“I Prayed that God Would Kill Me” | Heidi Barr

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We invite you to join us for Conversations with Jewish Believers In Jesus hosted by Jeff Morgan. In this episode, Jeff talks with Heidi Barr about her near death experience and how it led her to discover Jesus as Messiah.

Heidi Barr grew up in an Orthodox Jewish community in a small town in the Midwest. She was the first bat-mitzvah in her Orthodox synagogue after the rabbi received special permission from a Beit Din in NYC. At the age of sixteen, she died in a horseback riding accident and unexpectedly encountered Jesus. A year after her NDE, Heidi moved to Israel where she lived for a year in the Jezreel Valley. She returned to the States and graduated from university with a major in Creative Writing and a minor in Jewish Studies. She went on to get a degree in Nursing. Heidi worked as a nurse for thirty years, first in Coronary Care and Intensive Care, and then as a hospice nurse. Heidi and her husband have three children and two grandchildren.
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Beautiful testimony
Jesus is the alpha and omega
Love ❤️ Jesus


It was amazing listening to this testimony!!!! Thank you for sharing God’s love for all of humanity!


My injured marine hubby was awakened at 2am by a warm glowing light that manifested into Jesus ✨✨✨He had prayed for healing in his injured back. Jesus appeared to him THREE NIGHTS IN A ROW, and my husband was completely healed!!!!


Brothers and sisters.
Please pray for me. For more then 10 years I have been struggling with debilitating sickness that's made my life unberable. Jesus is my Healer. Thank you all 🙏🏻


Please pray for my brother Jeff. He has an umbilical hernia and is in so much pain. Pray the Lord Jesus heal him please.
Update: after dealing with this for 5 years they finally approved him for surgery. He is going in for outpatient surgery tomorrow 11-12-24. PRAISE GOD! THANKS FOR ALL YOUR PRAYERS.


AM FROM INDIA 🇮🇳 My mother died in 2019 start... My Father is married an another women he not care about me & my brother...But I had a serious relationship with Jesus since 2018.So he gave better education to me (B. Tech Electronics & Communication)I got the no:1 engg college even through I'm average in mathematics .He gave my childhood ambition to me even though my mother died.I got several scholarships to pay the fees.I never begged to anyone for food & money .Noew I'm working in AN MNC (Qualcomm ) in Bangalore 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳.With a huge salary with my younger brother .. JESUS CHRIST THE WORD of Yahweh... He is the real living God.We must devote everything to him .He will not abandon us


For 21 years now I have lived with severe physical pain and pray everyday for Jesus to PLEASE take me Home. This beautiful story gave me hope and now I know that Jesus is here with me thru all the agony. It’s unbearable honestly. Thank you for sharing. I loved your experience so so much. ✝️🙏🏽❤️🔥


This is my favorite interview! Thank you!


I burst out in tears when she described sitting in God's lap. At one of the hardest and loneliest times in my life, I prayed that God would give me a hug. I attended a new church that Sunday, and out of nowhere the preacher told everyone to stand up and hug their neighbors. I knew instantly God was giving me the hug I needed; actually several hugs. God is awesome.


I wanted to come on here to tell everyone this story by Heidi Barr is 100 percent true, I know because I was about the same age when I met Jesus, and when she said He was funny I knew her story was true🙏Jesus had me in stitches I was laughing so much, people that think Jesus is strict and dry are in for a shock He loves us and loves to make us laugh👍


I’m a nurse of over 30 years. I was a hospice nurse too among many disciples within nursing. I have seen patients that have never known Jesus. We must tell people about Jesus.


I am a Gentile follower of Jesus from a Protestant background.
But I feel deep respect towards all the Gentile Christian traditions that go back to ancient times - the Roman Catholic, the Greek Orthodox, the different Coptic traditions, because, to my thinking, each of them have within itself a unique treasure of the knowlege of Jesus, special spiritual riches.

I love how Heidi Barr says at one point that Jesus is the most human of all human beings.
I have often thought that, when Jesus walked the earth, also in his suffering and dying moments, (- before His resurrection, ) in those instances when people felt truly attracted to Jesus, it was his humanity that drew them: they did not look at Jesus and think: this is no ordinary man - he must be a super-man, or a god-man....
No: I think they observed him and thought: now *this* is a *real* human being !! Perhaps the very first real human being I have ever come across in my entire life !!
And I think that the one feature of his humanity that struck them most powerfully, was his freedom - true freedom - the freedom to do the *good* thing for every soul he came across on his road, passionately, fervently, every time, without fail ! ❤

As a Gentile, I yearn and pray for that time when the Jewish People, Jacob's Children, will recognize and embrace their Jesus as God's true Messiah for themselves, and so also afresh, for the whole of the human family. (nations)
How blessed the whole earth shall be then !!
Through them, the God of Jacob will bring to the true knowlege of Heaven, the whole of our tired old world ( - in a single day I think !!)


Please pray for all the lost that they too will discover the love of Jesus.


My little girl died in my womb two years ago. I am raising her twin sister on earth with her big brother. I cannot wait to meet her, she is runing through that meadow full of flowers with Jesus, we will see each other one day!


This is amazing. I died at 11 she distributed the green meadow perfectly the flowers leaving your body I to didn't want to return they told me I had to come back.. I'm now 67 but the memory never leaves you..God bless you all


This was a great testimony. Thanyou for sharing it.❤
When I was just 5 years old (1966) a stranger walking past my house stopped and talked to me about Jesus. I accepted Jesus that day.
Before he left he said " Now you know God will hear you when you pray." I responded by saying "Does that mean that I can hear Him too?" He pointed to my chest and said "He's a still small voice inside. If you listen real close you can hear Him."
When he left I prayed and asked God questions and listened for his answers. The only one that I remember is that I asked Him who I would marry some day.
I very clearly heard the name 'Angie.' I didn't know anyone by this name and a child's memory fades quickly.
At 30 years of age, 2 weeks after I got engaged, I sat still for a bit and thought about how my life had changed so much in just a years time.
Only then, 25 years later did I remember the name that I heard as a little boy.
Angie and I have been happily married now for almost 32 years.
She is 7 years younger and wasn't even born when I was 5.
Her name was supposed to be Kelly but just after she was born and the doctor handed her to her mother, her mother upon seeing her said "What an Angel!" Her name then became Angela.
God is good !
God is real !
God loves us !


Last night at 1 a.m. my kitty cat who never goes outside escaped through the garage and all I could do was look and pray and look and pray I was exhausted and finally laid my head down and I heard her purring! She had come back in through that doggie door. God answered my prayer


When I talked with my dead mom in a “dream”, every blade of grass was singing praises to the Lord! I was amazed at the grass! Not all singing the same tune either, separate and very deliberate. There were waterfalls, flowers nothing dead or dying all were singing praises to God the Father. Thank you for your testimony. God is so good!


Yes yes this is true. After our 16 yr old daughter died of braincancer, Father God let me see Heaven and i sat on His lap with my daughter on my lap. Its true


I accepted Jesus thirty three years ago. Not Jewish, just thrilled to be grafted in. So encouraging to hear people’s testimonies.
