APP2APP Virtual Lectures - Primary Progressive Aphasia - Diagnosis & Bedside Testing

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Lecturer: Sharon Best, PA-C,

Sharon is Founder and Chair of APP2APP Virtual Lectures. In this lecture she will teach you how to recognize the root criteria required to make a diagnosis of Primary Progressive Aphasia. You will also learn to recognize the criteria required to make a diagnosis for each of the different variants, ie: Semantic (svPPA), Logopenic (lvPPA) and Non-Fluent/Agrammatic (nfPPA). Focus will be placed on bedside testing, MR Imaging and FDG PET interpretation through case studies.

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#Language problems
#Logopenic Primary Progressive Aphasia
#problems with words
#Can't find words
#problems speaking
#problems reading
#can't recognize words
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As someone who has PPA, I think the criteria postulated for the three types could be far too rigid especially when diagnosing someone like me who appears to have symptoms of each variant plus an MRI scan indicating PCA.

My latest diagnosis was done at FRONTIERS Brain and Mind Centre at Sydney Uni in Nov 2023. I was first diagnosed with PPA IN 2017.

To be fair to the neurologists there, they did not know what to make of it. In their detailed report they indicated examples of all three variants. What is more, I have been able to reverse many of my initial symptoms by following Dr Dale Bredesen's protocol. My latest neurological test score was 88/100. My initial score was 34/100. I am 80 yrs old with a PhD in Linguistics.

The wonderful news is that there are others like me who have reversed the worst of their symptoms. So I think being too rigid is not at all helpful, especially when neuroplacicity is taken into account.
