Growing ZUCCHINI Intensively At Home for Maximum Yield and Plant Health | Step-by-Step Guide

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Is it too early to start thinking about zucchini bread baked from home-grown squash? Never. It's never too early.

Luckily, summer squash are not only a versatile ingredient in the kitchen, they're a beautiful and prolific addition to your vegetable garden too.

In this video, we'll cover practical strategies for growing a bumper crop of summer squash. You’ll learn the how and why of selecting an incredible variety, growing your own seedlings, planting seeds, caring for your starts, preparing the perfect planting site, keeping your squash plants healthy, harvest strategies, how to deal with zucchini problems and pests, and much more!

Join us as we grow one of everyone's favorite garden staples: the amazing summer squash!

These products* are my favorite for our home garden:

00:00 Intro
00:43 Seeds and Planting
07:55 Seedling Care
10:20 Soil Prep & Transplant
19:47 Plant Health & Care
28:36 Succession Cropping & Common Problems





*As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

#gardening #homesteading #growyourownveggies
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I have a chicken that loves being held and loved on too...I'm not sure I'll ever have one like her again. She's 11 years old❤


Whenever I need a quick, educated and concise answer to a plant dilemma, I pop on YouTube and search through your channels for tips. Every time my girlfriend hears your voice coming from my laptop, she asks, "So what's your gardening guru have to say today?" She's not wrong.


For those like me who battle vine borers, the patty pan are more resistant to those.


I’ve always direct seeded but we had so many pests last year…this year I started them inside so they have a fighting chance. Hoping for a better experience this year.


I finally wrote down the recipe I use for zucchini brownies


You said "happy gardening, y'all". I'm zone 8a in Texas. I'm so hopefully this works here as well.


I’ve only ever grow Dark Star from a local seed company and these seem to perfect for my area because each one will produce for 5-6 months (slowing down in Nov and finally giving up usually because of powdery mildew in December) and our night time temps stay between 45-55 all summer. Just wish I loved the vegetable.😂


He didn't seem to think that trimming unnecessary leaves beneficial for diseases but I have found that good air circulation is great for powdery mildew. Also, I wish a lot more had been said about the squash vine borers. Year after year I've tried every technique that the gardeners on YT have suggested such as tougher varieties, removing the bottom leaves and tying up the squash plant, various organic pest sprays, covering the stems, etc etc, etc. Nothing has stopped the squash vine borers. I had the most beautiful squash (3 varieties), that I watered and fertilized, tied up the vining ones, using DE, etc. All efforts were pointless. The only thing left is to cover with a pest cloth at the as soon as they are planted and each day uncover them to fertilize the female flowers. Oh my, not having fun. 😢


Once the seed pops, I get them in the ground in after 10 days. This makes for great transplanting. Main point being its totally fine to be a few days later with summer squash.


Love the info here! We went with Center Cut squash from Row 7 seeds this year. Had one plant last year and it was highly productive. We did 5 plants this year on a chicken wire trellis. Wish I could post a pic here. Already have a dozen squash ready and looking forward to a whole lot more. The flavor is unlike any other squash. Would highly recommend!


I have tiny ones, I also seed a few extra they growing well so I will have not them at the same time, I live in Italy we eat the flowers, I clean the enter I gently add mozzarella, anchovy and basil, I close the flower I batter them and fry them, they are delicious. My my fav is eggplant.


Thank you. This was really informative. My mother in law always said the small zucchini’s were the best. And she was right! So delicious.


I'm really impressed with the detailed, step by step, nature of this video. So much information here! I'm not happy that some of the suggestions are for hybrids, but hybrids are not evil either. If a hybrid makes it so that you have production, it can make your garden experience worthwhile. Thank you for the video!


Great video. Long term organic gardener here. One tip: if you’re planting when you’re not sure if it’s gonna be warm enough: start inside and USE A SOIL BLOCKER. I picked up a cheap Fiskers one at my local hardware store on clearance for under $10.


Thanks for turning us on to Dunja and The Green Machine. Just ordered them. Although it's late in the season, I live in southern California and I still have plenty of time for growing and harvesting them. The heat is my biggest concern, then there are the insects (white flies and spider mites are the worst)! I love summer squash and look forward to trying new recipes. Thanks again!


Loved your zucchini passion ! Makes me want to grow more . 🙏🤩great video! Thank
You for the tips !


How Adorable is Arthur? When you took your hand off her and held it up, she looked back and was like, “Hey, get that hand back rubbing me!” I laughed out loud! I know that move because I have an English Bulldog, named Pook, who does the exact same thing! 😂. My job is to rub, caress and pet her. She will give you the stank eye, if you try to stop once started. 🤣🤣🤣🤪. Great video! 💜


I've only really gotten a proper vegetable garden going for the first time last year, and grew costata romanesco, an heirloom italian variety that was quite good. It's supposed to be less prolific than other varieties, but we still got more than we needed off of 3 quite large plants, with no need to succession sow.
This year I'm trying out another italian heirloom, rugosa fruilana, after looking through a bunch of options and reviews. Excited to see if they live up to their reputation, as lots of people raved about the flavour!


Planting Blue Hubbard Squash for a trap crop helps.


Thank you for mentioning the bumble bee. Also for those gardeners in the USA (and also as far north as Ontario and Quebec you may have squash bees to pollinate. Honey bees are not capable of pollinating most squash species.
