Jaan Tallinn - the Singularity and Friendly AI - Interview in Hong Kong part 1

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Jaan Tallinn (Co-creator of Skype & KaZaa, Co-founder of Bluemoon)
Jaan gave a talk at the H+ Conf in HK - "Taming the Beast: Safety Measures for AGI"

Jaan Tallinn is one of the programmers behind Kazaa and a founding engineer of Skype. He is also a partner in Ambient Sound Investments as well as a member of the Estonian President's Academic Advisory Board. He describes himself as singularitarian/hacker/investor/physicist (in that order). In recent years Jaan has found himself closely following and occasionally supporting the work that SIAI and FHI are doing. He agrees with Kurzweil in that the topic of Singularity can be extremely counterintuitive to general public, and has tried to address this problem in a few public presentations at various venues.
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The precautionary principle - @ 15:00 - has some serious problems - sometimes making things more dangerous. See Max More on the topic, for example.


“Only the technological progress is actually nice to us because this is driven by market, which is in its turn driven by human needs and???" i don't understand the next word... Can someone help, please? Thank you.


So ... he's advocating avoiding AGI creation, and only narrow AI. There may not be an event horizon or real singularity then. I disagree with a lot of his arguments. I'm not sure he's very certain in his positions either.. a lot of thinking while answering.

Also interviewer, why did you cut out your audio for text?
