What Is The BEST Way To Grow Young Players?

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Developing youth is the best part of career mode. Without it, you might as well just play kickoff. However, sometimes it might seem like those good young players are refusing to improve. Today we’ll be looking at and ranking the 5 best ways to grow players overall, backed up by a bunch of experiments I've run on FIFA 23.

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If you wanna grow YA players quickly once you promote them to the senior squad, put them into your starting lineup while they’re loan listed and they’ll get insane growth once loaned out especially if they’re in form when they’re loaned. Just had a +10 and a +11 on two players.

During the transfer window, I make a team sheet of all the players I have loan listed and I make that my active team sheet until the window is over.


I wish fifa introduced youth league so players you promote play in the league until age of 18 and grow their ranking


If you haven't done it yet, you could show us how to choose the best development plan for each player and if it's better to keep the same plan or change it after a few weeks


I once played a career mode save with Molde (my favourite club) in the premier League. After around 3 seasons I bought Benzema for a striker and loaned out David Datro Fofana to man utd. He was 78 at the time i loaned him out. At the end of his loan he was 90 rated. It was crazy, but i loved it!!


I loaned out joe gelhardt at 72 ovr, on a loan to buy with arsenal and recalled him in the same window and he jumped up to 81 over immediately- repeated it right away in the same window and recalled, went to 92. Literally went from 72 to 92 in about 3 weeks, was absolutely game changing for my career


Always done the loan out trick, save before you recall them, always keep an eye on their value and their potential change 😊, always concentrate on development plans such as there pace as they do decline when approaching their 30's, when pace is in the late 80's or so I then go specific into their position skills
LB/RB - Attacking Wing Backs/ Inverted Wide Backs
CB - Defensive Centre Backs
CM -Box to Box
CDM - Anchor
CAM - Dynamo
LW/RW - Inverted/Support Winger/Wide Playmaker
ST - Mobile or Complete Striker


Best players to find are still attacking wing backs. Their overall starts very low because their defense stats are trash, but their pace and shooting will be amazing. Get 5 star scouts, search for attackers, then recruit any left or right backs that come up. Make sure they are attackers before signing, or the results won't be as good. In this case, don't bother with development plans until they are 23, or you will miss out in big gains in stats like penalties. Loan them out or play them like this video mentions to keep their growth maxed out each season. Immediately after they turn 23, loan them out to any club for a month or so and their overall will EXPLODE. My last one went from 75 overall (because of the low defensive stats) to 90 overall with perfect finishing and pace. Then you can change the development plans to fix gaps in their overall or attributes like pace, weak foot, and skill moves. It's quite possible to get a 99 overall player by 25 by doing this method. At the very least, you will have one of the best strikers in the game. The only disadvantage is that wing backs tend to be very short. The tallest one I have signed was 5'11" but they are usually between 5'6" and 5'9".


I noticed a significant difference between a loan and a loan-to-buy option. Some youngsters that I didn't expect much out of or weren't improving as they should be I sent the out on a loan-to-buy and by the end of the season some, not all, but some improved quite a bit, and you can recall them around May, before the other team activates the buy out option if you think they are good enough now. AND if they are good but still need improvement, you can repeat the process.


For all wide players, I highly recommend sticking them on the opposite side dev plan (make RB’s train to become LB’s etc) as the stats that are improved change as they go up, so they’re always training the stats that make them better for their position and it works wonders - they grow so fast! Only downside is it doesn’t normally upgrade stamina, work rates and weak foot, so bare that mind.


Always hated how training has done nothing but sharpness in the last few FIFAs, literally makes no sense. Hopefully things improve next year for EA FC.


As someone with a full 90+ rated squad developmentplans are the most important to grow the player!


Great Video! However I think what you are saying about loans isn't accurate. Loans are not random and they are calculated. It doesn't matter where they are loaned out to all that the game takes into account is their position, current overall, age, and potential. Have you ever noticed that when you sell a player that has been in your club for a long time he gets huge overall increase (come around december) at his new club? Loans work the same way. What happens is when players are at AI controlled teams they are expected to be at a specific overall at a certain age based on their potential and position. So lets say you have 2 players. The first player is 20 years old, 60 overall, and 80 potential. The other one is 16 years old, 60 overall, and 80 potential. Now lets say you play them both for a 3 seasons, get their potential up to 95 (with dynamic potential) and both of them reach 73 overall. Then you loan them out. Player 2 being only 19 years old and 73 overall on loan the game may think "Hey player 2 should be about 76 overall by age 19 at 95 potential so we will increase him accordingly come december of when recalled." When player 1 is loaned out at 23 years old the AI club with think "Player 2 is already 23 years old and needs to reach 95 overall soon. There is a lot of catching up to do." and will give them a huge overall increase to probably 89-90 depending on position. You see this a lot if you sign the players in the youth academy that are "mispositioned" and have really low overall but really high potential. You can easily see players jump from 44 to 73 or from 75 to 98 based on their age and potential. Its quite amazing. Also if you utilize dynamic potential on young players that didn't start will very high overall. I've loaned out some hidden gems after a few seasons of dynamic potential and had increases of +20 to +25 depending on how old they are. It works best with fullbacks and wingers.


This is the high level science I crave.

Also: the A trainings are obviously important, as sharpness is vital to their development, as you've stated. So if you're not playing the player, those A training sessions definitely matter!


in my cases its rare for a player of mine to come back from an unsuccessful loan recently i had a goalie from Argentina (if you want a potential word class goalie i suggest Argentina as a YA scout option) Aguilar, sent him on loan to Stuttgart at 70 OVR and he came back at 79 OVR


My experience has been simming it through calendar rather than using the normal week by week advancement. I’m able to boost them by plus 7-10s per season.


There's also a way to upgrade soecifict stats faster that otherwise you couldn't because they're not in your development plan... For example, in a defensive player, you can't improve shooting, but, if you put him on a plan like cam, striker, etc, you can improve those stats. Good for getting well rounded wing backs late game, had one with every stat 90+ and shooting 82


i loaned out my left back at 68 overall to werder bremen who is playing in 2nd bundesliga. Checked back in winter transfer window and he was at 75 overall. (7 point increase in 5 months)
I was shocked, so I checked how well bremen was doing and they were unbeaten in their division lol. 12 wins and 3 draws. Hopefully by the time he comes back he will be over 80 hehe, his pontential prior to loan was exciting prospect and he is only 19.


There's something you didn't mention. If you loan a player you had in your active team they grow faster. I played a full season with a keeper from my young academy that has a 94 potential. He was 64 at first, at the end of the season he was 67 (no idea why growing defenders is harder than attackers) but now that I loaned him while he was in my active squad he's at 75 in less than half a season.


My findings in short:

- Proper growth training plan
- Playtime with high MatchRating
- Acquiring enough stars for your coaches per department
- High sharpness
- Of course the player needs high potential as well
- Player happiness, so keep an eye on the contracts

Check the trainingplans every 7ish weeks to see if it needs to change, keep all your players at 90/100 sharpness which develops them better, which lets them play better and get higher ratings which lets them grow faster, after a lot of growth and great form --> dynamic potential kicks in and may drastically improve their potential. It could go from nothing to: Has Potential To Be Special.

Don't just loan players out, it can ruin their potential and waste a lot of time, keep in mind that if your player plays a lot of bad matches his potential can also go down.


Thanks for your Videos. I guess I wouldn’t play CM without you.
