How to Answer 'Walk Me Through Your Resume' Question for Job Interview - 3 Part Response

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How to Answer "Walk Me Through Your Resume" Question for Job Interview - 3 Part Response // How to respond to, “Walk me through your resume” interview question? In this video, you’ll learn how to answer this question, if you should make your answer chronological or reverse chronological, and then you’ll see some samples and examples.

Stay to the end of the video to get “Walk me through your resume” example answers for new grads, career changers, and professionals who have more experience.

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Get every job hunt email template you need, as simple as copy and paste. This ebook gets rapid results from everything from reaching out to companies, to following up, to negotiating the offer, and more. Own your copy of "Fill in the Blank Job Hunt: Essential Email Templates for the Job Search" here:

Work earnestly, speak kindly, act sincerely. :)

Рекомендации по теме

Well, I followed ALL of your interview instructions. I just received an offer from Capital One yesterday for a pretty lofty position that I only dreamed about having. Thank you ❤️❤️❤️


I watched all of your videos and took your advice.. I was so over-prepared & impressed them so much, it ended with them saying ‘so are you interested in something higher than the management position you applied for?!’ ..THANK YOU 😊


3x panel interviews Monday… sent individual thank you emails Monday evening.. Tuesday at 3:00 get a TEXT from the SVP saying “this is with can you take a call around 3:00 pm to discuss next steps?”… Verbal offer on the phone.. OFFER IN MY INBOX BY 3:30.

Thank YOU! You will never know how much YOU did through these videos to get me there!

P.S. This offer really IS my dream job!
P.S.S. Heck yea I said yes!


Your videos changed my life!
I always considered myself a poor interviewee and had a history of not being chosen for jobs I was overqualified for. Marketing myself has never been something I have been good at.
I recently began looking for new jobs, and while preparing, I started watching your videos. Your videos were a godsend and highlighted what employers/interviewers sought from potential hires.
I prepared using the tell me about yourself worksheet and the story box worksheet, answering the interview questions you mentioned in your videos, and implementing your interview etiquette tips (formal dressing, researching the company, asking interview questions, etc.).
I had two interviews in one week, was sent offers by both, and could pick between the two. I was able to get into a position in my field (something I have not been able to do before).
Thank you 😊


I GOT THE JOOOOB !! The day has come for me to thank you for all your help!!!! Our fair JOB mother ✨👑


What has also worked for me is putting the ball back in their court by saying, "I'd love to walk you through my resume. Is there anything specific that you would like me to focus on etc?"


Well, I watched your videos for 4 days straight and it took me outta my comfort zone! But yesterday I killed my interview!! I killed it! They told me I could possibly have one more interview to do, as in my sr. Level role they is typically quite a few. This morning I received a verbal offer and just waiting for the digital offer to be sent over by EOD! No more interviews 🎉 required!! Nailed it!! Could not of killed it without your guidance! I appreciate you. ❤


I watched your videos and was able to apply the answers you gave to different questions asked during the interview. Of course the answer ...answered the question they were asking. Went on the interview yesterday morning got a call this morning say I got the job. Thank you for making this interview process easy.


I just had an interview for disney but i onlt had a night to prepare haha so i did my very best even tho it did not happen how i wanted it to lmaoo but i was told im hired. So thank you so much for your videos. They definitely changed how i answered questions


I got the job!!! I used the template to make stories for situational questions and it worked. They said they even opened up a position because they were impressed. Thank you so much 🙏🙏


I have no interviews these days or in the near future. I'm just here to listen to you because I love how you explain complicated and crucial things both entertainingly and simply 😊


Legit have been stressing over an interview for a fintech firm. Watched your videos over the last couple of days and learned a crazy amount. I finished my interview a half hour ago and Based on feedback by asking key interview questions back to them, I think I landed the job. If not I know it’s because there was a better candidate and not because I didn’t sell myself. Preparation is key. Your technique for answering a question and then asking if they want me to dive deeper or asking what other applicants lacked in an interview worked perfectly. They answered honestly and then told me that that didn’t apply to me. It was a great way to test the temperature.


Madeline! You are amazing and a true God send for me! I have watched so many of your videos to help prepare me for my 1st, 2nd and 3rd interviews.  The tips you provided have allowed me to prepare my responses in advance and gave me the confidence I needed to ace my interviews. Your videos: story tool box, tell me about yourself, walk me through your resume and why did you leave your last job, were game changers for me!

Even the recommendations to asking thought provoking questions, answering questions as if I'm already in the position, adding sticky notes to my laptop, preparing a cheat sheet and taking notes, were all helpful tools.

I have been unemployed since May 28th and I have already received an offer with a total compensation package of 18K over and above my previous role. It's all thanks to you I'm so grateful! 😊🙌🏾


Lady! I studied your page and landed my interview today! Heard back within the hour with confirmation
You’re amazing thank you!


I found you and binged on your videos the last 3 days before my final interview with an MBB on Thursday. Monday morning I got the call. Thank You.


I must come here to thank you for your videos. I watched them during my recent interview process and used your technique and I can now say I have gotten the job offer. I am sooo excited to start my new role soon as it's an internal position and but a completely different department from what I'm used to, and my challenge was that I didn't have direct experience for it but I do have the transferable skills for it. I want to change industries so this was a perfect step. I couldn't have done a better job without your coaching and interview techniques! Thank you sooo much again. ☺️☺️☺️☺️


Thank you so much!! I breezed through interviews and got two offers with two amazing companies. One was so impressed they had interviews in three consecutive days and gave me a verbal offer at the end of it. Now it’s all signed and I start in a few weeks!! Your toolbox and ‘about myself’ really were instrumental in my job interviews. Thank you!


i have an interview today so this came at the perfect time!!


I watched so many of your videos ahead of my interviews! I went from being a teacher last month to a whole different career! I really appreciate all of your tips!


I’ve been stumbling with distilling a 30 year career succinctly. This video is excellent…thank you!
