what I realistically read in a week 📖 *spoiler-free reading vlog*

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reading vlogs are my FAVOURITE!!!

I hope you enjoy watching this as much as I enjoyed filming it 🥹🫶🏼


W H E R E T O F I N D M E :


L I N K S + C O D E S :


F I L M I N G E Q U I P M E N T :
◦ vlogging camera: Canon m50
◦ editor: Final Cut Pro X

Thanks for watching!
Rach x

DISCLAIMER: I do not own this music. No copyright intended. This video was not sponsored. All opinions are my own.
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So interesting that some people didn’t like ACFTL. I get why, I also used to be a fangirly who would imagine exactly how I wanted books/TVshows/Movies to go and after being disappointed too many times, I learned to stop doing that and just enjoy the ride. I personally loved the book. Do I wish (spoilers) that Apollo had gotten less screen time and Jacks had gotten more? Sure. But I think that added to the angst and suspense. Overall I think Ballad is my favorite simply because it was pretty much E/J the entire book but I still loved this book and the ending was perfect. 5 star series and will forever be one of my favorite series ever and Jacks will always be one of my favorite characters.


Ahhh SO thrilled you loved Cursed! I was OBSESSED and had all the same reactions as you— sad other people are giving it negative reviews because I absolutely LIVED for it!!


Loved seeing your reactions to ACFTL! “Let me at him!” I totally had the same reactions 😂. It’s easily 5 stars for me and my favorite book of the series.


“Why do they feel like my friends? They’re not even real.” I laughed out SO loud Rachel 😂😭


I’ve had Renegades on my TBR since it came out and I FINALLY read it last month because of you!!! So glad I did, I LOVE IT!! It reminded me so much of the Incredibles (I’m a big Disney adult ngl) and I loved every minute.


I’m meant to be reading rn but instead I’m watching booktubers😭


Renegades is such a good series and it totally reminds me of Sky High! You should try the Luner Chronicles by Marissa Meyer, the first book in the series is Cinder!


I wish there was a reading vlog every day. 1 video is never enough.


the renegades series is my fav series of all time. nothing has topped it since I read it 4 years ago. idk how its not talked ab more but I'm so glad its making its way to booktube!


You never need a "reason" for a reading vlog Id watch these all dayy.


Her reactions while reading a curse for true love was literally exactly my inner thoughts while reading it 😭


I just finished a curse for true love last night and I DIED! I loved it but I honestly wish it was longer, the last 3/4 of the book felt a little rushed and I wanted more!


I absolutely LOVED your reactions whilst reading a curse for true love. Like screaming at the book is so relatable 🤭


I just bought the first two once upon a broken heart books and im so excited to jump into them to get to the new book. I'm going to finish my first read of magnolia parks first. Love all your book recommendations Rachel!


27 SECONDS… 27!! never been this early but i’m so excited to watch you read ACFTL


I recommend looking up the alternative epilogues for curse for true love that other editions we can't get in Australia have! It made my heart very happy ❤️


A curse for true love fell really short for me. It was my most anticipated read and I felt like it took a really really long time to get anywhere and then when you did get where you wanted it ended. I needed more interaction and romance between Eva and Jacks and there was just a lot of plot that didn’t seem intricate to the storyline. The book was different than I thought.


just finished 'A Curse for True Love' today and im in love. i dont know why i wasn't expecting to love it as much as the first 2 but i did, i had the same thought as you through hoping some character would come back and they did. i think the one upon a broken heart trilogy is my favourite fantasy series, not that ive read many😂


Just finished a curse for True love and am torn. I absolutely loved it, but wish it had been longer and with more of certain characters. Is it just me, or did anyone else feel like Garber was setting up for a new series with that ending? The final pages gave me that impression and not all the storylines seemed tied up in the end. I can think of a couple different spin off series she could write that would be fun and different than this series.


I just started once upon a broken heart! I'm 100 pages in and I'm loving it so far 😍
Very keen to read the trilogy
