They made the perfect toy…

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Let us return to a time before time... Jett Kuso looks back on the 2002 Lego Bionicle lineup, including the Bohrok, Bohrok Va, the Bahrag Cahdok and Gahdok, and the TOA NUVA!

Music & Clip sources:

Kevin MacLeod - Music to Delight

💎 Diamond Patrons: Chooka Bear, Immortal_Blank💎
🔥Titan Patrons: SheVitus, S1erra107, VarronOoC, BigChungus69, GUSANO, Logan Hill, Rāzu Rion, plecopleco, Roman Lewandowski, Ice Feather🔥
Hyper Patrons: Gavin Greenly, David, Bin Wang, Trouble, DuskAnthro, Mudorios, Zephyr
Base Patrons: caste, crofton sherwood, declan rixon, jo schmo, lee, Lucasbuilds, Lucidlana, the stormex, ThomasChalmers, GaddockTeej, amagikuser, Jayden, Logan Nyros, GFD, RoobyScoo, Jaxom, Chell

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Funny enough, there was even MORE Bohrok foreshadowing in the online game, including a rock in the jungle you can only see from a certain angle that says "You wake one, you wake them all" in Matoran lettering, and a dream Takua has when he passes out in a blizzard. The Bohrok were properly hyped.


I would absolutely love for you to go through the entire history of bionicle. Idc about your lack of expertise in the lore, these are just super entertaining.


As a kid, learning that the Bohroks were actually helping Mata Nui by cleansing the island blew my mind XD


The thing that kicked ass about Bionicle is I can't think of many toys that were as fun to play with as they were narratively interesting. Bohrok had some gnarly lore that we were just as confused about as the Toa were facing them down. Masterful.


My brother gave me a fully assembled black ball one when I was a kid. I had no idea about the toy line or even the "lore" back then, yet for some reason I already knew that you can turn this guy into a ball and attack with his head. That's some intuitive play gimmick I'd say.


Man bionicle was such a cool toy line, I'm still surprised lego nor anyone else have been able to make anything similar to it for awhile now


It's funny seeing the small joke about LEGO refusing to call the Toa's weapons as well, weapons. And then 2006 rocks up with Nuparu literally just holding a rifle in his claws


My little cousin saw my collection the other day, more specifically the Toa Mata. She freaked out when she discobered she could swing their arms with the mechanism and now she wants two for her birthday. She seemed like she really loved them. Makes me imagine what could have been if LEGO had kept making bionicles like they used to...


If you wake one, you wake them all...



But... The Bohrok weren't Evil. They were MEANT to clean as a part of Mata Nui's lifecycle, They were merely awoken early.


"sapphic icons" is a perfect description for the Bahrag, absolutely love it


Bionicle 2002 definitely took inspiration from James Cameron Alien(s) franchise. Bohrok = Xenomorph. Cannister = Xenomorph egg. Krana = Face hugger. Exo Toa = Power Loader. Bahrag = Alien Queen. Gali = Ellen Ripley.


fun fact, my parents bought me the nike sneakers two decades ago but they were somehow multiple sizes too small. it was so tragic that it became part of my villain origin story


I love how bionicle is getting more recognition and space nowadays, some years ago the content about it was almost empty, so i like that more people are beginning to talk about it


The packaging is still the best toy packaging ever. Other toys has can be folded up again, but none but it back into its retail package. It is just genius!
They are so easy to store and it made me want to clean up after play so I could put the Bohrok into slumber again as it wait to burst out of it's cocoon to terrorize the world again.


I personally feel offended that while talking about Bohrok you didn’t mentioned the almighty “KOHRAK, THE ICE BOHROK”, the most powerful being in the Bonkle universe


An alternate (and in my opinion better) way of launcing the krana is to push down on one of the Bohrok's eyes, this works best if the dome is still clipped in place


My favorite toys as a kid. I used to make my own bionicles constantly, make my own lore, factions, had them battle, fuse, and everything else you could think of. They were the greatest take on action figures ever.


as a child of the year 2000 and not really capable of comprehending bionicle until the visorak hit, the bohrok were in a weird place to me. people i knew had them, i read the stories with them, but it took ages for me to get one of my own. and when i did, collector brain decided to never let me go. i dont yet have all the different types of them, but i do have a couple duplicates, and let me tell you, having more than one bohrok of the same type is just as good as having more types of them, the army builder vibes are very strong with them. the krana also do really well to enhance that vibe, with them being randomly packed in with bohrok so if you bought more than one, you could have each of them be unique thanks to just one little rubbery piece. the bohrok-kal dropped the ball on that a little (heh) but there’s no denying the appeal of collectible orb monsters.


For those who want more on Protodermis, I'll explain what Jett won't:
Protodermis is what everything in the Matoran Universe is made of. It can exist in solid, liquid, gaseous and organic forms, each with its own variants.
1. Rock/Earth-like Protodermis. Literally has the appearance and behavior of regular stone and dirt and can be manipulated by Toa of Stone or Earth.
2. Frozen Protodermis. Similar to ice and can thus be manipulated by Toa of Ice.
3. Metallic Protodermis. Acts like metal and is used in the construction of most machines, as well as the armor worn by everyone.
4. Crystalline Protodermis. Resembles tough crystal that even Toa of Stone cannot break.
1. Liquid Protodermis. Looks like water and can be manipulated by Toa of Water.
2. Molten Protodermis. What happens when you melt rock/earth Protodermis. It resembles lava and can be cooled down into metallic Protodermis.
3. Energized Protodermis. Sentient and alive, it has the unique property of transforming or destroying anything that touches it, depending on destiny.
1. Vapor. It's what the clouds are made of.
1. Tissue. It's what comprises all the "Bio" of Bionicle. It acts similar to real flesh without truly being organic. It can decay if not supplied with energy, but also regenerates much faster. When the six Toa arrived in their canisters, all their organic Protodermis had rotten away. It quickly grew back once they put themselves together.
