EAW (US Career) 352nd FG - Mission 1 Pt. 1/2

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Well.....I lost a few files and broke my copy of European Air War. So I spent the last 2 days re-installing it and modding the crap out of it. EAW is normally 226MB, with all these mods it is now 2.58GB. Hopefully you all will enjoy!

Also I will stream on twitch for an ENTIRE mission with a different career mode soon, once I have 4 hours to kill or something.

I am still hoping that the Dev's for DCS WWII will make a career mode VERY similar to this one, maybe with some more cool features....like a relationship/morale system with your mechanic and other pilots in your squadron, to ask for different paint jobs on your aircraft, to report any damage to your aircraft, to report instrument failures, mechanic skill level and a supply of plane parts and ammo, fully customizable pilots, early versions of the g-suit to increase G tolerance, to be able to walk around your airbase, to drive to your plane in a jeep before a mission, to go to the mess hall, to attend your briefing, fully voiced briefing, maybe with animations, the ability to visit a fully functional control tower, to grab your flight gear, do a walk around inspection of your aircraft, wounding system with hospital stay, airbase bars, if not on mission to lie around the base or pick up extra jobs, just ALL aspects of a pilot's day at their airbase. Is that too much to ask????

The intro song is Urban Contact - Sky Express [Tasty Release]:
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Salute Ranger, could you please tell me what kind of mods you have installed for your EAW and where I can get them? 

Thank you!



Wow, this game is still playable?!!!

Does anybody know if it is available somewhere? If it is possible to run it on win7x64, it would be glorious, I had so much fun with this game as a kid but sadly lost it when moving.
