TypeScript/React Testing: Components, Hooks, Custom Hooks, Redux and Zustand

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By viewer request we are looking at testing React TypeScript components all the way from render components, through components with state, asynchronous components, custom hooks, Redux and Zustand.
00:00 Introduction
00:47 Project Setup
01:55 Basic component testing
05:06 Multiple element testing
08:22 Event handler testing
11:51 Testing state hooks
14:07 Testing async hooks
17:56 Testing simple custom hooks
19:53 Testing async custom hooks
22:18 Testing Redux components
26:19 Testing Zustand components
29:03 Outroduction
👉 What's my theme? Night Wolf [black]
👉 What's that font? MonoLisa
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#typescript #nobsTS #testing #mockServiceWorker
00:00 Introduction
00:47 Project Setup
01:55 Basic component testing
05:06 Multiple element testing
08:22 Event handler testing
11:51 Testing state hooks
14:07 Testing async hooks
17:56 Testing simple custom hooks
19:53 Testing async custom hooks
22:18 Testing Redux components
26:19 Testing Zustand components
29:03 Outroduction
👉 What's my theme? Night Wolf [black]
👉 What's that font? MonoLisa
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#typescript #nobsTS #testing #mockServiceWorker
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