Troy Black Admits He is a False Prophet Prophesying From His Own Imagination

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Troy Black is a false prophet on YouTube who prophecies out of his own imagination and thinks its from God. He is a deceiver who is himself deceived by his own lies and the lies of others. If he were alive in Old Testament times he would be stoned to death. His false teaching and false prophecies should be avoided and he should be shamed and shunned by God's people. The Bible says that a false prophet is someone who speaks in God's name but has not truly heard from the Lord. The way to identify a false prophet is to test whether his prophecies come true. If they do not then he is a false prophet. Troy Black is a fool who has rejected the truth of God's Word and exchanged it for a lie. He is both a false teacher and a false prophet. Troy Black thinks he has a prophetic gift but he is a fake, a fraud and a liar. The gift of prophecy should not be claimed lightly and no-one should accept obvious frauds and fakes. So many of these so called prophets have bad theology and support other false teachers and conmen. The Pentecostal church world has gone nuts and is getting worse and worse as we get closer and closer to the end times. We need to be biblical and anyone who claims to be a Christian and can't discern the obvious fake that Troy Black is has serious issues. Jesus would publicly denounce this fraud and so would the Apostles.
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If Troy Black thinks he is a prophet, then why didn't he see this video coming? He has tried to make a copyright claim against my video... that won't work champ!


The prophets of God got EVERYTHING right. They were human and their words came to pass 100% of time because God's word will not return to him void! These false prophets forget that it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God!


God is NOT going to “try” and get HIS message right. HE is GOING to get it right. That’s completely selling our Creator short


He is not a false Prophet!! He is now have a close relationship with God because of him!


He does NOT say he is a false Prophet....he admits that he is human and not God. He is so genuine and so humble. He is the one that helped to teach me how to have a personal relationship with the Lord! I will always be grateful to him for this never thought that I could actually be joyful at the same time as going through a huge personal crisis in my you Troy and praise be Jesys Christ ❤


I wish Christians would stop tearing down other Christians. Troy Black leads me to Jesus everytime he posts something, that is absolutely good fruit! When I was caught judging the Spirit said to me..."Who are you to judge another man's servant, to his master he will either stand or fall and he will stand for the Lord is able to make him stand! That made me tremble cause I knew I was so gullty of it. I didn't listen to this video, I saw the title and I'm just so weary of it all. I keep waiting for us all to come together. Where's the Life of Jesus when all we do is bash each other? Dear Spirit of God tear down the walls that seperate us. ❤🙏


It's so incredibly sad that many are so easily deceived.


I don't follow any of these false prophets. The LORD is my shepherd, NOT these false prophets.


I have been listening to Troy Black for several years. What I like is that he has a lot of preaching in his videos. He proclaim the gospel about Jesus Christ very clear. Jesus died for all our sins. Jesus took our punishment that we deserves on Himself. He rose again from the death and is living and sitting with His Father's right hand today. He said He is not leaving us fatherless, He sent us the Holy Spirit. Every Spirit that does not confess Jesus Christ as Lord, is not from God. What I have seen is that his prophesies are accurate. He is humble and ask us to follow the guidelines in the New Testament. God Bless You all in the name of Jesus Christ!


This is what I experienced myself when first ‘saved’ I simply learned it by being in a church community, NOT through reading and studying God’s Word. I ‘heard’ God’s voice, ‘saw’ pictures and I thought the Holy Spirit was talking to me through all manner of normal things happening around me daily. I thought THIS was how God spoke, taught and guided. All I simply needed to do was ask God to speak and guide me and I would hear him. It also was ALWAYS led to Gods Word. But now I’ve learned how easy it is to believe this is God but is not. It is fascinating how ANYTHING ‘received’ from ‘god’ can be interrupted (twisted) to be God’s Word. Through God’s Grace I have come to learn that we will know that God speaks through His written Word and When we truly understand God’s Word is his voice and character it will save us from this false ‘teaching’ of God and his Will.


