How To Run DC’s Cinematic Universe (Definitive Edition)

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Technically this is a reupload but I thought it would be good to have the full and complete version of what I would do if I ran the DCEU.

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Let me know how you would make changes to the DCEU or if you think it's fine the way it is. (Sorry you're wrong)


Honestly I feel this is the great explanation of the DCEU. DC deserve (movie wise) to be put on the same level as the MCU. It’s just Warner Bros don’t give the same time and care that Marvel Studios gives to the MCU. Good job bro. And I hope in our lifetime we can get the DCEU we all deserve on the big screen.


I think the main problem is DCEU doesn’t have a fan running stuff like Marvel does


I like how Superman and Batman didn't have to fight to settle their differences. Reminds me so much of World's Finest. Ultimately, even if maybe 1 punch or two were thrown, they ended their differences in ideology by simply talking it out. Despite their initial distrust, they still want to ultimately work together to help save the world, which is something BvS sorely failed to understand.


DC could have been so so so much greater than marvel. They have much more iconic characters than marvel. It's sad what WB is doing honestly. They want DC to be marvel but they could be so much more.


Here’s my DCEU Concept. It’s not necessarily following the MCU’s blueprint or release dates. It’s just a bunch of movie concepts that I thought would be cool. (It’s also canon to the upcoming Matt Reeves Batman movies)

PHASE 1: Creation of the League
- *Superman: Man of Steel* (Pretty much the same story as the original movie, just with a more hopeful tone, the intro scene on Krypton is shorter, Zod isn’t killed by Superman but instead maybe someone like Lois with a Kryptonite bullet, but the biggest difference is the cast. Superman is played by Tom Welling, Lois is played by Erica Durance, and Clark’s parents are also played by the same actors from Smallville)
- *Wonder Woman* (Same movie)
- *Batman vs Superman* (Better version of the original movie. Batman is a more seasoned and brutal vigilante after Jason Todd’s and Lucius Fox’s death, but he never kills. Lucius died when the Wayne Tech building he was in collapsed during Superman’s fight with Zod. Doomsday is replaced with Bizzaro. Lex Luthor (played by Micheal Rosenbaum) creates and controls him with a mother box. Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman defeat Bizzaro, but the mother box transports Superman to Apokolipis. Cyborg’s dad studies it)
- *Night of The Batman* (Batman feels a massive amount of guilt for Superman’s disappearance. Bane arrives in Gotham and breaks the Bat. Bruce reluctantly makes Tim Drake the new Robin and becomes more open with the idea of being part of a team)
- *Justice League: Heroes United* (Pretty much just the Snyder Cut but shorter. The League fights against Stephen Wolff and tries to figure out what happened to Superman. They bring him back with Cyborg’s mother box, but Superman is being controlled by Darkseid who’s using an incomplete version of the anti-life equation. He eventually snaps out of it before the final fight. Wally West is the definitive Flash because Barry Allen disappeared without a trace around 2 years beforehand. After they beat Stephen Wolf, the League members decide to hide the three Mother Boxes. Superman throws one in the phantom zone and Batman hides another on a WayneTech Satellite which will later become the Watch Tower. John Stewart makes a cameo in a mid credit scene and offers to hide the 3rd box on Oa)

PHASE 2: Batman’s Paranoia
- *Acrobats* _TV Show_ (The longest running series I have planned for this DCEU. It takes place before Man of Steel and ends after Darkseid War. Dick Grayson abandons the role of Robin and eventually becomes Nightwing, and then SPOILER ALERT the next Batman when Bruce retires. This is where all the new Robins and other Batfamily members are fleshed out. Jason Todd’s death happens early on)
- *Green Lantern* (Introduces John Stewart as the definitive Green Lantern because Hal Jordan abandoned the Corps under mysterious circumstances. The Red Lanterns are the villains and Sinestro is teased at the end)
- *Mask of The Batman* (A mixture of Under the RedHood and Hush. Batman creates contingency plans for each League member. Jason Todd is brought back to life. It ends with Jason paralyzing Joker like how Bruce did in TDKR)
- *Superman: Man of Tomorrow* (Clark discovers Kara Zor-El. Brainiac is the villain)
- *Aquaman* (Same movie)
- *Wonder Woman: WW2* (Diana fighting in WW2)
- *The Flash* (Wally West struggles with having to take on Barry’s mantle as he fights against Gorilla Grodd and all the other Central City Rogues. Introduces Green Arrow)
- *The Suicide Squad* (Same movie)
- *Peacemaker* _TV Show_ (Same one on HBO Max)
- *Justice League: Tower of Babel* (Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, and Green Arrow join the Justice League. The Legion of Doom is created and is made up of Lex Luthor, Deathstroke, Cheetah, Reverse Flash, Black Manta, Metallo, Dark Archer, Malefic, and Sinestro. They steal Batman’s contingency plans, which leads to him being voted out of the League. Ra’s Al Ghul is revealed to be the one who orchestrated it all and an end credit scene is shown with him and Damian Wayne)
- *Al Ghul* (When Bruce was training to be Batman, he trained with the League of Assassins and had a child with Talia. Years later this child, Damian, decided to leave his grandfather’s cult and join the Batman’s crusade)

