Yahweh se manifestă - Oasis Ministry | Cover by El Shaddai

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Cântecul acesta este un strigăt. E strigătul nostru disperat către Tine, Dumnezeule, iar cuvintele noastre nu sunt destule și nici nu pot să ne cuprindă nevoia de Tine. Nu avem nevoie doar de un Vindecător, de un Salvator, sau de un Protector. Avem nevoie de mult mai mult: avem nevoie de tot ceea ce ești Tu. Avem nevoie de Tine, Yahweh!

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Soliști: Andreea Gangoș, Cristina Suplăcan, Emanuel Farcău
Recording, Mix & Master: Dodo Danciu
Producție video: Antonio Vinter, Marcus Ardelean, Joshua Ghiurău
Compozitor: Oasis Ministry
Traducere și adaptare: El Shaddai


Se simte
Gloria-Ți în acest loc,
Cum ne umpli de-al Tău foc,
Puterea Ta se-arată în noi

Yahweh, Rafa,
Elohim, Shaddai,
Iireh, Adonai,
Se manifestă-acum

Când Îl cauți, El se va lăsa găsit,
Când Îl chemi, El se va manifesta,
Când Îl lauzi, El coboară printre noi

Yahweh, puterea Sa vedem
Iireh, ne-a răscumpărat
Rafa, prin El sunt vindecat,
El ne-a eliberat



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Рекомендации по теме

My husband and I were witches, we practiced exorcism in the name of the devil, addicted to clubs, cigarettes and alcohol. I grew up in a Christian family, but the devil darkened my mind. One night in the club the Holly Spirit asked me "What are you doing here?" and I accepted his voice. We returned to God but we fought for a long time with the evil spirits of witchcraft that did not want to leave us. Today we are baptized and married in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and my husband is studying theology.


I was about to die from an overdose in my apartment in Miami all alone after so many different drugs…I went to grab my phone and I couldn’t even see what I pressed and out of no where YouTube started and this song played. My heart was beating out of my chest and then the room turned white and I felt at peace. My heart slowed down and I survived. Jesus Christ is real people. He saved my life.


I was a drug addict, homeless, sex trafficked, abused & broken. Today im 4yrs & 4mos sober. Im free, sober and full of joy because of Jesus!! His Goodness surrounds me. ❤ Looking back i can see how & where He was all along the way. Today my 19yr old son is giving his life to Christ and getting baptized. The Lord is Faithful!! 😭🙌


Ex Muslim here. Thank you Jesus for showing me true love ❤️


Ex Muslim here found by good Lord Jesus, love you father❤


This is proof that you don’t need to speak the language to feel the power and presence of God!


I had 2 holes in my heart when I was born and the doctor told my parents that they couldn't take me anywhere or I would get sick but they didn't listen to him and still took me to church safely and I was healed with no surgery or anything needed now I'm 14 years old and worship and praise God every day❤


I was a voodooist. I asked the spirits is Jesus real. They told me that is the only God that puts fear in them. I turned away from idolatry and became a believer in Christ. I got baptized and accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Thank you Jesus.


Yahweh ( I AM)
Rafa (The GOD who heals)
Elohim ( The Mighty Creator)
Shaddai (The Almighty)
Jireh (The Lord whom provides)
Adonai ( The Supreme Lord)


I am part Moroccan.
Grew Up with the Islamic Doctrine.
Last Year i had an encounter with Jesus in My Dream and since than i chose to become a Christian and Follow Christ.
I face Persecution but the Lord blessed me and Allowed me with an Godly Husband.
I don't regret my Choice.
I grow closer to him Every Single day.❤


I’ve been raped, shot by the police when I called them for help, lost my daughters to custody of my ex who isn’t a believer and been through so much more in my life… yet when I was shot twice to the chest, Abba protected me and gave me a second chance at life. I just stumbled across this song today and couldn’t stop playing it… then went to share with a friend and found the meaning of the words. I have nerve damage to my right shoulder, arm n hand from being shot but have been believing for healing. Please pray with me that my story and healing become a testimony of God’s great love, goodness and healing. Today, I am working again, seeing my daughters more and back in College for Nursing to help give back to those who are also hurting a broken. I really needed a breath of healing n restoration today and this song was that touch that I needed. Thank you for sharing it and everyone whose comment’s have shown how powerful Abba and Christ, who is Love truly is! I cried and felt the presence in this deeply… Thank you


I lost my mom when I was nine now I am 12 and I am so happy I have known Jesus through my tough time. Amen lord🙏


I treated my wife so bad and cheated. Today when I woke up my wife was playing this song and it broke my heart knowing how much I love Christ and my marriage. I took a step of moving away from evil and love my wife the way Christ loved His church. This song changed me so much.


Inthe Name JESUS CHRISH I Pray, Praise GOD Halleluya Halleluya Halleluya, Ameeen🙏❤


Whoever reading this, I pray that God visit your home with healing, blessings and miracles. Amen


I was born in a muslim family, my hart was broken I was broken.I was so suicidal, but he found me and heals my wounds and my hart heals .He gave me new life new❤Thank you to the great healer.


30 years of alcoholism 20 year Heroin addict.. and I've never felt as high as when I lißten to this song ..the spirit fills me and I just cry with joy..9 months sober only by the Grace and Mercy of God


I am from India 🇮🇳 I can't understand it but I feel this Holy Spirit very much... and it's really amazing... God bless you all of you ✝️😇😓


تمام جلال ہمارے خداوند یسوع مسیح کا ہو ۔ آمین


I was a teenage mom, lonely, depressed, suicidal, battling fear, anxiety, rejection, and abandonment. Jesus sent my ex-boyfriend to minister to me for over 6 months until I surrendered to Jesus. I'm now born again and live in victory. May Elohim be praised!
