Education for Early Detection of Breast Cancer | 3D Mammography | Mosaic Life Care

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The Breast Center at Mosaic Life Care reviews results of abnormal mammograms with patients while providing them with education about self breast exams, mammograms and the importance or regular clinical exams for overall health.
Video transcript:
Our role here
in the Breast Center is to
provide access to patients with any type of breast condition.
The most common type of condition that we see is somebody that comes in
with an abnormal mammogram,
and we're explaining,
you know, what the findings are,
we're examining them,
making sure everything is making sense.
Also, educating the patients on the importance of getting the mammograms,
and educating the importance of also
getting their clinical exams
and continuing to do their self breast awareness.
So, all of those combined together helps with early detection.
Video transcript:
Our role here
in the Breast Center is to
provide access to patients with any type of breast condition.
The most common type of condition that we see is somebody that comes in
with an abnormal mammogram,
and we're explaining,
you know, what the findings are,
we're examining them,
making sure everything is making sense.
Also, educating the patients on the importance of getting the mammograms,
and educating the importance of also
getting their clinical exams
and continuing to do their self breast awareness.
So, all of those combined together helps with early detection.