A Day in the Life of a Solopreneur | Small Business Marketing Tips

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Get marketing tips and learn about free design resources from a real solopreneur and small business owner.

This documentary is based on the real life story of Inner Realm Wellness LLC Founder Paige Frisone.

Using Shutterstock's Create with no prior design experience, Paige created brand & social media assets to get her business to the next level.

"Having Shutterstock Create made it really easy to figure it out on my own (and) feel empowered in doing so." Paige says. See how she got it done as a solopreneur with a few top tools:

* "The color picker is one of my favorite assets of Shutterstock Create. You can upload your logo, or an image, or a graphic, and you can sample a color... and put it on any other place on the canvas."
* "The background remover is sheer magic."
* "Having Shutterstock Create's retouch tools—the smile brightener, the teeth whitening—it's like your digital glow-up."
* "Generate's an amazing tool where you can just think of anything out of the figments of your imagination, be really specific, type it into the search bar, and get the image that you're looking for."

Рекомендации по теме

El camino hacia el éxito como emprendedor individual puede ser emocionante pero difícil, mientras navegas por la cuerda floja entre perfeccionar tu oficio y comercializar tu negocio.

Pero, ¿qué pasaría si existiera una herramienta que pudiera cerrar esa brecha sin esfuerzo, permitiéndole concentrarse en su pasión mientras hace crecer


"A Day in the Life of..." still searching for this 🔍🔍


I Have a Subscription but I want to know this, please? Can We use Shutterstock-licensed footage in our youtube Vlog?


Can We use Shutterstock-licensed footage in our youtube Vlog?


stop selling our stuff for 0, 10 cent !!!!"


That's great for you, unfortunately I spent 90 minutes trying to activate an account and even the rep couldn't help me.... Wonder how much money shutterstock losses by having a flawed server, but they can kiss my twenty nine dollars a month good bye!!!!