PHASE 3: Rise of Darkseid
- *Fear The Batman* (Bruce has to deal with the aftermath of him being kicked from the League, all the while Joker takes control of Gotham. This is the grand finale to all the Batman movies)
*Teen Titans* _TV Show_ (The roster is made up of Damien Wayne, Raven, Starfire, Beast Boy, and Blue Beetle. Nightwing, Wally West, and Wonder Girl act as their mentors because they were the original team. Cyborg also occasionally teams up with them)
- *The Flash: Flashpoint* (Wally discovers that the reason why Barry disappeared years ago, is because he went back in time to save his mom. Which trapped him in the Flashpoint universe. Wally goes in and saves him. Hints at the Crisis)
- *Birds of Prey* (Cat Woman, Black Canary, Huntress, Oracle, and Cassandra Cain Batgirl vs the Gotham Sirens)
- *Wonder Woman: Hellblazer* (Wonder Woman teams up with John Constantine (played by Keanu Reeves) to fight Circe and the Upside Down Man. Set in the 80s)
- *The Corps* _TV Show_ (A buddy cop series about Kyle Rayner GL and Guy Gardener GL solving space crimes with other Lanterns being introduced, like Jessica Cruz and Simon Baz)
- *Shazam!* (Same movie)
- *Superman: Man of Yesterday* (Darkseid decides that Superman can’t be controlled, and must instead be eradicated. He creates Doomsday and it kills Superman)
-*Men of Steel* (About Superman’s friend Henry Irons and a Kryptonian clone made by Lex Luthor after Superman’s death. Irons is given a kryptonian supersuit and he teams up with Superboy and Supergirl to defeat cyborg Superman. Teases Superman’s return)
- *Justice League: Darkseid War* (Darkseid destroys Oa, the Watch Tower, and goes into the phantom zone to gain all three mother boxes and to complete the anti-life equation. The League loses and the Earth is conquered)
- *Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay* (Task Force X trying to survive in the post apocalyptic Earth created by Darkseid. Think Suicide Squad meets Mad Max)
- *New Gods* (Introduces the New Gods and reveals their history with Apokolips)
- *Justice League: First Crisis* (Wally goes back in time to reverse everything. He ends up at the moment where Darkseid is attacking the Watch Tower. The satellite falls on Gotham, making it a blasted wasteland. Superman is brought back to life. All the heroes and even some villains have one last battle with Darkseid in Gotham. Darkseid is defeated by Wally. He runs so fast that he tackles him into the beginning of time, destroying Darkseid’s essence, which also kills Wally in the process. Bruce retires, marries Selena, and passes the mantle down to Dick DKR style)

