NEW Champion Nilah Is BROKEN - Legends of Runeterra

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The First Champion Reveal is Nilah! What do you think of her?
★ Timestamps
00:00 - Start
00:08 - Nilah Reaction
13:50 - Card Review - Nilah
20:33 - Master Lookout
22:08 - Dedicant of the Challenge
24:50 - Joy Unending
26:45 - The Tidedancer
29:20 - Deluge
30:12 - Wizened Helmsman
31:27 - Vikrash the Exuberant
32:30 - Formless Blade
32:43 - Misc + Other Revealed Cards
34:47 - Thoughts & Closing Words
★ More Sunny:
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Edited by: Shadoka
#lor #LegendsofRuneterra #Snnuy
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can someone please comment "what's updraft" so i can do the joke


Nilah genuinely looks amazing, and honestly Nilah/Samira with TideBoat seems like it’ll be legitimately good.


A minor good thing about the Dedicant of the Challenge that wasn't mentioned is that it helps you empty your hand and avoid burning your deck due to having too many cards in hand, which feels like it could be a real problem with Nilah


Ok so basically this expansion is obviously about Fiddlesticks becoming a sailor and taking over the world. Mhm, totally!


I'm thinking Janna will shuffle the big whirlwind spells we saw into your deck to find with Updraft as a win condition. So Janna/Nilah seems to be intended


She may be joyful but the enemy for sure wont be


What if Janna has some sort of aura like "Your fleeting cards updraft instead", so instead of losing them, they shuffle into your deck for later?


well, nilah actually seems pretty hype!

i was a bit concerned from the reveals yesterday being so spell heavy, but hoo boy, im glad they didnt just leave brash as it was.

nilah is gonna be the new tf alright. shes gonna go in so many decks just because her kit is so draw heavy


She looks insane because she synergizes with so many decks that are already meta or recently lost one of the things that made them meta or are so close to being tier 1 decks that already use Bilgewater as a support region. Immediately what comes to mind is Swain, Samira and Ekko/Jinx but with the sheer amount of draw and mana cheating that this package (Dedicant of the Challenge guy is legit just Hearthstone's Thaurissan with extra steps) is bringing to the region I can see Bilgewater quickly becoming the premier splash region for any mono region or any decks that aren't really utilizing their second region. I can see some decks going to Bilgewater for a 37/3 deck just for 3 Dedicants

Also crazy theory but I could see a Nilah Deep Deck that uses Nilah to go Deep with Nautilus as a win con that avoids Shadow Isles and potentially uses a different region like Freljord or Targon for support.


The One Peice is real. Nilah's crew and joy in adventuring gives the straw hat vibe.


Nilah will be INSANELY good. Her level 2 is INSANE. It's similar to a nasus level up if not a little better.. (edit and nocturne too. More of a mix of nocturne renekton)


If Janna's mechanic is gonna be updraft, then volibear's mechanic is most likely gonna be elements, it makes sense since most of the elemental cards are on freljord


honestly Boat is my favorite card game mechanics in Lor, really no other card game have that, it's a tutoring card but high mana to not feel like cheating, while having the ability that synergise it's champion serverly even if they are already drawn


What I love about Nilah is that, right off the bat, there are a LOT of potential builds for her: Jack, Jinx, Nami, TF, Den, Samira (even if I'm not a great brewer, just from seeing her kit I think those could work), and she even seems to be intended to be paired with Janna (whom we haven't seen yet and who could work with Annie or Jhin because of the elemental spell/skill thing). I can't remember the last time we got such flexibility with a champion and that makes me really excited for her, even if yesterday I thought she wouldn't be as interesting because the kit didn't appeal much to me.😍


I haven't played runeterra for a while and now they are showing a turn 4 8/7 in the official trailer. What a?..


I just realized that every region has it's own archetypes and then Noxus just has them all. Noxus really is conquering everything.


Now we have 3 missions, build Nilah's deck:
1- Nilah+TF
2- Nilah+Seraphine (w/ dedicant of the challenge) 👁👄👁
3- Nilah+Darius


So excited for this one (also unreasonably happy that her theme has Carnatic music in it)


The Flavor on Nilah this expansion is so good.


I think a lot of old spells and skills will get an elemental tag, Anivia and Annie are sure to get it, probably all the frostbite spells and avalanche too, I could see a ramp deck with deluge and anivia, anivia attacking for 2 before lvl up is great and 3 dmg avalanche is deadly too .
