of Force Lightning, Imperial March's softer rendition for Vader's unmasking, Han saying he won't get in the way.


"You have failed your highness, I am a Jedi, like my father before me". Sends shivers down my spine every time, even just remembering the lines gives me goosebumps


Watched the 40th anniversary in theaters and every time Luke activated his lightsaber a guy in the audience activated his and the whole theater glowed green. Normally stuff like this would urk me, but honestly it was pretty lit.


Hearing that John Williams' son is the lead singer of Toto blew my mind...


My forever favorite funny moment in this film, is Han tapping that one Scout Trooper on the shoulder and speed walking away. Its just… its so funny to me. Its shot from a pretty flat angle, which makes the speed walk across frame just look really funny, the simplicity of the ploy is hilarious. The look on Han’s face while he does it is hilarious. The way the Scout Trooper shouts “Hey!” as if he just realized someone put a kick me sign on his back, and he isn’t charging after what is, in his view, a dangerous terrorist General. And then to top it off having Rex be retconned to be the old man improves it even further for me. It’s just a perfect little simple beat that I don’t even know is *supposed* to be as funny as it is to me, but it is, and I love it.


Three other things worth mentioning are moments enhanced/recontextualized by the Obi-Wan Kenobi series: 1. Obi-Wan's lie feels more understandable/less of a jerk move now that we know that Anakin/Vader gave that idea, not Obi-Wan. 2. Luke telling Vader on Endor that his father is dead. For Anakin/Vader, hearing a similar phrase from Obi-Wan is one thing, but to hear it from his own son must have hurt more. 3. Leia's Endor outfit and holster could now be interpreted as a way for Leia to pay homage to her adventure in the series that helped to set her on the path to Rebel leader. Plus, honoring Tala of course!


Getting to finally see this film in a theater full of people, with a big screen and surround sound was an emotional experience.


It's so weird for me to think that once upon a time, Return of the Jedi was considered "the worst one". Partaking in that recent 40th anniversary limited big-screen showing, yeah I could see some of the seams in the film or things that are weak, rushed or not well thought out like the revelation of Luke's sister, a repeat of blowing up a Death Star, and Ewoks. But gosh darn it there is just so much damn freaking good about ROTJ like the special effects, the debut of the green lightsaber, Jabba, Palpatine, the whole space portion of the Battle of Endor, and the emotional conflict between Luke and Vader.


I'm tickled by the thought of Alex endlessly re-watching A New Hope as a kid thinking "this is great! Wouldn't it be cool if there was another one?!"


I glad you mentioned Luke and Wedge hugging it was always my favourite bit of the ending.


I actually like the Jabba arc. I think it was a good break to have an enemy for the rebel heroes besides the Empire.


I saw ROTJ in theaters a few weeks ago. I loved how many people, particularly kids, were in the audience. When Leia as Boushh drags out Chewie in chains a small child yelled "NO! CHEWIE!" in such a distressed voice. It really made me appreciate the passing onto the next generation of Star Wars fandom.


I love how Yoda pretty much has the most realistic death of any Star Wars character.
I Love how this film was not afraid to show Luke's elder's having morally gray character flaws.
I love how this film was an action movie where the hero decides the solution is to stop taking action.


This is probably one of my favorite videos you've ever done, Alex. As someone who grew up with Star Wars, but didn't actually fall in love with it/watch it until being dragged to the Force Awakens by my ex, I can remember exactly how I felt watching this for the first time (cuz it wasn't that long ago lol). But you summed up all the great moments so perfectly, and it's heartwarming ❤❤❤