PHASE 4: Calm before the Crisis
- *Static Shock* (Just a fun and kinda layed back movie showing the origins of one of my favorite DC heroes. It’s meant to be a pallet cleanser after all the sad and serious stuff happened with Darkseid. An end credit scene is shown where Virgil joins the Titans)
- *Black Adam* (Upcoming Black Adam movie with the Rock. Introduces Justice League Dark)
*Green Arrow* _TV Show_ (A better, shorter, and more comic accurate version of the Arrow show)
- *Shazam!: Gods of Thunder!* (Shazam vs Black Adam)
- *The Atom* (Ryan Choi Atom movie)
*Booster Gold* _TV Show_ (Booster Gold up to time shenanigans. Introduces the Legion of Superheroes and other comedy characters like Plastic Man)
- *Aquaman: The Lost Kingdom* (Aquaman 2)
- *Green Lantern: Blackest Night* (The Green Lanterns face off against the Black Lantern Corps. John finally meets Hal Jordan and discovers why he left the Corps. Hal was Green Lantern back in the 50s, but his town was destroyed and he was driven insane. He joined the Black Lantern Corps and became the villain Parallax. It ends with him imprisoned and the Anti-Monitor is teased. This movie is a combination of Darkest Night and Zero Hour)
*The Question* _Mini Series_ (About the hyper intelligent, somewhat psychotic vigilante known as The Question solving a deadly conspiracy. It has a very Watchmen-like tone. Throughout the series, something feels a little off about it. As if, it doesn’t take place in the same universe as the other films and shows…)
- *The Flash: of Three Worlds* (Barry Allen was summoned to Earth 2, where he meets Jay Garrick and the Justice Society of America. Main villains are the Crime Syndicate from Earth 3. We’re FINALLY at the Crisis and this is Part 1 of it)
*Elseworlds* _Miniseries_ (Shows various alternate timelines such as Red Son, Batman Darkest Knight, and DCeased. Basically this universe’s “What If?” It acts as Part 2 of the Crisis. Each episode ends with that alternate Earth being consumed by the Anti-Matter universe)
- *Justice League: Unlimited* (The Finale to everything. Because of the heroes of Earth 1 constantly screwing with time and space to save the day, the Anti-Monitor is released and tries to consume the multiverse. The Monitor summons various heroes throughout the multiverse. The Question TV series is revealed to have taken place on Earth 4. It has many references to past films and Terry Maginis Batman [Earth 12] and Christopher Reeves/Brandon Routh Superman [Earth 22] are vital characters. This is pretty much the “What If?” season finale made into a movie. Ends with the multiverse being rebooted allowing for a new DCEU)

So ya, that’s it. It’s been a wild ride but after like a million edits and months of thinking, I finally planned it all out. I was originally going to make a phase 5 that revolved around the crisis but I just combined it with phase 4 instead. Thank you all for your support and let me know in the comments what you think your favorite movie would be!


The one thing that is good about the mcu is how they start with regular humans and the world gradually expands with thor and other space beings


This sounds great. I think DC just needs to embrace a full reset with their cinematic universe. Maybe keep a few of the good films like Wonder Woman and Shazam, but just accept that they need to start over


You hit upon what is at least for me the most compelling thing about the DC universe - the relationships. I know every franchise has to do origins and introductions, but at some point it has to be clear that all of these heroes have been working together for years. And they talk to one another like they’ve been working together for years. not jokey (though there would be plenty of humor), but sincerely, as you would talk to your best friends or family. I love the whole sequence. The hawkman/hawkgirl relationship as a central aspect is brilliant, as you can see the love these people have for one another through them. Well done.


The DCEU really has a large potential it just kinda felt rushed at the beginning because they used up major DC events like death of superman and batman v superman and the dawn of justice league in just one movie. I think these comic events should be given enough room to breathe so that it could be fleshed out more...


"there will definitely be a static shock cameo"
coincidentally, in my native language that phrase translates to "this movie is gonna have at least one badass scene"


Out of most, "How to fix the DCEU movies" videos I've seen, yours is probably my favorite and the best one I've seen. Just imagining all of this makes me feel excited and sad that we could never get to see masterpieces like that ever. It would do the DC Universe *justice* because while I love both Marvel and DC modern day fans have really gotten bad perception of DC and their characters. I also love how you stuck with taking a lot of comic inspiration, including to introduce characters like Mr. Miracle, Kyle Rainer, Big Barda, and more. Loved this video.


Imagine if in every standalone film, the hero loses until the team up film when only by working together can they stop the previously established villians that won. It would show that the heroes are inexperienced and need to grow and in the team up theyd creatively work off of each others powers to amplify their power and dynamic ability in order to best the villians that have teamed up as the legion of doom. After that the next "phase" could be a bunch of small team ups as full films like batman & green arrow kinda like ant man and the wasp but over the course of a bunch of films with a couple of solo films where the heroes win in there and then theyd build up to the injustice storyline using the next team up film as an intro to the multiverse and at the same time adapting the injustice storyline, (the justice league that travels to the injustice earth to save it from injustice superman and his legion would be OUR justice league that weve watched develop etc) from then on the next phase would be about dealing with the multiverse and its conflicts setting up apokalypse that exists outside the multiverse and thus darkseid wholl wreck shit come the next team up film.. then end it there theres no need to keep going


DC's comics and animated movies are SO good and rich and that not translating to a cohesive live-action universe is sad. Seeing the other comments I want to throw some of my own ideas around.

