THOUSANDS of Cherries On a Bush! | A TOUGH & Productive Variety You May Not Have Heard Of

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This cherry variety has proven to be a WINNER in our garden, despite the challenging high and dry climate. Here is a quick share.
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I'm definitely going to try these! I tried ground cherries (similar to cape gooseberries and I think AKA husk cherries) this year in in Western PA (Pittsburgh area) and they grew fairly well. They taste pretty good and I'd recommend trying them.


The first year (when we got it from the nursery--also in Colorado) our nanking had a lot of fruit. The fruit tastes great, for me as good as any cherry. The last couple years there has been only a couple cherries. The nursury said they were self-fruitful, but they didn't know what they were talking about. Our other nanking seedlings are growing up so hopefully next year will be better. The nanking started blooming this year at the end of March, even before the peaches, and I wonder if the early flower followed by frost affected the fruit? It is one of the first things to flower in spring, and bees come out of nowhere to swarm it, while the bees didn't seem to care much about the crocuses and daffodils.


Those Nanking grow here in southern Alberta too, gets to -50c here and they arent even phased at all. So tasty.. so so so tasty


Thanks for the video! I have some of these planted. Waiting for them to fruit one of these years. What kumquats do you have, if you dont mind me asking? Couldnt find a video on them here.


I would certainly try them, but with the deer pressure I get it would not be possible. I also have severe bird pressure. I have 5 mature mulberry trees and to get any for myself I need to spend two days around them to chase the birds out so some will ripen for me. Birds eat berries before they are ripe an are like food mills. They are pooping them out as they are eating them.

I use cherries for pies, jam, and wine. Have you used these cherries for those purposes?

Informative video!
