Emanet 129. Bölüm | Legacy Episode 129

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Emanet dizisinin son bölümünde; Seher Yaman’da bir gariplik olduğunu anlar. Seher, Yaman'ı konuşturabilecek mi?

Emanet 129. Bölüm Özeti:
Seher’in ısrarı, Yaman’ın çözülmesi ve her şeyi anlatması için yeterli olacak mıdır? Seher’le yüzleşmek Yaman için o kadar da kolay değildir.

Halil İbrahim Ceyhan
Sıla Türkoğlu
Berat Yusuf Özkan
Gülderen Güler
Melih Özkaya
Tolga Pancaroğlu
Gülay Özdem
Gözde Gürkan
Hilal Yıldız
Oğuz Yağcı
Osman Aydın
Ömer Gecü
Binnaz Ekren
Zeynep Naz
Derya Ertun
Mehmet Ali Aydın
Özge Ağyar
Volkan Yıldırım
Hayat Olcay

Yönetmenler: Ayhan Özen, Serkan Mut
Senaryo: Başak Yazı Odası
Yapım: Karamel Yapım
Müzik: Minör

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Seher: Do you remember what you told me at the beach? I was a big rock... and became a small stone by crashing, you said. You're crushing too right now... but you're not alone now. I'm right here. Wherever you crash, you hit me first. If your anger... your darkness will fade... don't be afraid to crash. I'll handle it. If needed, I will break down to pieces with you... but not leave you in dark. I can't. I'm right here. Not going anywhere. If you tell me, we can fix it together. But if you don't, we will fade out in that darkness.

Yaman: This is for you.
Seher: I will wait. Until the old you comes back... Whatever it takes, I will wait.

Kiraz: It was my fault that Ibrahim was so sad. If I had listened to you and told him what Kara thought, it would never have been like this, my Commissar.
Ali: Don't be so hard on yourself. Besides, it would have been better if you had told Ibo the truth. But Ibo was going to taste this pain sooner or later. Because love is taking the risk and paying the price. Ibo would pay this price sooner or later. One who thinks about the end cannot be in love.

Firat: Good morning, my Commissar! How are you?
Ali: Sit down. Tell me. What's going on?
Firat: I've got to know someone, my Commissar. Neslihan. She works at the mansion where Seher lives in. But there is nothing between us. Not for now. So I wanted to say I have it, she don't have it. Inside myself...
Ali: So you fell in love.
Firat: Let's not say love, let's say I saw and liked the girl.
Ali: For the first time in this team, someone is experiencing their feelings well.
Firat: I didn't understand, my Commissar.
Ali: Never mind. Has anyone ever been in your life?
Firat: No, my Commissar. That's why I'm inexperienced. When this happens, it's like a fish out of the water...
Kara: My Commissar, We got a report of theft around the mansion of the Kirimli's. I'm leaving.
Ali: Wait. We have other business with you. Firat will go.
Kara: Okay. I'll send you the details by message.

Cenger: Miss Adalet spoke of you very well. Do you have any gardening experience before? Where did you work? I understand. Did you get a training in gardening? How did you learn? We'll let you know later.
This is very difficult, Miss Adalet. So it's okay if he can't speak, but he can't write. How do we get along with him?
You can come and start working tomorrow.

Neslihan: I'm shocked too, auntie. Even if we both put our salary, we cannot pay for that course. I'm so upset. Okay, I won't be sad. I'm hanging up. I arrived.
You again? Are you following me? Like a perverse.
Bora: I live here too. That's why it is very natural for us to meet.
Neslihan: Is that why we have been meeting for two days?
Bora: So we meet because I want to compensate for my mistake. Look I was very rude to you that day. I'm sorry. I was upset about something else.
Neslihan: Normally you say I'm not that much.
Bora: Yes, you're right. You're so right. What I did that day was very rude. But thanks to you, I realized my mistake. I came to apologize. What else can I do? And if you don't get it wrong, there is one more thing. I want to have a coffee with you.
Neslihan: No way. He also says let's drink coffee without shame.
Firat: Neslihan, is there a problem?
Neslihan: No, we're just talking.
Bora: Anyway... Goodbye, Neslihan.
Firat: How is he?
Neslihan: Nobody. An unimportant acquaintance. What are you doing here? Did you come to see Seher?
Firat: No. I came to report a theft.
Neslihan: Did you like the cake?
Firat: I liked it a lot. Thank you.
Neslihan: Don't mention it. But not me, my aunt did it.
Firat: Then thanks to your aunt. I liked it. You can bring another one again.
Neslihan: See you. Good luck.
Firat: Cake? A colleague of mine was curious about the recipe for the cake. He really like it. I remembered that. I mean the cake.
Neslihan: I do not know the recipe for the cake. Come with me to the mansion. My aunt gives you the recipe right away. And you can have some tea. What do you think?

