My Positive Hysterectomy Story - Surgery Experience, Tips & First Month Recovery

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This is my positive hysterectomy story to give you hope and cover everything you need to know before and after your surgery. I had a total laparoscopic hysterectomy to remove my very large uterus that was full of fibroids.

In this video I share:

0:00 - Getting The Right Mindset
2:20 - My Story & My Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy
6:17 - The Whole Hysterectomy Experience: Hospital, Anesthetic, Emotions
8:40 - Waking Up: Pain, Moving Around, Sleeping In Hospital
17:11 - Recovery At Home: What I Can & Can't Do
20:48 - A Few More Recovery Essentials & My Incision

It's a long video but I really wanted it to be helpful if you are having your own hysterectomy. Ask me questions in the comments. I am happy to help!

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People often ask too why they are constipated after hysterectomy “The anesthesia used during your hysterectomy also paralyzes your bowel movement. Your bowel movements become irregular due to it recovering from the anesthesia. Cramping, constipation, and irregular bowel movement are all common for women to experience after their procedure” if you must get a hysterectomy maybe clean yourself out a few days before so not much builds up …. It’s crazy they say not to push after a hysterectomy then the actual operation causes constipation … clean yourself out prior like a few days then after the surgery eat light and high fiber foods only ! And drink plenty of water :) and walk when you can without pushing yourself :) don’t stay in bed ! Walk slow but move


Same here my cervix tubes utreas got removed. It was pre cancer stage cervical. Hope I get better soon and wish luck to rest of the women. Keep hope be positive


I had my abdominal hysterectomy days ago!❤️ came out with very little pain.
Pain level was about a 3 but the nausea I felt the full affect.
After resting I was awake, still very little pain so I was encouraged to walk.
By the second day still very little pain and walking more in the morning.
By 4pm my doctor was impressed at how well I was doing so they released me. I didn’t need a wheel chair I walked out of the hospital meeting my daughter.
Today is my 4th day home and I’m walking more, still resting a lot but I haven’t had the need for the prescription meds I’ve just needed ibuprofen, gas ex, stool softeners and lots and lots of water.
Best decision of my life!
I had two huge fibroids I still have my ovaries…
A month before surgery I was doing 100 squats per day I don’t know if this helped my recovery but I’m feeling wonderful!


I just wanted to add here a note about the post operation shoulder and back pain. The main reason that happens after surgery are small air bubbles inside left over (especially from laparoscopic) as they sit right under the diaphragm until reabsorbed into body. The irritated diaphragm has referred pain, usually to the right shoulder. This is what the doctors told me after my surgery.


Mel you're a bloody legend! This is such a fantastic video, and so wish there was something like this when I had my hysterectomy. Thank you for sharing and it's awesome to see you doing so well. Can't wait to catch up in person ❤


Aww you read my mind! Thank you for sharing your experience. I’m so happy you’ve been doing well.


Oh my goodness I am super thrilled to find your videos. With you being into fitness they have been such a relief to watch. I have been panicking so much about my surgery in 9 days and how I will recover and when I can start training again! So its been a good insight. All your tips and advice are greatly appreciated. I am off to watch your other videos! Thank you so much :) I hope you are very well and back to full strength and thriving :)


Thank you very much for posting this and sharing your experience. I have one upcoming for similar reasons to yours and your video was very reassuring with practical tips too. I hope your continued recovery is everything you want and more! Best wishes.


What an awesome video Mel, great tips I wish I had seen something like this before I had had my hysterectomy very helpful. It's great to see you looking so fabulous 💕


Thank you for sharing your recovery story! (especially the details about movement during the first 4 weeks!)


Your videos have been so informative and helpful. I haven’t seen anyone giving such clear helpful information about these topics (food, exercise). My surgery is Monday. I appreciate it!


Thank you so much for this video. I am having the same operation in 2 days for cervical cancer. I've never had an op before so I am very nervous. Your video has helped me so much. You are very brave and I wish you all the best with your future recovery xxx


Great video packed with a lot of good information. Thanks for sharing.


Thank you for sharing your experience. I will be going through this in a couple of weeks. A little anxious but I look forward to it


Thank you - I'm at the 3 week total hysterectomy point and doing well. Your video tips and recap of your experience was very helpful; thank you.


Thanks for sharing your experience loved 🥰 it.Mine is done nearly four weeks now and recovering really well.I did my walk inside and on the driveway doing about 2500 steps most of the days.It is helpful video for who are having same operation.


i have been under anesthesia for shunt surgery. lol when i finally came to, blood was gushing out my arm from the IV and the nurse was holding down so tight. i was 3 at the time. i am 38 now awaiting hys surgery. happy to have no more periods earlier than old age!


Thank you for sharing, I found my self somehow like you, I'm a group fitness instructor, in the San Antonio City, and I trutly believe it is a totally recovery, I had a hysterectomy surgery leaving my ovaries, and since the time I woke up from the surgery I started drinking a lot of water my mouth was very dry, but it helped tremendously, I never had a problem with going to the bathroom nor constipation, never had back pain or gas problems, started walking at the hospital, nurses were surprised, I really never felt any pain, just having on mind will have to take it easy, I just had a big surgery, today its my 6th day, and just taking it day by day, I really feel like doing exercise allready but will rather wait until I'm realese by my Doctor, I really recommend get some research but not negative stories, they really don't mean u will go thru them, I was surprised how I'm recuperating, do ur best, trust in God, everything will be good, its my best wishes, we are strong, u are stronger then what u think you are, and remember life its beautiful, we need to be healthy for the ones we 😍 love. Thank you.


Melanie, thank you so much for your very helpful informative video, it was so refreshing. You look fantastic 4 weeks post surgery. I'm going to have an abdominal hysterectomy in May for v big fibroids, am nervous about the surgery but will prepare will before hand. I refuse to look at negative videos, I know every woman is different but your video was very supportive.


Thanks for this, it's really reassuring
