Why the world needs more algae, not less.

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Plastic, fertilizer, fuel, even cow farts — algae can make all this more sustainable, and even capture carbon. Here’s why we’re on the brink of an algae revolution.

We're destroying our environment at an alarming rate. But it doesn't need to be this way. Our new channel Planet A explores the shift towards an eco-friendly world — and challenges our ideas about what dealing with climate change means. We look at the big and the small: What we can do and how the system needs to change. Every Friday we'll take a truly global look at how to get us out of this mess.

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#PlanetA #Algae #CarbonCapture


Why algae is better than planting trees:

Overview of history and types of algae:

PHB as bioplastic:

Algae reducing methane from cows:

Reporter: Amanda Coulson-Drasner
Video editors: Amanda Coulson-Dasner, Frederik Willmann
Supervising editors:  Kiyo Dörrer, Joanna Gottschalk
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Man, that's like free solution to our global problem and yet, there's so little of it in the news. Glad you guys covered it.


35 years ago, a fellow gardener (UK) told me he used seaweed on his allotment as his sole fertiliser. Collected it in bulk in his truck, washed it, dried it, dug it in or used it as a mulch around perennial crops. Excellent vegetables.
Whenever I go to the beach, if there's an excess of seaweed left high and dry on the shore, I do the same. It is good and I'm not surprised the UK has already started seeing a use for the Sargasson Algae.
As I am some distance from the beach and don't go there as often as I'd like, I have started using types of pondweed in the same way. If you get a vigorous type, you've got a great source of easily compostable algae to help build soil levels.


I like this video because, biologists and volunteers are utilizing tech the RIGHT way; to help the environment


we need more of such videos. and if there is a way to show these videos in more public places to spread awareness, the better. Its not that people dont want solutions, people are not aware of solutions. If it becomes easily available farmlands across the world can use it. A lot of countries are already into organic farming. knowledge of algae in farming needs to be promoted.


This channel is underrated. It needs more attention!


These companies need to go public and be more aggressive with their marketing efforts to really get this technology going. This has a lot of potential but most won’t go for it unless you begin showing higher profits or steal market share by utilizing a consumer base that wants to be more eco-friendly in a cheaper way.


I like this video because I am neither a PHD nor a young child and love short form science videos. Most science videos seem aimed at those other audiences.


I am in the business of utilizing sea moss as a nutrient supplement yet also an advocate for growing large scale nurseries simply for the capture of carbon. Thanks to you and this amazing production I can send your video and share it to the masses as it explains with great clarity in a precise and enjoyable format. Thank you for your passionate quest and the gift of digestible information you are sharing with us all!


It's plastic you can eat, the future is bright. It's content like these that make tomorrow seem hopeful. Imagine being able to drink the soda and eat the can like an ice cream cone: amazing.


Human: destroy planet and make global warning
Algae : Thank you, i will never forget you, i will fight for you


I am pursuing MSc in Biotechnology at Madurai Kamaraj University. I am also working on an algae project to produce a low-cost high-value product for agriculture. Same as the problem you mention, In India government also spent money to remove macro and microalgae but the high nutrition value we can use as for production of high value.
Thanks for sharing the video on the algae topic. @DM Planet A


All of my life, science teachers told me that algae was bad. Now I wonder what the heck, thank you DW for shedding light onto this matter


Algae can be grown even faster then normal exterior conditions if you use a photobioreactor. Think glass tubes that suspend algae in moving water and give more light on each side. They would be a triple powerhouse of food production, oxygen production, and carbon sequestration.


6:21 When the algae die, I imagine that they disintegrate and release the captured CO2 again. Wouldn't it be better to harvest the algae before they die and transform them into something useful before releasing the CO2 back into the ocean and atmosphere?


I thought about this for the entire month! Thanks for making this video. Algae plastic could be a game changer because it would not only reduce our emissions but also it would not use forever chemicals that are in pretty much every living being and it would be better for animals if this plastic was to end up in the ocean as opposed to conventional plastics. I hope the EU outlaws conventional plastics soon and makes algae plastics standard. There would only be advantages for both humankind and our environment in doing so.


Had to rewind over many parts to wrap my head around what was being said.


Good explanation of an important story, thanks!


knowledgeable content
Lovely video❤
I love DW and its presentation.
🙏 from india.


Along with making buildings out of mass-timber, this is an area of climate action I'm deeply passionate about. I'm so happy to see this taking off.


Sounds great, looks great. Lets do it. Plenty of ocean out there to farm this stuff