Seher: I want you to sign this contract. I just don't want to look like a gold digger in people's eyes.

Cenger: Thank you, Neslihan.
Adalet: Your friend will use this baking powder by sifting the flour. Let your friend take all the ingredients out of the cupboard beforehand and rest them outside. The ingredients required to be at room temperature. Whisk the sugar and eggs well, the foam will turn white. You keep it all in your head, right? Or should I write it down?
Firat: I'll keep it all in my head. Do not bother.
Adalet: Okay. I am already writing the details.
Neslihan: I'll make coffee for Mr. Yaman and Seher.
Adalet: Okay, my daughter.

Man: I warned you, bro. That girl is not an easy bite. Yesterday you received a slap in the face and today you were kicked out. The girl doesn't even look at your face. You should give up. I won the bet. It's over.
Bora: It doesn't end until I say it's over. I'm Bora Aktas. I have everything I want.
Man: What do you have in mind?
Bora: Surprise for now. I will prepare such a game for that Cinderella that there will be no choices other than taking shelter in me.

Yaman: The parties have only the management and utilization and disposal rights on their own assets. In the event of the termination of the marriage contract, Seher Kerimoglu will not claim any rights from the assets registered through Yaman Kirimli, including the property acquired after the marriage, and will not even ask for alimony. This contract will be renewed after six months of marriage... After six months the contract will go under statute of limitation... and the parts will no longer have any of the legal obligations stated here.

Seher: I will take my phone and come immediately, honey.

Seher: I didn't know you were here. You didn't sleep. Can we talk now? Will you tell me what's wrong?
Neslihan: Good morning. I thought you would have your coffee together. I made them right away when I saw you come home.
Yaman: Take them away.
Neslihan: But...
Yaman: Take it away!
Seher: Okay, Neslihan... let's get out. Okay.
Enough! If you're angry with me, then take it out on me! Not on some innocent poor girl! You're not going anywhere. You will talk to me. What is it? Did I upset you? Speak up!

Seher: Open the door! Do you hear me? Open up! We will talk! You don't have the right to drive me crazy! We have to talk! What are you doing? Stop the car! You will tell me, you will tell whatever upset you! Open the door! Stop the car! Let's talk! Open the door! Open up! Stop the car! Come on! Stop! Please, let's talk! I beg you! Stop!
Selim, I love you... I miss you every second.
Yaman: This contract will be renewed after six months of marriage... After six months the contract will go under statute of limitation... and the parts will no longer have any of the legal obligations stated here.
Cenger: The woman who took bullets for you, planned all this?

Neslihan: Everything is coming on me. My world collapsed when I learned the money for this course, and I want to be reprimanded from Mr. Yaman as if it was not enough. How much worse can my life get?
Adalet: Neslihan, Mr. Yaman must have been upset about his job. Otherwise, he's not someone who would hurt someone for no reason, you know.
Neslihan: Life breaks my heart, auntie. Life! It is forbidden for me to even dream. They want a lot of money from the design course. I'll never find that money. I will never get rid of this life.
Adalet: I can't stand to see your tear drop, my angel... Do not despair. Maybe we cannot pay that money this year, but you can go to the course next year after we both save all our money.
Neslihan: I do not want to continue my life as a servant that everyone scolds for a year, auntie.
Adalet: Neslihan! Nobody is scolding you. Have a little more patience. I promise you that next year I will enroll you in that course.
Neslihan: I'll not wait. Whatever the cost, I will find that money and sign up for that course.
Adalet: Where do we find that much money, my daughter? Neslihan! Neslihan...

