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#jesynelson #jesynelsonboyz

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I cannot believe I have to tell a white woman to embrace being white lmao take a leaf out of Taylor swift or Adele’s book💀congrats on the new single though


Leigh-Anne and a lot of the other black people on their team/friends have been speaking out recently about it and even one of them said how they’ve been trying to educate her for at least the past 2 years…Jesy does not care and will not listen. And here we are.


As a mixer i can tell that part of the fandom has called her out since a while but she ignores us. It wasn't until the last year when the whole fandom call her out and she instead of apologize and educate herself just blocked fans, turn off the ig comments and labeled as "bullying"
I remember all her friends calling mixers (little mix fandom) bullies and that we should let people live their lives without hating
(sorry for my bad english)


people saying that nobody was calling her out on this when she was in little mix… literally no… most people have been calling her out since lm5 for it… it’s been years but people that weren’t fan of little mix didn’t care and now yall want to come up and say she never got called out? the girl doesn’t care she just blocks people and never talk about it

also we don’t know if the other girls in the group never said anything to her ? like of course they wouldn’t do it publicly…


The way she’s darker than Nicki in their new video is just next level


As a white woman trust me we can still tan and LOOK WHITE 😂 I'm pale as shit and medium tan gives me a legitimate summer look that they all talk about without even a hint of changing my race. They have to use either the darkest possible tan or apply so many layers it's 100% a conscious choice to be that dark.


No bc let’s talk how she was blocking fans who were trying to educate her but then in the same breath said she ‘wasn’t aware’


it’s just weird how when she was in little mix it was crickets but now that she’s a solo artist.. everyone has the most to say. like… sis has BEEN looking like that for a good 3 years now


can we just take a moment to appreciate keisha's hair? gorgeous!


I have been a LM fan since X factor, and I literally didn’t know she was a fully white woman. It’s honestly comical how many people want to be black these days. Jesy has a beautiful voice her talent can stand alone just like Adele’s


Speaking as a white lad who knows nothing about "urban culture" it's not for me to say whether JN is "blackfishing" or not, but personally I find white women, especially British white women, who adopt this black aesthetic to be totally cringe.


society is normalizing blackfishing as if it's okay but in reality it's quite sick... people need to embrace the natural skin color and not try to change it. Everyone wants to have some kind of black features or do things of the culture but when it's time to deal with the issues black people deal with then it's not something most want to participate in.


the fact that jesy invalidated leigh-anne’s feelings in saying that she deals with racism better than jesy with the bullying or whatever happened to her will never sit right with me


First and foremost, I’ll ALWAYS respect Jesy Nelson’s bravery for sharing her own struggles with mental health and doing what it takes to better it as well as advocating for others to better their own. However, what I will not applaud is profiting from blatant use of black culture to curate her look and sound by ways of skin darkening, use of culturally black hairstyles, street wear, etc. All the while, ignoring actual fans deeply thought out, detailed AND respectful, messages of how hurtful, ignorant, and damaging this portrayal is, ignoring black issues (with occasional bandwagon activism), including the racism her very own band mate of nearly ten years experienced. It is also worth noting, the photos and other content she has chosen to share publicly over the years of herself with loved ones depicts a glaring lack of diversity (if any) in her personal circle.

That being said, even if she had displayed a true understanding and appreciation for black cultural outside of her own image, it still wouldn’t give grounds to profit off of it but it’s worth taking notice of when a non- PoC artist chooses to go this route.

Jesy Nelson is not the only artist by far who I, along with others, take this issue with and it needs to be addressed.

I wish her luck on this new solo journey but I also wish her to find an understanding of what her privilege allows her to pass off as “cool”, “new”, and “edgy” where as the creators were and are deemed “ghetto”, “uncultured”, and “unsophisticated”, among other things and is that a narrative she wants to contribute to further.

In conclusion, Jesy Nelson though a great advocate for mental health, is very much a white woman who is knowingly participating, benefiting, and profiting off of Blackfishing and cultural appropriation. This is not now, nor ever should be acceptable.


A family friend of Leigh Anne said that they have been trying to educate and give resources to jesy but I guess she didn’t listen to them


i’ve been a little mix stan since wings. i heard someone say they always thought she was trying to look like jade and i can can really see it. i do think it’s rooted in insecurity, but obviously it’s still not okay. i feel like the little mix girls didn’t say anything bc they felt like she was in too much of a fragile state to say something. idk why her pr hasn’t told her to calm down the tan tho.


some of Leigh's entourage talked about it today and it seems the little mix girls tried to talk to her about it, at least leigh. my guess is probably leigh tried to talk to her about it in 2020 for her documentary about racism and colourism (she did confront her boyfriend on camera about his racist past + tried to confront her team, so i guess she tried to do the same with jesy or even in private) + i think the girls have been really concerned with her for a while and tried not to say anything regarding her looks and appearance bc of how it affected her in the past (rightfully so, those comments were horrible! but blackfishing is different)! those are my guesses on what happened backstage regarding her blackfishing and the girls reactions to it


Keisha is literally feeding us and I'm living for it


Leigh-anne tried to educated jesy about blackfishing and how its not appropriate, and she didn't listen, it's gotten worse since she's gone solo but she's been called out for it for years now


She’s kinda a black fisher, and her music video is giving, also I giggled at the streetwear the boys were in her music video, that came from Latino and black culture as well as a white person wearing box braids to top it off, like…😭
