Fixing a favourite solar garden light.

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This light is one of my chunkier and brighter solar garden lights, so I was a bit disappointed when it stopped working. This video is how I traced down the fault and then ended up making it better with a nicer colour of LED.
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"hooookay there's a spider there" and instantly touches the fucking thing *shudders*


I'm surprised at you Clive, not making your own garden lights, but on the other hand you do mod them to make them better, Yeh ok.


"this might be full of spiders"
-gets my hopes up-
opens it and nothing 😕
I wanted to hear a scream 😁
Awesome usual.


Please keep making videos Clive. I very much enjoy them, specifically your humour.


This chap is like the Bob Ross of electronics.


Nice fix =D But would you mind showing the backyard, showing the light in its usual position? I really dont mind only seeing you at the bench, but would be fun to see your lights in the garden as well =D See how much it lights up and so =)

If you dont want to its ok, of course, just an idea =)


I bought 16 solar lawn lights. 1 of the 16 would not come on. after further investigation, I found if I push on the unit from the back the light came on. Dismantled the unit and found they make their connection via springs from the light, and should make contact with the touch plate (solder) on the board. One of the springs was bent so I straightened it out. As covered the solar plate/panel the light came on. Re-assembled the unit and put it back in the lawn. Tested during the middle of the day, but the light comes on with my hand completely over the solar plate/panel. Thank you for your video.


If I fixed it, I would have stuck a spare CREE XM-L2 led into it or one of the newer XHP LEDs into it even if it is entirely overkill! Running LEDs at lower than rated current will increase their efficiency, and for CREE LEDs, they can achieve over 200 lumens per watt at low currents!


Thanks to your video have just fixed a solar light! I am going to get the other three from the bin and have a go at fixing them too.


I've fixed a lot of these myself. Besides simple things like the battery is no longer good, the most common cause of failure seems to be bad solder joints. The solder joint quality is horrible! Also, the switch can go bad. I usually take the switch out of the circuit at that point. Look for bad solder joints everywhere! I had one under the glue where the LED was soldered. Take a picture, or write down where wires go. They break off easily as you are looking at it.


Great video Clive. Thought I had some weird obsession in trying to get a couple of these to work and now see I'm not alone?
The ones I have are amazing (after having tried a couple other brands). They're Harbor Breeze and I know I should know better but they were a gift. They have the LiFePO4 14430 batteries and have been in service continuously for close to 3 years now here in the NE US. Only in the past couple months have I noticed a couple have weakened. I replaced the batteries but they don't seem to charge back up fully even on a cloudless day in full sun. Put a fresh battery in and they're fully bright.
So my question, for anyone, is can the solar cell on top die? Because that's the only thing I can point to as being weak. I know that rooftop solar cells have limited lifespans and maybe I'm seeing this on a smaller scale?
Thanks again!


Your garden must already contain about 1000 solar lights :). You should take a night photo...


Surprising (or not) that so often it's just a corroded switch.
It's fun to see how how many seasons you can keep your favorites going.


Even with amazing 50 minutes of clive today, I can't get enough of your content, haha. I've taken to re-watching some videos..


Thank you.
Adoring your lovely accent 😊


We call them alligator clips here across the pond 😁


I like the idea of a LiFePO4 cell rather than the usual cheap NiCd cell.

On the other hand, we can get a cheap one for US $1 and use it for an indoor night light, or harvest the solar panel, cell, LED, and circuitry for other projects.


I really love these simple solar lights. I bought some just for the sake of getting solar cells.


I worked at a second hand store years ago, We got some solar lights in one time witch did not work.
So I took them apart to check the batteries.
When one was opened it was Full of ants and mud, and it all fell out all over my lap, So i yield like a little girl.
Good times lol.


I have the same light as you, with the same issue! LOL! Liked and subscribed!