Yaman: Help! Somebody help!

Adalet: Neslihan, my dear...
Neslihan: I will find that money no matter how, auntie. I'll find it. Who is it?
Woman: Hello, Miss Neslihan. You received information from us about the design course, but you did not return afterwards. I called you for that.
Neslihan: Yes. I couldn't decide yet. That's why...
Woman: I understand. If you are indecisive about the price, let me tell you about a new campaign. You will be able to enroll in our course for a very short time at a much more affordable price.
Neslihan: Is it so? Until when is your current campaign valid?
Woman: If you can come today, let's talk face to face, what do you think?
Neslihan: I'll come, of course. Thank you so much. See you.
Auntie, they called from the design course. They made a discount. They would give the course for a very short time at a much lower price. The woman said you need to come right away.
Adalet: How much discount have they made?
Neslihan: I don't know. I will find out it when I go. I guess my dreams come true. Wish me luck, auntie.
Adalet: All the best, my baby.
Neslihan: I should prepare and go right away. After that, I'll go somewhere else. Don't worry. Okay?
Adalet: Okay, my daughter.


Seher: do u still remember what I told u at the beach ? I was a strong rock and I hit so many times and became a pebble stone. And now u are hitting again. This time u r not alone. Look here, I am exact infront of u. From now on it does not matter how many times you hit, first u will touch me.... if ur inside will soften and ur dark furious side will become better then don't be afraid of hitting. I will stand this. If nessecary I will break ans split. But I won't let u stay in the darkness. I can't leave you anymore. I am here. And I won't go anywhere. Maybe if u would talk and tell me, we could solve the problem together. If u stay quite then we will both be in the darkness and get lost...
Seher: I will wait. I will wait til ur old you is back, doesn't matter what happens. I will wait.
Yaman: both sides will only keep the goods they own. If the marriages ends Seher Kerimoglu will not take anything from the goods she became from Yaman Kırımlı or alimony. This marriage contract/ agreement needs to be renew after 6 months. After 6 months...they won't have any connections to each other anymore.
Seher: I will go and pick up my phone real quick my dear.
Seher: I didn't know u were here. U did not sleep? Will we talk finally ? Will u tell me what happened?
Neslihan: good morning, I was thinking u wanna drink ur morning coffee together. When I saw u coming from outside I quickly made some coffee.
Yaman: bring them back.
Neslihan: but ?
Yaman: bring them back!
Seher: it is ok Neslihan, come here. Lets go out. Come on. It is ok.
Seher: it is already enough! If ur anger is against me then let it out on me and not on an innocent girl! You are not going anywhere. U will tell me what's ur problem is. What happened ? Did I do something?? Did I make u angry ?? Dont stay quite.
Seher: open that door. Open I said, u don't hear me ?? Open it, u have to talk! U don't have the right to stay quite and drive me crazy. We need to talk I said. What r u doing ??? Stop the car I said, stop it already! U need to tell me I said...u have to tell me what made u angry. Open this door! Stop the car, let's talk. Open that door I said, u don't hear me ?! I said stop the car, stop it!!! Pls stop! I beg u to stop! I wanna talk. Pls!!
Çenger voice the woman u jumped in front of these bullets planned this all?
F**** u Yaman for driving away and coming back!!!
Yaman: I need help, help!
Woman: excuse me, what kind of relation to do have to Miss Seher ?
Yaman: wi....
Woman: is she ur wife ? Can u will out these papers please ? Get well soon.
Yaman: I am listening.
Nedim: yaman, I did meetings with the bank. They will evaluate the bank account and the cameras. I found a really good studio who will analysis that voice recording. I will deal with that myself. Yaman, are u there ?
Yaman: find out the truth Nedim, the truth. Quickly !
Ikbal: could u find out where Nedim is sending the voice recording to?
Zuhal: no, Nedim isn't here. I find him I would deal with it, but I don't know where he is around. No one knows where he went.
Ikbal: if u can't find Nedim, go into his room and search for everything. This is a good timing.
Zuhal: how can I do this in an open office ? It is over. Eveythjng is over. We are too late.
Ikbal: nothing is over! Doesn't matter what will happen we have to find a way. If they will find out that the voice recording is fake yaman will know that we are in this. And if he knows that no one can save us. We have to deal with this before Nedim finds out something. Go and deal with it.
Zuhal: I told u I did everything. U don't understand me ? I tried to get out some words of his men but it didn't work.
Ikbal: God damn it.
Yaman: how is she?
Doctor: She will get well soon. She has some crushes, but she has to be observed still. My colleagues will bring her to the room then u can see ur wife.
Nurse: get well soon, these r ur wife's. We had to take it off.
Yaman: who r u? Are u poison or a healing? A devil or an angel?
Let's stay in contact on instagram: muenevverbolat


