Hi Hat Delay Compression Trick I wish I knew when I started

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In this video, I'll show you a hi hat delay compression trick using Izotope Neutron 4 and Replika (or Reolika XT) that will take your techno hi hats in Ableton to the next level!

If you're a producer looking to boost your techno hi hat game, then this tutorial is for you. Learn how to use these powerful plugins to achieve a professional and dynamic sound. Don't miss out on this valuable trick that will elevate your music production skills!

You want to know how to make techno and you are looking to add some depth and texture to your hi hats? this is a technique you won't want to miss. With the help of Neutron 4 and Replika, you can create dynamic and unique hi hats that will take your techno tracks to the next level. Watch and learn how to incorporate this trick into your own productions.

0:00 Intro
1:25 Creating MIDI Clips
1:50 Understanding Delay with native Instruments Replika
3:01 Hi-Hat Compression with Neutron 4 compressor
3:31 Attack & Release Neutron 4 compressor
4:17 Ratio & Threshold Neutron 4 compressor

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#izotope #abletonlive #brucemennel #abletontutorial #nativeinstruments #technoproducer #musicproduction #electronicmusic #automation #replika

n this video, we'll be sharing a hi-hat delay compression trick that will take your techno tracks to the next level in Ableton.

If you're a techno producer, this trick is a must-know for creating dynamic and impactful hi-hat patterns in your tracks. This technique will elevate your sound and give your production that professional edge. So get ready to take your hi-hats to the next level with this game-changing trick!
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