Uncovering the Surprising Connection Amelia s Shocking Strategy to Avoid Murder Charges

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And I think you need to start understanding that how this interview goes and what, you know, what decisions you make here are going to affect your life for a long, long, long time. Alright? You and Joshua. Talking about her son obviously strikes a chord with Amelia and as interrogations are all about exploiting emotions to extract the truth, the detective jumps on this to make her as vulnerable as possible. You've got Josh who you probably love and he's your husband. She wants to have Julian and you got a picture of that little boy. You're going to get pictures in jail, in prison of your little boy growing up. A house and a seven-year-old son. I didn't do anything. But Amelia asserts that she's only told the truth throughout the entire interrogation. So instead, they leave the room to discuss a new approach. Hey, you need to talk. That's why I want to talk to them, because I just don't want to be involved in any of this. At the start of the interrogation, Amelia was trying to seduce the detectives in an attempt to get better treatment, and hopefully even a lighter sentence. You're protecting someone, and I'm telling you right now, you don't need to do that. If I say all of these things, will I get in trouble? Amelia is now met with a harsh dilemma. She has to either gamble that the detectives never connect her to the crime and face felony charges herself or fess up and snitch to the police, likely sending her husband to jail for the rest of his life.
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