Phase 1: The League and Leaguers' Origins
1. Green Lantern (A Hal Jordan story, I want Stewart to be the main GL so I'd like Hal's story to be about 10 years earlier. The Red Lanterns are the antagonists. End-credits: Parallax possesses Sinestro, who becomes a Yellow Lantern.)
2. Batman: The Long Halloween (Same as comics — a detective thriller. Batman has been depicted way too much as a crime-fighter than a detective. This movie sets up Gotham and characters too. End-credits: Graysons' death/Dick intro)
3. Wonder Woman (Same as the DCEU one, set in WWI — but she defeats a child/children of Ares. End-credits: Ares)
4. The Flash (An origin story with quite a few Rogues. No multiverse to time-travel yet. End-credits: Reverse-Flash tease)
5. Superman: Man of Tomorrow (An origin story similar to the animated movie would be great. I want to establish why he loves Earth, and his humanity, before giving him the dilemma of saving Krypton like in MoS.)
6. Green Lantern: New Dawn (HalxStewart story. The GL corps battle the Sinestro Corps and take down Parallax)
7. Justice League (the plot revolves around White Martians attacking Earth in hunt of J'onn J'onzz and we get Martian Manhunter and Justice League movie together. The JL forms with SM, BM, WW, GL (Stewart), Flash, MM).
8. Aquaman (Arthur doesn't become king but helps Mera protect Xebel from some creatures; Corum Rath? Slizzath?)
9. Shazam! (The DCEU Shazam! movie miuns the Shazam! family)

** I'd like to sprinkle in series — Blackhawks (WW spinoff), Gotham (BM spinoff about GCPD), Arrow & Canary)

Phase 2: The Leaguers at their peak (and the birth of Titans)
10. Suicide Squad (I loved TSS but I don't want Starro for this. So a Gunn directed movie with Enchantress as the villain)
11. Wonder Woman: God of War (WW vs Ares during WWII and some minor villains. End-credits: Donna Troy)
12. Aquaman: Throne of Atlantis (Similar to the AM movie, but no War of the Seven Seas. End-credits: Garth)
13. Batman: Arkham (Due to a security breach in Arkham, Batman and Robin are baited and trapped. Fights their way out)
14. The Flash: Reverse (Barry vs Thawne. End-credits: Wally West)
15. Titans: Year One (Robin, Wonder Girl, Aqualad, Kid Flash and Bumblebee saves Starfire from Blackfire and Tamaranians)
16. Superman: Son of Krypton (Similar to MoS, Zod attacks and tells SM to save Krypton. We see SM dilemma, but he chooses Earth over Krypton)
17. Justice League: Injustice (Similar to the animated JL:Doom, but the contingencies are by Lex)
18. Birds of Prey (Batgirl, Canary, Huntress vs Black Mask)
** Do a Batgirl series that leads up to BoP, a Doom Patrol series, and a Constantine series.

Phase 3: The League is fractured and conclusion to Leaguers' stories
19. Shazam! II (I'm not familiar with Shazam! stories, so open to suggestions)*
20. Titans: Shoot for the Starro (Some new Titans join. Starro mind-controls the JL and the Titans resolve the situation. The Titans, now equal to their mentors, change their monikers. The Titans are now: Nightwing, Kid-Flash, Troia, Tempest, Bumblee, Starfire, Beast Boy, Raven)
21. Batman: Court of Owls (Batman, Nightwing, Robin (Jason) against Talon and the Court)
22. Black Adam (the Rock has been hyping it up and it looks pretty good so far)
23. Justice League: Doomsday (SM, BM, WW, AM, GL, Flash, MM, Shazam! vs Doomsday. Superman "dies")
24. Martian Manhunter (M'gann M'orzz flees to Earth to ask J'onn to help the rebel White Martians and free some Green Martian survivors held captive. J'onn goes off to Mars. (No he isn't the last son of Mars here))
25. Wonder Woman: Amazonia (WW goes off to fight Circe who attacks Amazon. Hippolyta dies, Nubia named Queen)
26. Suicide Squad: Hive Five (Amanda Waller calls an attack on H.I.V.E)
27. Aquaman: Return of the King (The Dead King attacks Atlantis with the Trench. Charybdis bites Arthurs hand off)
28. Green Lantern: Blackest Night (Not as big an event as to include the JL. An assh*le Guy Gardner becomes the third GL but dies at the end of the film as a hero. His ring flies off to find...)
29. Titans: The Judas Contract (Deathstroke manipulates Terra to infiltrate the Titans. By the end of the film, Terra dies, and Garth/Tempest is killed, Donna is heartbroken and leaves the Titans (maybe she lives a normal life married to Terry Long in the future), Wally leaves to take care of Central City because *Barry is missing*. The movie ends on a happy note with Bumblebee getting married to Mal Duncan. End-credits: Remaining TItans are Nightwing, Starfire, Beast Boy, Raven)
30. Birds of Prey: Sirens (Batgirl, Canary, Huntress vs Catwoman, Ivy, Harley (who escapes in SS:HF) but they unite by the end to fight the Daughters of Gotham)

