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Hypothesis: 'We do live in a simulated reality, Elon, a prison planet (at worst) or a distracting illusion (at best). This simulated reality is controlled by stellar wardens or cosmic ranchers that, though divine perhaps, are ultimately deficient overseers of a deficient universe. And, in some cases, they feed upon our souls (or divine sparks, as some Gnostics named it) to fuel the cosmos itself. These stellar wardens — in some narrative no more than ignorant, rebellious angels — were typically called archons (Greek for “rulers”) in Gnostic texts; their leader was sometimes known as the Demiurge (“Greek” for “public worker” and often associated with the Old Testament deity).'

Film footage June 23 ... Ephesians 5:11 ..And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.

Music: Republic by Ninja Tracks
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👀1:49 crowding. That you dear Joseph.
ML <3.
