Global vs Local Scope in Functions - Free Code Camp

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An experienced programmer goes over the global vs local scope in functions lesson which makes up a part of the FreeCodeCamp curriculum. The goal is to add context to these lessons which a younger programmer would be able to enjoy with the intention of speeding up and/or deepening their understanding of JavaScript.
JavaScript Scope (Local vs Global)
Scope of Variables - Local vs Global
Lesson #36 - Variable Scope/ Local vs Global Variables
Global vs Local Scope in Functions - Free Code Camp
What is Scope in Python??
local and Global Scope in Python | Python Tutorials for Beginners #lec78
Global and local scope in javascript | chai aur #javascript
Python Tutorial: Variable Scope - Understanding the LEGB rule and global/nonlocal statements
Trade and climate change: managing policies on the road to net zero | LSE Event
#08 [c++] - Variable Scope (Local vs Global)
#15 JavaScript Tutorial | Scope of Variables | Global vs Local
local and global Scope in JavaScript | JavaScript Tutorial in Hindi #88
PHP 7: Global vs local scope | Tutorial Nr. 19
What is Scope in Javascript Explained + Examples | JavaScript Scope Types: Global vs Local vs Block
Local and global scope | Intro to CS - Python | Khan Academy
16: JavaScript Scopes | Local Scope and Global Scope in JavaScript | JavaScript Tutorial | mmtuts
Learn JavaScript VARIABLE SCOPE in 5 minutes! 🏠
Python variable scope 🔬
Global vs Local Scope in Functions, freeCodeCamp Basic Javascript
C++ - Global and Local Scope
Global Vs Local Variable in Python| Easy Scope Rule explanation
JavaScript Basic 54: Global vs. Local Scope in Functions | FreeCodeCamp | Algos & Data
Global vs Local Scope in Functions (Basic JavaScript) freeCodeCamp tutorial
24: Local and Global Scope in PHP | PHP Tutorial | Learn PHP Programming | PHP for Beginners