My Phase 4 and 5 would've been the whole Darkseid Saga. There would be a Flashpoint movie, Superman's revival and Reign of the Supermen, Death in the Family and Red Hood. Introduction to magic-based characters like Zatanna, Dr. Fate, etc. Some more Batman movies and maybe Red Hood and the Outlaws. Haven't really thought it out yet.


This is really good only one thing I was wondering was what happened to hawkman and hawkgirl


After you saying that the first superman movie needed to be lighter than man of steel, I was immediately onboard! Great job bro I really enjoyed this 👍


Love the idea AND killer song in the back. Used in Sonic Adventure if I am not mistaken.


Fantastic work on this. THIS is what DC films should have been from the start. I mean at least with DC you would be getting a better final battle between two cosmic forces with The Justice League in the middle of the conflict.


I enjoyed this. I even like how I got hyped at how you introduced Batman


So, if I was a movie exec this would’ve been my movie line up from 2008 - Now with my DCEMU to compete with the MCU
Goals for Phase 1:
* Make Money
* Establish a universe of characters equal/greater than that of the MCU
* Give a solo film to each of the 7 Justice League characters in order to establish them as individuals characters with different personalities and motivations
* Wrap up Phase 1 with a Justice League Team Up Movie

Things to Set-Up in Phase 1:
* Incorporate other superheroes/characters in bit roles in solo movies to establish them in other installments
* Have Post-Credit Scenes allude to what will be seen in the sequel
(): The film’s main antagonist
-: The Marvel movie it would drop alongside
[]: Post-Credit Scene

Phase 1: 2008-2013
1.) Batman: World’s Greatest Detective (Alfred Stryker & Dr. Death)(Post-Credit: Death of the Flying Graysons) - Iron Man
2.) Green Lantern: Emerald Warrior (Hector Hammond) (Post-Credit: Sinestro becomes a Yellow Lantern) - The Incredible Hulk
3.) Flash: The Scarlett Speedster (Gorilla Grodd) (Post-Credit: Wally West introduction) - Iron Man 2
4.) Wonder Woman: The Daughter of Destiny (Giganta) (Post-Credit: We see a woman walking down 5th Ave window shopping when she stops in front of a Cheetah print Fur Jacket alluding to Cheetah) - Thor
5.) Superman: The Last Son of Krypton (General Zod) [Post-Credit: After the damage of Metropollis, Luthor is seen swabbing Krypton blood & DNA into a bag, alluding to Bizzaro] - Captain America: The First Avenger
6.) Aquaman: King of the Seven Seas (Ocean Master) (Post-Credit: Black Manta) - Avengers
7.) Martian Manhunter: (White Martians) [Post-Credit: J’onn is on his way to earth] - Iron Man 3
8.) Justice League: The Siege of Starro (Starro) [Post-Credit: The Justice League officially formed and we see a glimpse of Braniac in space] - Thor: Dark World

Phase 2: 2014-2015
9.) Batman & Robin (Boss Zucco & Clayface) [Post-Credit: Robin walks out on Batman to form the Teen Titans] - Captain America: Winter Soldier
10.) Suicide Squad (Jihad) [Post-Credit: We finally bare witness to Ra’s Al Ghul in the Lazarus Pit] - Guardians of the Galaxy
11.) Flash II: Too Flash Too Furious (Captain Cold, Heatwave & Reverse Flash) [Post-Credit: We see Hunter Zolomon/Zoom messing with the Time Treadmill in the future] - Avengers Age of Ultron
12.) Atom (Chronos) [Post-Credit: Batman scouts Ray Palmer to request he joins the Justice League] - Ant-Man

