Voyager 2 Sent Back Its Final Images From Space. What Did It Find?

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Voyager 2 Sent Back Its Final Images From Space. What Did It Find?
The Voyager spacecraft has been flying through the deep reaches of space for more than 40 years now while exploring everything it flies by. That's a long time - even for a spacecraft. And in that time, Voyager has stumbled upon some mind-blowing discoveries. It's answered some questions, raised some news ones, and dove deeper and deeper into space, moving ever further away from our planet.

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WOW, I was only 16 years old when Voyagers were launched..Here I am, 58 years old now. Voyagers STILL going strong, and probably forever too...but not me, lol


The fact it’s moving miles a second and has been traveling for 40years is astonishing! I wish I was interested in this stuff as a kid but took me 42 years to get into sci-fi and then it led me to real science in space!


Looking back, scientists have done a great job with what was available back then. Their achievements shall be remembered for many generations, given the versatility of the Voyagers missions, the distance traveled and the duration of the missions despite all the hazards of outer space. This is a timeless example of what we could achieve if we invest sincere efforts in future generations of scientists.


The voyager images are so good, and with 40 year old tech. It makes me extremely excited to see what we find with the JWT!


Amazing the power generation is still functioning after all this time. When Voyager 2 was launched I was just starting my professional career-I'm retiring the end of this month. Sail on peacefully Voyager, we've had a great journey.


what's with the deceptive title? what FINAL images? WHERE?


Earth is not insignificant. It is our home. It's all we have. That makes it pretty significant.


So what about the pink space Could at least TRY to not trick viewers...oh wait, that would mean actually having some sort of CURRENT INFO!


Imagine a wifi signal that could reach that far away. Mind boggling how it could still send data from that distance and considering its age.


Very good video, very informative. One thing a bit misleading though about the "recent images" line. After the Pale Blue Dot shot in 1990 from Voyager 1, NASA shut the 2 cameras down to help conserve power.


Travelling at over 35, 000 miles an hour, it is hard to imagine that even an alien civilisation as advanced as ours could identify, chase down and capture the spacecraft and play the gold records onboard. It is 43 years since Star Trek: The Movie postulated that Voyager (V-ger) might one day be returned to Earth.


What a credit to the Techs that assembled both craft! They are still functional and sending data back to Earth. How many cars made back then are still functional? I have followed both since launch and I am still amazed at the Images they have sent back. I believe they have an Eight Watt Transmitter. What a feat of brilliant engineering.


You are indirectly misleading your viewers. The ability to take photos ended before either voyager passed through the heliosphere. Several devices continue to work, but not any cameras.


It’s always funny to me when I see depictions of something, a spaceship or satellite, flying through space, and you can see the stars whizzing by…which is totally ridiculous. You could travel through space at 50, 000 mph for thousands of years and your view will really never change. In fact, you would never even be aware that you are moving. How crazy is that?!


Voyager has always been fascinating. I thought that Voyager would not last this long . I hope NASA will send another craft in to our galaxy.


Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 are the definition of skookum. They stand as a shining example of what humanity is capable of building when it isn't trying to make a buck.

I would love to see a Voyager 3 launch. Same craft, but with updated science equipment, comms relays, camera gear, and more RTG capacity so it can remain fully operational far far longer than 1 and 2 have. Send it up, yeet it towards Alpha Cen as hard as we can manage, and let's see what it sends back 20, 30 years from now.


I travel 76 km go go to my farm and my phone losses network, and I can't communicate with my family back home, but that then this voyager is more than 15 billion kilometers away from earth but still communicates with us. That's impressive


I will never forget the Voyagers, They were launched when I was 19 years old, They are amazing.


“Last Image”, you mean from the 1980’s? Recent images imply that a photo image was just received, which is completely impossible at this point because both Voyagers have such little power that neither can send an image to Earth. “Recent findings”, not images.


The main reason a LOT of us watch these videos is because of the possibility of finding inteligent alien life... but most of us never stop to think: "If they eventually discover something extraordinary, like intelligent alien life, would they tell us right away? Or would they study the thing to exhaustion to discover if theres a way to benefit from it (more power/intelligence/whatever) and become "superior" than every other human being?".

If they discover something really extraordinary it would take years, if not decades for them to let us know... but the chances of them hiding it forever is also big.
