Don Frye Smashes Amaury Bitetti at UFC 9 #UFC #MMA

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Don Frye was one of the best fighters in the early UFC days. He is widely considered the first MMA fighter. Don Frye made his UFC debut at UFC 8, knocking out Thomas Ramirez in 8 seconds, then finishing Sam Adkins, and submitting Gary Goodridge to become the UFC 8 tournament champion on February 16, 1996. Don Frye then returned to the UFC at UFC 9 and finished Amaury Bitetti. Don then Returned at UFC 10, finishing Mark Hall, submitting Brian Johnston, but ultimately lost to Mark Coleman in the finals of UFC 10. Don was upset over his loss to Mark Coleman, returning to U-Japan to finish Mark hall and then entering the Ultimate Ultimate 96 tournament, finishing Gary Goodridge, submitting Mark Hall, and submitting Tank Abbott in the finals to become the Ultimate Ultimate 96 tournament champion. Don then left the UFC to become a Pro wrestler but eventually returned to MMA, submitting Eric Valdez, beating Gilbert Yvel, submitting Cyril Abidi, beating Ken Shamrock and then at pride 21 Don Frye faced Yoshihiro Takayama in the manliest fight in MMA history. Don Frye and Takayama punched each other in the face countless times but Ultimately Don Frye finished Yoshihiro Takayama. Don's career never reached the same heights again, suffering many losses after this fight, including Mark Coleman, Gary Goodridge, and others. Don Frye will be remembered as perhaps the greatest MMA fighter in the early UFC's and a UFC hall-of-famer revered for his authentic toughness and the manliness that characterized the best single year in MMA history.

#DonFrye #SeanStrickland #UFC
Рекомендации по теме

He’d get destroyed by todays standards