Well done, Caleb. This guy is really dangerous and has quite the following. Good job, brother.


We can not pray in love and live in hate and still think we are worshipping God. A. W. Tozier. A true Christian loves fellow believers and has the fruit of the Spirit.


If he doesn’t think he’s hearing clearly from the Lord then he shouldnt say anything at all . When he stands before God unless by Gods grace he repents and stops this false prophecies then he’s going to be super surprised that he’s not headed for heaven. I’ll pray for Troy Black to repent and find a good elder to get under to learn the word of God because clearly he’s not getting it


Crazy thing is the sheeps with no discernment will defend him no matter what. God is also not a chatter box like alot of these youtubers out here make it seem, they supposedly always have some "dream" "visions" or "prophecies" every day or every week. People please wake up and stop being misled by these false teachers and false prophets.


He spoke of a war and it came to pass... i love his realness and that he shares his walk with God to the extent he does, not claiming perfection, it shows me that im not the only one who has second guessed Gods words with my own from time to time, but to step out in faith even if i will get it wrong, and not being over come with FEAR... If you are worried, why dont you pray for him, or more importantly focus on youre own walk with God, and bringing others into the kingdom,

Cause all day stating a hate page??? sad to see our own turning on our own, any of you know what the love of God is?


This morning as i was watching one of Troy's videos, i was praying about why hasn't anyone done a video about his false prophecy teachings. And my prayer was answered. Thank you.


God has NO problem CLEARLY communicating with TRUE prophets who NEVER get it wrong, like the blasphemers do.


I don't think any of the prophet in the days of old will claim to be perfect, however, they ALL know that God is perfect and when God speak is perfect, and none of them have doubt that God spoke to them, they HEARD God, I can't see prophet Isiah say to people "take these word to the Lord yourself, I could be know." 😓 People like Troy Black and others like him deceived themselves first and foremost.


Troy Black NEVER in any one of his videos claims to be a prophet of God!! He always specifically states that he shares what he hears during his worship and prayer times with the Lord. He always encourages everyone to check and pray over what he shares! He is one of the humblest christians on Youtube that I know of and he is definately NOT a ‘false prophet’!
Many of the impressions he shares in his videos actually come to pass later on in the year.
On the other hand it’s quite clear that you have no clue whatsoever about how the prophetic works… And I find that what you are doing is seriously damaging to new as well as seasoned believers in Christ who are struggling with their faith and trust in God.
You accuse the brethren…. I think that is much more serious in Gods eyes.


for the past 6 months I've been following him, I've always felt eerie about his prophecies and 3 months ago I just stopped listening to him. two months ago, it was confirmed to me that he is a false prophet (That's why I stopped listening to him) but I kept him in my subscription list UNTIL NOW. There reason why I was VERY eerie about him is because, he gave out a prophecy about Trump and he gave out scripture.
Video Title:
His video title was CHANGED from:
What God Told Me about Trump and the Antichrist Rumor. Prophetic Word.
God told me Trump is NOT the Antichrist - Prophetic word From God.
This is the things he said and scriptures he gave:
"God gave me this scripture to read to you all: Isaiah 2:2-4 And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it." He linked it up to the four years of Trump being in office will be the fulfillment of that prophecy. He was saying, we will be successful in these four years and other nations will join with us. But HE SURE DID NOT MENTION THE SCRIPTURE BEFORE VS 2, WHICH STATES:
The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem.
THIS is CONCERNING JUDAH AND ISRAEL!! NOT America is Babylon and we ALL know that. THIS land is about to become desolate.
And by the way.... Jacob is NOT who you think it is!! Jacob and the TRUE Jews (Israelites) are NOT the people currently in the Mid-east right now, they are the synagogue of satan. Ethiopian Jews are one of the real tribes of Israel, but where are all of the other LOST tribes? SURE NOT the Ashkenazi Jews, THEY ARE FALSE, and they don't even look like those Ethiopians. It's obvious who the other 11 tribes of Israel is...
