Reality Check - What Are We Hiding? Character Creation Psychology! (Part.1) - Reality Check

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Cam explores the psychology of why we make the characters that we do, and what these decisions reveal about ourselves.

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I always try to create myself as close as possible. I even took pictures of myself from different angles to get the face as perfect as I could. To me that's the only way to really feel apart of the game. If Dragon Age Inquisition didn't have a character creation option, I probably wouldn't even play it.


I usually make my characters extremely good looking, so they resemble me.


I usually try and make an attractive badass woman with a thicker curvy body and big muscles. That's the exact opposite of me who is really skinny and has no muscles what so ever. I'd say the only similarities I usually keep is my super long hair which goes down to my waist but I normally make it a different colour since brown is kind of boring on my she-hulk character.

This episode was really cool and I can't wait to see part 2 of this topic. 


I play female characters because they are thinner and smaller so present a smaller target. When the dmg models are the same I still use the female character because they are more beautiful to look at. 


You're the only reason I'm still subscribed to Gamespot. I like the videos you make.


While the way I make my character depends from game to game, I could never make him a woman ... Don't know why... I know a lot of guys like to play as women in these type of games, but I just find it weird. What does that say about me?


I always make a character thats a man's man worthy of sitting next to thor and odin at the great hall. since im such a sissy in real life.

Oh did i reveal too much.


I always create sort of weery/oldish type men, white, grey beards, wrinkles, like they've seen a hard life.

Maybe I'm missing something in my life.

*"Daddy! Please don't go!"*     *cries in a corner*


"find a link between you and the character"
My Dark Souls "all sliders to the right" character says hello.


I once tried to make a character look 100% like me, it took me ages and made me depressed lol.


This is by far my favorite series I've ever watched on Gamespot


I aways make a girl, and usually she has the pattern of appearance in almost every game. I noticed that just recently, and it kinda makes sense to me. Short hair, usually blonde or white- haired, with a thin face, serious looks. And green (or puprle) eyes. I've aways wanted to have green eyes. many times (like in Dragon age I) I give her underlining face tatoos, I feel like they really add character to the overall image.
Basically, I give her the traits I like In a girl, or those that I would like to have If I was a girl. What does that say about me?


I made some guy who looks like gandalf... Not because i want to be gandalf. Just because i wanted to see gandalf romance another man.


They're filming in 60fps here and it looks amazing.
I hope that now that youtube supports 60fps more people will start recording more than just gameplay in 60.


Damn, I'm obsessive when it comes to making the ideal character.


Eye Candy. I, love, eye candy, That's all I care when making these characters, Lack of glasses options and the fact that I'm ugly doesn't help on the argument that I should remind myself how I look constantly.


Relating to the last point mentioned I almost always play as a woman when presented the choice. I'm not transgendered nor do I wan't to be but I feel that when games give me the opportunity to walk around in someone elses shoes it should be someone completely different than me. It helps give me a better ability to emphasize because I have assumed other identities and have been another person even one of another gender.


Interesting stuff! Thanks for covering aspects of gaming that most bigger gaming sites either ignore or cover superficially.


I always try to make a character, with just by looking at them, you can read their past on their face, or on their body. You can see all they have been through. Yet, they strive to keep going. To better themselves, to better the world around them. No matter what happens to them, as long as they see the people and life around them, actually happy and full of life, that is good enough for them.


I've played as girls in video games for years, now. And it wasn't until about a couple years ago that I'd realized that it was my outlet for my femininity and realized that I actually should have been a girl... I don't think this is true of all guys who play girls in games, but in my particular case and the cases of many transgender gamers, this is the pattern I've noticed.
