God Is Working Through Your Unrelenting Circumstances (Here's What He Wants YOU To Do) | Kaci Nicole

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Have you ever felt like life is just one thing after another, and you can't seem to catch a break? If so, it could be that God is allowing the pressure from all those unrelenting circumstances to keep building up in order to bring about one very specific purpose in your life. In today's video we're doing an Exodus 8 Bible study looking at the ten plagues God brings upon Egypt to free the Israelites from slavery and get Pharaoh to let God's people go. Though Pharaoh hardened his heart, God persisted - and this story gives us insight into our own lives and how God often works through unrelenting circumstances. God is working through your unrelenting circumstances...here's what He wants YOU to do. I pray this video encourages you!

#Pharaoh #Exodus8 #ChristianMotivation

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My name is Kaci Nicole and here on my channel, you'll find Bible study and Christian lifestyle videos. My prayer for this space is that you would walk away encouraged in your faith journey, equipped to study God's Word, and inspired to grow continually in the likeness of Jesus.

kaci nicole, God is working through your unrelenting circumstances, exodus 8 bible study, hillsdale college, christian motivation, pharaoh hardened his heart, 10 plagues of Egypt explained

“But when Pharaoh saw that there was a respite, he hardened his heart and would not listen to them, as the Lord had said. ” | Exodus 8:15
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In studying this passage I realized I’ve been trying to do things my own way when it comes to rest…or lack thereof. It’s a very busy season with a lot of exciting things happening - continuing to get settled into our new home, all the birth and baby prep, wrapping up deadlines for some big projects. Rather than submitting to God’s call to rest and accepting my limitations, I’ve been pushing those boundaries. But it only ends up hurting me! I realized God is allowing me to run into “roadblocks” to get me to submit to His way even though it feels counterintuitive. Surrender is what will actually lead to freedom. 🤍 Looking forward to reading your answers and reflections in the comments!


6 years ago my aunt was killed, she was like a mother to me. This event caused me to spiral, it affected my interactions with others, struggles in my marriage, my views on life and ultimately abandoning my faith. I’ve survived but it changed my heart. Two months ago I felt the Lord pulling on my heart, waking me up and since I pursued my faith again, so many things have shifted for me. It’s not always easy and I struggle at times. My husband and I differ on having children, but I am leaving this in God’s hands. I know he’s hard work for my life, I am so very thankful and I trust in Him. It definitely can be very trying and exhausting.


I prayed nearly daily for 8 years for God to deliver me from the state I was living in. I hated it and never had peace in my soul while living there. Finally, when I was just about ready to go back home to my state I grew up in, God moved. It was the longest 8 years of my life.


I’m 23 and have been dealing with chronic fatigue, brain fog, chronic pain, along with mental health issues for a couple years now. I have tried every avenue possible that I thought the Lord would want for me to seek healing. Recently I’ve had a couple months where He’s allowed me not to work. I have an amazing job that He orchestrated for me to start on August 26 but I have yet to see improvements in my health. I’m believing that there’s still time and God didn’t orchestrate this ‘hard to get’ job that takes months to come to fruition with so many moving parts just for me to not be equipped to perform it. I’m believing that things will get better and clinging to Him every day.


this really related to my situation because I'm realizing that God is calling me to be still and know that He is God and lately I just haven't been doing that because I find it hard to just be still. I want to be able do something. Also I think God is calling me to a place of repentance and surrenderance. Thank you for posting is video!


Amen. I believe this message. Lord hear my prayers as a single mother raising two beautiful sons with special needs. Give me strength while I struggle to provide for them.


I'm so grateful God put this on your mind to share. Something happened to me last week which was horrible. I prayed about the situation and told God I wanted to get a new job. He told me to "Be still". The situation hasn't improved so everything in me tells me to "do something!" but I know the right thing to do is be obedient during this time. Thank you for sharing this content with us.


Thank you Kaci. Just read your newsletter yesterday and it was so encouraging. Definitely praying for you and baby girl.

Thanks for this video. I feel like God might be calling me to take a life altering directing step in the next season of my life. He has guided me through one already but ive been holding on tightly to the answered prayer and its demotivating me more than building me up. What comforts me is knowing that its all part of His bigger plan, even if I can't see it now. Today, I repented for having selfish desires, and I cried and felt an emotional surrender to God to take the wheel.

Please be praying for me, that I'll trust Him, especially when its scary and doesn't make sense.


Woooow!!!! This is

I think even though grief God is still showing himself that you have to let go and step out on the unknown.


I’m trying to surrender my daughter as she’s having a devastating time nothing is working out and I’m desperate watching her pain. She’s only 21 and it seems unending. 😢 it’s hard to trust God when the circumstances keep getting worse


There is no way for us without Jesus❤️❤️


This is a very interesting question, how many times with harden hearts is it our will or God doing it?
I believe it says God hardened Pharohs heart.
This is a weighty issue I know I asked a pastor at my church and this is his reply- will. A verse that comes to mind is Hebrews 12:15 See to it that no one fails to obtain the grace of God; that no “root of bitterness” springs up and causes trouble, and by it many become defiled;

I think that we are supposed to do all that we can to have a soft heart and not allow any bitterness to creep in. An encouraging verse for the believer and a sobering verse for the unbeliever is 2 Peter 2:9 then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials, [a] and to keep the unrighteous under punishment until the day of judgment

I just wanted to share that ❤!! Keep up the great work!


I've never thought about the story of Moses as a connecting to trusting God in challenging times, may God bless you and thanks for sharing 💛


God doesn’t cause negative circumstances


Throughout my life lately, God has been redirecting me, using specific things in my life to turn me back to His will instead of my own. I’m realizing that some things God tells us aren’t final, but a piece of a bigger puzzle that we don’t always see or understand. So, I’m surrendering today and God willing, I’ll do the same tomorrow because God is showing me that His will as well as His perfect timing is what’s best for me and really, what’s best for all of us. I hope this encouraged someone to trust God and His plans today! 🩷🩷 Also, thank you Mrs. Kaci 💗💗💗


Good word there sister, the Lord be with you.


Subscribed. I like the way you explain things. I was linked to you from a dear friend.


My wife is divorcing me at 2:00 today. I've prayed that she will not have asked her and begged her not to. We've gotten counseling from our pastor. I'm also dealing with health issues. It's funny this is the video that you uploaded for today.


Thank you for continuing to stand with me for my breakthrough and still not getting too annoyed. I know God is working it all out, and I am eager to see it all.


Wonderful video❤ thank you. I think God is teaching me to be more dependent upon him, I'm single so I do everything myself but God is allowing me to experience Him in a new and different way❤. So thankful thankful
