Does Being Born Again Include Baptism?

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Well said. I don’t understand how some followers of Christ can read these passages and conclude that baptism is not essential for salvation.

Perhaps people are still “blinded” to the truth in the same way some were during the time when Jesus walked the earth?


Repent of your sins and be baptized.

One thing I don’t understand about the catholic religion is how can an infant repent of their sins. Their parents are making the decisions for them.


In order to be saved, one must repent and “call upon the name” of the Lord:

(Romans 10:13)

“for, “Everyone who ⭐️calls on the name⭐️ of the Lord will be saved.”

As we can see elsewhere, “calling on the name of the Lord” is a strict reference to baptism👈:

(Acts 22:16)

“And now what are you waiting for? Get up, be BAPTIZED and wash your sins away, ⭐️calling on his name⭐️.’”

The problem is that non-Catholic Christians read Romans 10:13 and conclude that we don’t need to be baptized…not understanding that the letter to the Romans wasn’t originally divided up into chapters. In Romans 6:2 Paul says:

“Or don’t you know that all of us who were BAPTIZED into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death?”

So what’s happening is that Paul asserts baptism as the entry point for the New Covenant and by the time we get to Romans 10 he is merely ABBREVIATING for baptism. This is why you can’t just take a single passage and build your entire religion around it. You need an interpretation that is inclusive of everything the apostles taught. You may not exclude it simply because Pastor so-and-so says so.


No one taught salvation without baptism until Zwingli
