Does Linus still like Plex?

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Love to see a full video comparing the 3 options


Running a TrueNAS Scale server with Plex, easy to add Jellyfin and Emby and link to same libraries while testing while not touching your legacy Plex environment.


I agree with this. Plex needs to step up the game on media library and get better at encoding and decoding. I'm surprised the support list is so small.


One of the biggest reasons I haven’t switched is because of how polished the Plex UI is. I didn’t start my Plex server until the winter of 2020, when they had already adopted this modern, less eye burning appearance. The actual functionality isn’t always what I would like it to be, but the other services look like a home media library. Plex looks like a streaming service that just so happens to be a home media library.


I’ve been using Plex for years and the thing that really started driving me up a wall is when Plex started pushing its own streaming and “discovery” features really hard to the point that they would reset the ui every time the app or the server got updated. I just want to simply see my Movie and TV series library and nothing else. I’ve paid the lifetime pass and they should at least let me keep my server the way it is.


The wierd thing with Plex is that some people get the exact opposite issues of others.
I assume Linus started having issues with downloads when Plex changed from their "Sync" feature to their "Download" feature, but for me that's when downloading actually started to work, downloading with the old system never worked for me on any device and got stuck partially completed forever.


I bought Plex pass and it's been one of the reasons I stay with Plex. I haven't had too many issues on my Google tv, and it's the main use for Plex as I watch a lot of TV/movies with my parents. I originally used jellyfin and it was amazing, but it had issues with the gen 1 firestick that I had (switched to Google tv) so I went Plex and have been on it for a while.


I read that they are pushing these new "features" no one ever asked for because they are kinda trying to "hide" the custom media library functionality. Apparently some people think Plex == piracy and so they have harder times getting sponsors etc.
I also have Plex lifetime pass and I'm also mostly happy with it, but even if I wanted to switch to Jellyfin, I don't want to build my own Tizen client and rebuild it everytime there is a new update.


Jellyfin has a great dev team, barely a month goes by without a new release or client update. I moved from Plex just over a year ago and haven't looked back.


At some point I want to set up a mini-server for media, backups, etc. Maybe when irelands energy issues die down... which apparently could take a decade... man, cloud storage suddenly seems appealing again.


I love Jellyfin and have been using it for nearly a year. Jellyfin has its sticking points but as Linus says, so does Plex. I will deal with all the extra configuration for Jellyfin just to have the peace of mind that my media server isn't calling out to a remote server when I don't want it to


I'm a Jellyfin guy myself. Love it, and bonus points since it does music well enough for me to ditch apps like Spotify (shoutout to the "Finamp" app on Android btw). I have a couple minor gripes with UX stuff but nothing that breaks functionality. I just wish they'd finish the Tizen OS app for it, but the Roku app works for now.


I recently switched from Plex to Jellyfin, I feel like Plex has in recent years been trying to take on more than it needs to. All I want is a good interface to be able to watch my own content with. With the changing of the plex home screen to push recommended content / plex's own content, and some random playback issues, the simplicity of the Jellyfin interface is much appreciated


My problem is that I share my library with friends and family and everyone would have to switch.


One potential issue with progressing to the next episode I think is when you start an episode whilst the NAS is idle, it will not get the runtime quickly enough and just give the episode an arbitrary 120 minutes runtime. When you then skip to the next episode manually it still thinks the episode before is only partially watched and so will also remain in your queue. Since moving from Unraid to TrueNAS Scale I have not seen this once.


I've been using Plex for around 7 years. Started using it because it made watching Anime with fancy subtitle styling on my living room TV really easy since Plex is able to properly render the subtitles and transcode them into the video without issues. Unfortunately there are some quality of life features that Plex doesn't have such as, showing the name of an audio track instead of just it's language and channel layout, which for my case is a problem since I put multiple downmix/nightmode versions of the main audio track in most of my movie files.

The biggest issue I ran into was when I started watching 4K HDR content on my new samsung TV where the best way to do that is by not transcoding. For some reason the subtitles go way out of sync after anything that involves seeking, which is a big no go since I prefer to watch with subtitles when I'm not alone. Luckily Jellyfin doesn't have this issue, but it does take a few minutes for Jellyfin to buffer the subtitles if a movie hasn't been opened before.


I haven't felt the need to switch yet, but I completely agree with the complaints in this video. I downloaded a couple shows to my 13 pro Max before a flight a couple months ago, got on the plane, hit play and none of them would play. They were all "successfully" downloaded, but none worked, so I couldn't watch anything. For me downloading content to watch mobile is an edge case as its literally just for when I'm flying out, so its not enough for me to switch since it does work well for the most part and I like how much more fleshed out it is compared the embryo and jellyfish, they had a lot of catching up today the last time I looked which admittedly is probably over a year ago now. Also last I checked they didn't have clients for all my devices, which was my main issue. I believe a playstation client was missing and I don't think there was an iOS client for one of them at some stage. I do think I will get them setup though just in case my Plex server crashes whilst I am away from home or something so I have a backup. It is clear to all the veteran Plex users though that the focus has completely shifted from being a personal media server application to being a streaming service with the extra functionality of a home media server. Syncing as far as I know has never been reliable at all, even since before they did their big revamp on it.


It feels like the company is either trying to be sold or in need for more VC. All of this new shiny and cool features they added, offer little value to the every day user but look great on your portfolio.


The worst thing about plex is that all the features I would consider "basic" are behind a paywall.
Also the calling home thing, so you can't use it offline. Switched to Jellyfin a year or so ago and haven't looked back.


Surprised I haven't seen anyone mention Plexamp in the comments. It's the best music app I've ever had the pleasure of using. Though, it is best used by purchasing high quality versions of music from places like Bandcamp, so maybe not for most people who like streaming. Oh, and I think it also connects with Tidal.

Between that and the lifetime pass I got for like $90 a few years ago (which I pulled the trigger on b/c of Plexamp), I'm very happy with Plex.
