Christiaan de Jong: Bir Dünya Birakin (solo guitar)

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Educational Guitar Series
Children's song project, elke week een nieuw liedje, every week a new song. My intention is to arrange and record childer's songs from all over the world.
Which song should be next? Wat moet het volgende liedje zijn? Let me know in the comments please, Laat het weten in de commentaren sectie hieronder, dank!

"Bir Dünya Birakin " is a popular children's song from Turkey, composed by Salih Ayudogan. I made a simple arrangement with just a wallking / alternating bass under the melody in the tonality of D. This is a fingerstyle arrangement at beginner's level. This arrangement works of course also as a duet, where the student plays the melody and the teacher the bass line and the other way around.

All comments welcome, subscribing as well!

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