Τα νεοκλασσικά της Πάτρας

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This is a video made by one of the students of our school, the 1st General Lyceum of Patras, Despoina Sakkouli, as part of her work for our e-twinning project called "SEARCHING THE BRIDGES TO JOIN OUR CULTURES'. The video shows the neoclassical buildings of Patras through a short account of the modern history of our city, as well as the wish for maintain such important and elegant buildings, a wish which is not always possible to come true, due to lack of funds. When neglected, the neoclassicals remind of palaces haunted by the spirits of aristocracy and wealth of the past. Despoina has taken most of the photos used, herself. The video was originally presented in Liceo Scientifico Sandro Pertini in Ladispoli Italy as part of our cooperation work through our e-twinning partnership.
Рекомендации по теме

Τα νεοκλασσικά της Πάτρας

Sakkouli Despoina – Vasiliki

πολύ ενδιαφέρον να δούμε αυτή την ταινία για το νεοκλασικό στυλ. Ωραία έκανε η μαθήτριά σου Σάκκουλη Δέσποινα – Βασιλική! Φιλοφρονήσεις
