34. Lahiri Mahasaya's Bhagavad Gita Commentary (Spiritual Gita) Chapter 3 Sloka 40 to 43 Malayalam

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Spiritual Gita

This is the translation of the Bhagavad Gita commentary by Sri Sri Lahiri Mahasaya, disciple of Paramaguru Sri Sri Mahavatar Babaji. The original text is in Bengali language (Shyama Charana Adhyatmik Deepika). "Spiritual Gita" is the name of its English translation (Translated by Chandrakanta Agarwala).

The translation into Malayalam is made from the English version, "Spiritual Gita".

The greatness of the commentary given by Lahiri Mahasaya is that it is described purely from the perspective of a Kriyayoga practitoner. He brings to light the scientific Kriyayoga practices and sadhakas' real experiences that lie obscured in each verse in the Bhagavad Gita. The descriptions given by him are elaborated by his dearest disciple Sri Bhupendranatha Sannyal Mahasaya. Both the description given by Lahiri Mahasaya and elaborate explanation from his disciple are translated into Malayalam and recorded into these videos. Once you listen to these videos you will get a right understanding of what yoga really is and how a real yoga practitioner attains the Supreme Self through the practice of yoga.

Translation and Voice: Bodhanandagiri

Brought to you by: Sri Mahavatar Babaji Mission, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India.

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