Connect MySQL Database to Powershell

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connect mysql to powershell
Connecting PowerShell to MySQL Database
MySQL Connection with PowerShell Scripting
How do I connect to MySQL database via Powershell
How To Query a MySQL Database with PowerShell
Run MySQL Queries from PowerShell
connect mysql with powershell using codes. use following codes

$Connection = New-Object MySQL.Data.MySqlClient.MySQLConnection("User=root;Database=sakila;Server=localhost;Port=3306;")

# Define a MySQL Command Object for a non-query.
$sql = New-Object MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand
$sql.Connection = $Connection
$sql.CommandText = "SHOW Tables"
$myreader = $sql.ExecuteReader()
while($myreader.Read()){ $myreader.GetString(0) }

#powershellscripting #mysql
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