❌ I will never get married again

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As an older man, this makes me very very sad. That it has come to this.


I was so lucky. Married for 30 years, she put up with my problems, I put up with hers. She died in 2019.


$1, 500, 000. That's what my divorce is costing me.
Are you sure you guys want to sign up for that very hi-risk State contract?


If she demands a ring, get her a doorbell camera.


Got married at 21. She was 19. 14 years later, we are still going strong. I believe got the unicorn.


Having a child out of wedlock puts you at an even greater risk of losing your child in a custody dispute


“i won’t Allow the state to govern what happens in my household”

Sums up modern day marriage


Before defending marriage, remember that in the USA, 55% of marriages end in divorce and 82% of the time it is the woman that initiates the divorce. A marriage is just a legal contract that financially incentivizes a woman to end the relationship.


“Never Sign a Contract That Only Benefits One Party Fellas”💊💯


Most people in a failed marriage don't like to talk about what they did or did not do to contribute to the failure of the marriage.


My dad was against marriage. He only married my stepmother after 20 years together. He begged me not to get married. My husband's family believed in marriage, so I went with it. Not being too bothered, I borrowed my dress, anyone could be a bridesmaid if they had a dress. We borrowed the cars and dressed them up with ribbons off the market. My stepmother picked out my headdress when she went shopping. All low key. I always earned more than he did, I was out of work for only 4 years whilst my 2 children were very small, and we supported each other in every way through good and bad times. My one stipulation was he should never disrespect me by being unfaithful to me. If he stopped loving me, he should tell me first. He never did, and we laughed and cried together through good and bad times. My life effectively ended when his did. And I'm still grieving for my best friend.


Clear thinking man. A logical approach. A woman should never be a priority for a man. Marriage is a bad deal for a man.


Married once for 13 years. She left. Been single for over 15 now. Can honestly say I havent been happier or more satisfied.


This really makes me sad. I've been married for over 30 years we've raised our children we have grandchildren and we're growing old together .I love him more now than I ever have and I thank God for him every day. I'm sorry that you can't find somebody you can trust.


As a man, never sign a contract that benefits only the woman.


I like how all the women's advice is just trust, trust her not to destroy you whenever she feel like despite the fact that their emotions change every hour of the day. 80% of divorce is initiated by women and with that she gets half your assets, your house, alimony, your kids and child support because she has your kids. Even if she signs a prenup, it can be easily thrown away by the judge and you still lose everything, so many men have committed suicide because of this but of course women brush it off because they don't bear the burden. If women had everything to lose in divorce, I guarantee they'd never get married much less divorce as much as they do.


I'm not taking relationship advice from a guy telling me that I shouldn't trust my wife. Then again, I took my time and chose carefully

Edit: a lot of you here have never had a healthy relationship and it shows


And also, women change. After 15 years, my ex wife went insanely bitter and is trying to take my kids from me. Divorce is extremely expensive and stressful. I won’t do that again.


Gosh, so sorry for all you folks. My hubby is my best friend. We have aligned life goals are dedicated to our grandchildren. Life long love is a thing.


I’ve been with my wife for ten years, married 6. The more I see videos like this the more I realize I need to always be trying to be a better husband because my wife is the fucking shit.

I don’t ask to go out with the boys. I let her know in case we have plans that I forgot about. She does the same. We don’t go through each other’s phones because we don’t need to. She sets men straight when they get out of line whether or not I’m there. She prefers to be at home than out spending money. She’s never weaponized sex and has on multiple occasions gotten herself out of a bad mood simply to satisfy my sexual need.

Fellas, I got lucky so I have no advice to give aside from once you find a solid match, never settle on the guy you offered to her. Be a better version of yourself as often as you can and never stop trying to impress her…. So long as it’s being reciprocated of course.
