How do school sports work where YOU live? 🏀🏒🏈⚽️

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What sports do you play in school? 🏀🏒🏈⚽️

#dwgoestoschool #berlin #germany #school #sports #ghana #africa #tema #shorts
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Are this voluntary activities? It would be beneficial for both the volunteers and the target school.
I hope they will come to Indonesia too ❤


Not every school has this much variety in Germany. Also on our breaks we used to sit around a lot. Just talking. In sixth grade the girls stopped playing anything. Just talking. Some were reading. We didn't have a lot of options before and at one point it was uncool to play.
We didn't get to dicide what sport we would play in p.e.. In fact it was so bad that when I go to a gym and they asked me what kind of sport I did before and I answer school p.e. they laugh. 😅

This video makes it seem like we are a good country with an awesome school system, but this is not the reality for all of germany. And I was only talking about p.e. and breaks. I have A LOT of issues with other things about school as well.