Wow. He switched in a fit of second anger to a loving face. He has the gift of acting.


There is no point of returning back when you hesitated to help her at first instinct. You are not worthy of her .Your ego, selfishness and anger is way greater than your love .Get a professional help Yaman bey .You failed this relationship, big time


Arif Baba please come here quickly and save emanet fandom.😭😭😭😭


Sr. Halil es usted un actor excelente, ha conseguido que no le queramos en absoluto😂😂😂


I admit I stood up for him when everybody blamed him because I could empathize with him, but even if he was furious after reading the premarital contract there is no excuse for his leaving her lying injured in the middle of the street. You can't do it with an injured cat let alone with the person you so deeply love. Unforgivable mistake, Yaman, you broke my heart too.


I am not mad anymore, I am simply sad, because they manage to ruin such a spectacular drama witch spectacular actors. Shame on them.


Mihrilee thanks honey you are saving many international fans from dying out of frustration


I feel so exhausted and defeated!! The man that was bleeding profusely from a bullet wound, drove while nearly passing out, tore his hands trying to pull her chains free, nearly succumbed to gas fumes himself, but nothing was going to keep him from saving her, even if it killed him. That man would have never hesitated or drove away from saving her, no matter what! He himself, told social services his role was protector, its ingrained in him and this was just exhaustingly sad that the beautiful character development of Yaman has been so thoroughly forgotten!! I feel as hurt and betrayed as Seher!! 💔🥺😢


I was shocked that Yaman let her lie on the street first. I couldn't believe it. He had to react immidiatly. 😢👎🏻


Leaving Seher behind even for a second. After the accident is unforgivable. 😔


It seems like Yaman’s main problem with women is mainly with Seher. She is the only woman he doesn’t trust yet he claims loving her. He trusts Ikbal, Zuhal and Ela blindly but with Seher he always doubts her despite her being the only one who took a bullet for him. How is it possible?


When Yaman was in prison, he promised her that you are not going to shed any tear from now on.
What is


The fact that he saw her on the ground and didn’t immediately run to her aid (something that most ppl would do even for their enemy) and drove away, just proves how much distrust and hate he has for her.


He's not remembering Arif baba's promise...I'm very disappointed with Yaman. He should've inquire the documents before blowing off on Seher. Kept it all in secret until find the real culprits behind it. Feeling so sad for Seher 😭😢😢😢 she did her best to know the truth behind his harsh behavior but he doesn't deserve her pure love 😭😢🥺🥺


Mr. Director, as you are not sorry for all of us, to torture us so much with scenes like this, we all just enjoyed and socialized nicely, and now we watch every episode with pain in our hearts. Settle this between Seher and Yaman we deserve to at least enjoy it here if we are all stressed every second because of the Corona virus. Greetings to all my dear friends around the world from spring beautiful Serbia!🇷🇸❤🙏


I was so disppointed when he left her there on the ground in the first place no matter what he shouldn't have, it was so tough to watch


Ella si es una señora sabe cuando y como hablarle y decirle la verdad a, su cara con buenas palabras


What I say to Nazmiye: stop the violence against women, you are responsable, even if you are a woman. How do you pretend that thousands of women who have suffered violence imitate Seher, forgiving their abussive boyfriends and husbands, and after to be killed. This drama is begining to be unaceptable, for human rights 😢. Please, amend what you have done 😤
