Maker Challenge - Designing glass tile in Inkscape, comparison front/back engrave in Glowforge Pro

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Maker Challenge - February 4, 2020
This video was a live stream I did showing the difference between engraving the front of a glass tile vs. the back of a glass tile. We tried 2 different glass tile types of the clear glass variety, not the green glass variety. I showed how to create a quick text design in Inkscape and then load to the Glowforge User Interface for engraving. One machine ran on the front of a tile and one ran on the back of a tile. During our downtime with the machines running, I showed how to color the tile using Sharpie marker and water removal vs. isopropyl alcohol. I also tried out some oil paint pens for coloring the engrave. These were just tests to give you an idea of what can be done and I tried a few new things in the process. I highly encourage you to experiment for yourself.

Regarding the Glowforge exhaust fans - I turned them off so we didn't have a lot of noise from the Wyze camera and I wanted to see how good the audio feedback would be through the video. I do not recommend running your Glowforge with the exhaust fan turned off. Under normal circumstances and running tile, I will have the fan on. There is still debris. I will just have a bit more glass shards to clean out of the machine from these tests.
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