The Unsettling Truths Of The Vatican's Dogmas About Mary

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...A woman in the crowd raised her voice and said to him [Jesus Christ] , “Blessed is the womb that bore you, and the paps that you sucked!” But he [Jesus Christ] said, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!” -Luke 11:27-28

We spent a good bit of time listening to a discussion between a Roman Catholic and a Protestant on the subject of Mary.

John Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion vol 1, chpt 12, section 2 on dulia and latreia.

"non adorabis ea neque coles" "Thou shalt not adore them, nor serve them" Exodus 20:5 (part of the 10 commandments) in the Latin Vulgate regarding graven imagines and worshiping creation.

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"While Jesus was saying these things, one of the women in the crowd raised her voice and said to Him, “Blessed is the womb that carried You, and the breasts at which You nursed!” But He said, “On the contrary, blessed are those who hear the word of God and follow it.”
Luke 11:27-28


In Luke 1:47 Mary said, “And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour”. Mary admitted she needed a savior.


I think it’s interesting that the Catholic Church teaches that Mary HAD TO BE sinless because God could not dwell in a sinful person, yet they miss that each believer is indwelled with the Holy Spirit aka God as a part of the trinity. So apparently God CAN dwell within sinners. So... it’s not the truth.
1 cor 3:16, 1cor 6:19, Ezekiel 36:27, Isaiah 63:11, 2 Timothy 1:14, acts 6:5, romans 8:11, romans 8:9, 1 John 2:27- some verses that state the Holy Spirit dwells in believers.


As a former Devout Roman Catholic who left the "church" of Rome after I dared to question it's "Sacred Traditions" in the light of Holy Scripture, and found them to be quite deceptive &/or lacking truth, I must say the following: The Most Dangerous Dogmas of Rome are by far those regarding Mary. As Bishop Joseph Strossmayer stated in his opposition to Papal Infallibility during Vatican I (1870), "...we have made a goddess of the blessed virgin." Idols ( and the repetitious prayers made to them), conversing with Angelic-like Apparitions are all of Demonic Origin, and are repeatedly forbidden by GOD in Holy Scripture.


I went to Catholic Church for 8 years. When songs to God or Jesus were sung it was a lackluster performance. When songs to Mary were sung the roof came off the building. Catholics can say what they want but they worship Mary as the Mother of God and Queen of Heaven.


This reasoning that says that "since Jesus was holy and sinless He should have to be born from a woman also holy, sinless, or immaculate, " is a train with no brakes. What about Mary's mother? Does not the same standard applies to her? Was Jesus' grandma, Mary's mother, also holy, sinless and immaculate? If you answer NO, then, why could she bear Mary in her womb and yet make Mary be born sinless but Jesus could not also be born sinless from a sinful woman? If you answer YES, then be prepared to go all Mary's generations back and sanctify and render hiperdulia to Eve; the apple is yet on the tree, enjoy!


I was Catholic then went Ordodox for a bit but I just couldn't get over the Mary things and all that and honestly felt there was something wrong with it here and I have mostly Catholic friends but of late I reconnected to some Reformed friends of mine and I've kinda come towards Protestantism whether it be Lutheranism or Reformed idk yet but, honestly I feel at peace more now


"Obviously Catholics have a big devotion to Mary..." I beg to differ. The Catholic Church has turned Mary into a whole other religion that has absolutely nothing to do with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If Mary, the human mother of Jesus Christ were here today she would be absolutely enraged (with a righteous anger) by what the Roman Church has done with her name.


The undridled rage Catholics are expressing speaks volumes. More, please.


The earliest mention of Mary's so-called perpetual virginity comes from the Gospel of James, a second-century infancy gospel possibly written by a member of a Gnostic Christian sect known as the Encratites. Even though it was never accepted as canon by any church council, and in fact was condemned by Pope Innocent I in 405 A.D., early Catholics used it as a source for mariological doctrines. That really explains a lot…


I saw Jesus face to face twice while I was taking care of my mom at the hospital a few years ago...I could be saying this as a boast and as a way to show my place in Christ....take what you will...i don't go to a physical church nor belong to any denomination but consider myself a follower of the Lord....every time there are "urges" for me to accept Catholic views, this marian dogma always gets to me and there is no way I can accept this as the truth...i see as the Holy Spirit's way of telling me, "don't go there son"


As a new born catholic (I believe I'm saved by my faith in Jesus alone, apart from works) theology and heresy surrounding the god-like worship of Mary is by far the most painful part of my church to me. I've never heard a single priest in my entire life teach on what is too much worship to Mary, or anything about hyper dulia in general. There is no such thing as too much worship of Mary. There is almost a political correctness of sorts surrounding the subject. And because of that, I've met countless catholics adoring Mary to a divine degree. It's a sickness within the church, probably the most serious one of them all.


catholic pagans says their goddess is required for their pagan
"He who wishes to find Jesus will do so only by having recourse to Mary." St. Alphonsus Maria Liguori
"No one ever finds Christ but with and through Mary. Whoever seeks Christ apart from Mary seeks Him in vain." St. Bonaventure
"All the world rejoices because it was redeemed through Mary." Alcuin of York


7:18 “(Mary) in thy hands I place my eternal salvation and to thee I entrust my soul” -Devotions to our mother of perpetual health
Satan is very good at deflecting focus off of our true savior, Jesus onto anyone else (Mary or saints) so when you meet Jesus at judgment he says, “ I never knew you depart from me.”
Interesting part is Mary and the saints are not even listening, so they’re really entrusting their soul to no one. That’s not gonna go well.


Mary admitted she needed a Savior Luke 1:47. Paul writes inspired by the Holy Spirit says all have sinned. So Catholics are you calling Mary, Paul and the Holy Spirit liars?


When it comes to TRANSUBSTANTIATION and MARIAN DOGMAS, I agreed 100% with Pastor James White... However, when it comes to FAITH ALONE, I disagreed 100% with Pastor James White... Praise be to God in Christ Jesus... Amen...


4:55 We don't worship Marry, but we (euphemism for worship) Mary. Maximum cope going on.


Matthew 1:24-25 says Joseph did not have relations with Mary until Jesus was born. Meaning, he continued this behavior and then it changed once Jesus was born.


Respect and remember Mary, but every believer should know that she is not the focus, Jesus is. She is just the vessel of honor.
Luke 1:46-47 And Mary said: "My soul magnifies the Lord,
And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior.
Even Mary need Saviour too, just like any other believers.


Mary should not be the object of prayer.
1 Kings 8:38-39
Whatever made...then hear in heaven...for You alone know the hearts of all the sons of men. (NASB)
Only God fully knows the hearts of all so only God is the proper recipient of prayer.
