Top 10 Superpowers You Didn't Know Dazzler Had

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Top 10 Superpowers You Didn't Know Dazzler Had

Dazzler was a character who originally was born out of a deal between Casablanca Records. She was one of the last glimmers in the dying disco era. But as Casablanca fell away, Dazzler stayed, with Marvel deciding to keep her journey going in the comics. She is one of those characters who isn’t as well known and whom writers seem to have difficulty pinning down, leaving her to be underrated. Today we’re going to examine some of the reasons why Alison Blaire, aka Dazzler deserves your respect as we count down the Top 10 Superpowers You Didn't Know Dazzler Had.

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Dazzler: one of the under-rated mutants ever.


As a young girl, she was the reason I got into comics. Will always love her; and wait for more to come.


There are so many mutants who don't get enough recognition, Dazzler is extremely powerful but underutilized.


Her cameo in Dark Phoenix was awesome but could and should have been longer. I really hope we see more mutants like her in the MCU <3


I faintly remember reading somewhere that she has potential to become Omega level? I know she was able to withstand and absorb a sound blast from Black Bolt and defeated him.


The Dazzler cameo in Dark Phoenix was one of the bright spots in the film, and made me wish we could have explored that world a little bit more. I feel like they tired to shove too much in that movie...


Dazzler can take on Blackbolt by herself, so she is potentially one of the most OP people in the comics


Dazzler is really underrated but a great character who had a great desire to become singer but is willing to leave the dream behind to stand up for mutantkind.


Converting sound to light would actually be very effective in any confrontation. You can’t fight if you can’t see. If the light she produces is bright enough, she could even damage opponents eyes.


Love this video. The ability to absorb sound would be totally useful in a stealth mission.


I literally just asked for this video yesterday. I'm a huge dazzler fan and think she is severely underrated.


Dazzler has some really cool powers, and she's such a hot babe.


You missed a chance to high light just how strong her power to absorb sound really is. She too the full force of black bolts voice as he scream at her. She took it all!


That first one is like what Jean Grey did when she used all the psychic energy around her to produce a telekinetic blast. We need more Dazzler!! ✨


I would show up for a Dazzler/Longshot movie in the MCU.


I totally agree!
I would always play as her in the X-Men arcade game.
It’d be really awesome to see her powers fleshed out with a more concentrated direction within her character arc.

Kind of like, Shadow Cat. She became a beast as the comics went on. It’d be cool see Dazzler get the same treatment.


Her and Jubilee are the most interesting, fun and amazing mutants, and I believe they have a pretty powerful powers and colorful! Sad that a lot of people in the fandom thinks they’re the weakest mutants :(



dazzler is definitely an underrated mutant as depending on the writing and how they power her abilities, i can potentially see her in omega form. imagine her able to strip sound from an entire world. it would be as if everyone on the planet became deaf; so knowing well when we aren't able to hear, it will mess with our equilibrium in our mind and more than likely to scream to attempt to hear any sound, which will only power dazzler more.

any sound absorbed/created will power her indefinitely which she can either blind foes permanently or alter perception of; from her ability to manipulate mood. and in her omega form, she could just be the best in covert ops; as she can make her team be attacking at close quarters but their enemies won't know what hit them. plus, the likelihood of her able to easily absorb worlds of sound, she could potential move/teleport between galaxies/dimension on her own/or with her team? plus with her dazzling persona as an entertainer, i imagine her team of covert wouldn't need to be stealthy or inconspicuous in movement or attire, as she is a master of light bending/sound absorb, the chance of influencing not only the sense of hearing but seeing nothing as she can camouflage herself/her team from plain sight. with her mood altercation powers, she can temper with emotions easily so why not hypnotic powers? able to influence people to fall for her or make foes fight for her side, turning enemies into temporary allies at the heat of battle is a terrifying power indeed. hard to imagine, but she have been able to release sound from absorbing too, so it is not far fetch to think she can create energy barrier or make powerful blows from punches/kicks from either sound/light manipulation. also having trained with the X-Men, it is a given to be resistant to powerful physic probes, and being able to wield light sabers, it is hard not to imagine her able to conjure weapons of her choice to fight? imagine throwing light shurikens? she may be able to be a flawless ninja!

so yea, i love her character the first time i saw her in the comics.


I like dazzler. I was introduced to her from the arcade game. She’s awesome. I prefer the underrated mutants. They also deserve some limelight


Dazzler low key would be OP if you think about how deep you can go into control light