Phase 3: 2016-2019
13.) Batman V. Superman (Doomsday) [Post-Credit: Superman flys off and isn’t seen again until Superman 2] - Captain America: Civil War
14.) Dr. Fate (Wotan or Doctor Light) [Post-Credit: Spectre appears in front of Dr. Fate telling him of The Justice League Dark] - Doctor Strange
15.) Green Lantern: Corps (Sinestro Corps) [Post-Credit: Hal witnesses the death of Coast City leading him to become Parallax] - Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
16.) Superman 2 (Lex Luthor & Bizarro) [Post-Credit: We see Kara on the other side of Krypton that didn’t get destroyed] - Spider-Man Homecoming
17.) Wonder Woman 2 (Cheetah) [Post-Credit: The Greek Gods are discussing what to do with Wonder Woman, when Ares stands up in anger] - Thor Ragnarock
18.) Cyborg (Grid) [Post-Credit: A girl by the name of Letoya Charles is seen going through the same operation as Victor, alluding to Cyborgirl] - Black Panther
19.) Justice League: Braniac (Braniac) [Post-Credit: We witness Darkseid’s destruction of Apokolips from the season finale of New Gods] - Avengers Infinity War
20.) Aquaman 2 (Black Manta) - Ant-Man & Wasp
21.) Shazam (Doctor Sivana) [Post-Credit: Black Adam is seen awaking from his slumber] - Captain Marvel
22.) Justice League: Darkseid of the Sun (Darkseid) - Avengers Endgame
23.) Justice League: Darkseid of the Moon (Darkseid) - Spider-Man Far From Home

Phase 4: 2020-2023
24.) Batgirl: The Killing Joke (Joker) - Black Widow
25.) Adam Strange (Kanjar Ro) - Shang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings
26.) Birds of Prey (Lady Shiva) - The Eternals
27.) Plastic Man (Concrete Lady) - Spiderman 3: No Way Home
28.) Supergirl (Lobo) - Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
29.) Mr. Terrific - Thor: Love and Thunder
30.) Cyborg II (Cybogirl) - Black Panther II
31.) Shazam II (Black Adam) - (The Marvels) Captain Marvel II
32.) Green Lantern III (Parallax) - Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
33.) Jonah Hex (Quentin Turnbull) - Blade
34.) Firestorm (Killer Frost) - Ant-Man III
35.) Justice Society of America (Vandal Savage) - Fantastic Four
CW Series(To Go Up Against the ABC Series):
1.) Teen Titans - Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D (Phase 1 - 4)
2.) The Question - Agent Carter (Phase 2-3) [January 2015 - June 2016] - 2 Seasons
3.) The New God’s - Inhumans (Phase 3) [September 2017 - February 2018] - 1 Season

1.) Constantine - Daredevil (Phase 2-3) [April 2015 - October 2018] - 3 Seasons
2.) Zatanna - Jessica Jones (Phase 2-3) [November 2015 - June 2019] - 3 Seasons
3.) Swamp Thing - Luke Cage (Phase 3) [September 2016 - June 2018] - 2 Seasons
4.) Deadman - Iron Fist (Phase 3) [March 2017 - September 2018] - 2 Seasons
5.) Justice League Dark - The Defenders (Phase 3) [August 2017] - 1 Season
6.) Arrow - Punisher (Phase 3) [November 2017 - January 2019] - 2 Seasons

1.) Young Justice - The Runaways (Phase 4) [November 2017 - December 2019] - 3 Seasons
2.) Hawk & Dove - Cloak & Dagger (Phase 4) [June 2018 - May 2019] - 2 Seasons
3.) The Demon Etrigan - Helstorm (Phase 4) [October 2020] - 1 Season

Phase 4:
WB+/HBO Max:
1.) Hawkman & Hawkgirl - WandaVision (Phase 4)
2.) Booster Gold & Blue Beetle - The Falcon and The Winter Soldier (Phase 4)
3.) Red Hood - Loki (Phase 4)
4.) The Outsiders - What If...? (Phase 4)
5.) Static - Ms. Marvel (Phase 4)
6.) Nightwing - Hawkeye (Phase 4)
7.) Watchmen - She-Hulk (Phase 4)
8.) Gordan - Moon Knight (Phase 4)
