Mech Arena | Dev Vlog #1 | 2v2 Deathmatch, New Maps, Disc Launcher | 2021.01.14

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Want to know more about the features our team’s working on? Well, we’ve got a treat for you! Watch this video to learn what’s coming to Mech Arena in the future.

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The 2v2 sounds really good me and my partner are always saying we would be better as a team of two also is there any talk off clans?


*this is what I've been waiting for ... dev-blog*
*great* 👍🏻


Awesome we are eagerly waiting for new maps updates and please launch some more mechs 🤩
And add a spectating mode with that we can watch our friends gameplay 🔥
This will be amazing 👍🏻


how much is the energy of Disc Launchers


Definitely need to give out more points for assists in tournaments to encourage team play.


Very cool stuff! Most important question - how do we get mech arena shirts? :)


Congratulations for your new YouTube channel, and very excited for the new updates of the game👍


CLANS, clan chat

Ability to keep squad together without going directly into the next match. This allows squads a chance to communicate before the next match without having to reinvite players.


Thanks so much for the update! You all are doing a great job and I am really satisfied as is... of course, I'm also excited for the updates.
Disc launcher sounds like a cool weapon and the 2v2 sounds awesome! Everyone loves CYBERPUNK, so that's gonna be a good theme for the new map.
I also like the new challanges! Thank you for doing a great job 😁


Yes we all are enjoying the game, and we are so excited ❤️❤️


A new chassis would be the most welcome addition to mech arena, when is that quadruped getting released? Please implement some kind of faction system for players to join, clans just causes all the most skilled and those with largest wallets to join together to crush newer players, this makes them frustrated and causes many to want to quit like in War Robots, and Mech Battle👍


Sounds like some great ideas here. 2v2 battles would be a lot of fun. I heard you mention concern about game balance a few times. I used to play a game called War Robots, which used to be an incredibly great game. It gradually turned into nothing but frustration for me as the devs constantly “rebalanced” the game, introducing new, overpowered items and nerfing old ones. Mech Arena right now seems balanced, and I hope it stays that way.


Replay mode which can let us view our last 2 or 3 matches and free camera movement in the mode itself. Other games like clash of clans and fortnite has also replay mode and is a feature contributing large number of gamers playing the games


Введіть систему вибору розвитку шасі при досягненні 6 зірки між копією його і можливо підсилення якоїсь характеристики, коли копія не потрібна. Також введіть можливість обміну чи продажу не використовуваних шасі та зброї.


Hi, i want to suggest improvement in divisions . rising up from division 10 to division 1 is very easy. it took
me about 2 weeks or so . due to this a large group of players with different skill set are in the topmost division . i would suggest increasing the gap between each divisions and adding legendary, campion, grand campion divisions above division 1 this would separate the huge no of players on their skill and improve match making also . please introduce global leaderboards . thank you . Great work u guys i really enjoy this game .


I'm starting to see more in-game lag, which didn't used to occur. Try to keep an eye on that as that was one of the things that made War Robots unplayable for me. Otherwise, I love the game and have replaced War Robots with this one entirely. As for things I would love to see, I would love a Javelin 8 weapon - it would probably break the game balance so maybe make it only available as a single weapon until it gets to Rank 6. The disk launcher weapon sounds cool, but how would you actually aim it? Anyway, keep up the good work on this game!


Custom mode plz where we can chose even tournament maps play against friends by inviting them on the enemy side do 1v5s to 3v3s this is atdm type mode and kills, wins from here wont count as real kills and wins in ur profile(stats)


Looking forward to some fresh gameplay! Changing things up a bit is always a great way to keep us hooked... Exciting stuff!!!


1) Love the idea of 2x2 there a way to turn this into a friends only if we want?
2) Can you edit code to make some of tje Death Match maps CpC? It is my favorite game mode, but some of the best maps are Death match.
3) Keep up the good work, and thanks for a solid game!


Love the dev talk! If I might make a couple suggestions? I think you ought to make the robots and weapons, slightly more customizable, for example you can choose that your mech can move 10% faster, or have 10% more health, and for the weapons, perhaps 10% longer shooting, or 5%more damage or it reloads 1 second faster, just so that each mech is unique to your playstyle. Anyway, can't wait to see what the future of this game holds! So excited!
