Teaching the Holocaust

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In July 2019, Governor Kate Brown endorsed legislation that had previously cleared the Oregon Legislature with overwhelming bipartisan support. This legislation mandated Holocaust and genocide education in all Oregon public schools, k-12. Oregon thereby joined more than twenty states nationwide that either currently mandate such education or are committed to doing so in the near future, and the number is growing.

The panel discussion on April 8 should be of particular interest to public-school teachers and to OSU students who intend to teach in k-12. Professor Michael O’Malley of the OSU College of Education will moderate the event, and the panel will consist of three individuals who regularly teach units on Holocaust-related issues – one who does so in high school, one in middle school, and one in elementary school. Each of the panelists will discuss his or her approach to teaching this subject, what appears to have worked well, and what has proven to be particularly challenging. After the panel presentation, members of the audience will be encouraged to share their views on how Holocaust-genocide education can be provided most effectively in the schools.

Presented by the College of Liberal Arts and the School of History, Philosophy and Religious Studies. Thursday, April 8 at 7 p.m. via Zoom. Free, open to all via Zoom Meeting ID 992 0025 7561, Password 053924

Amit Kobrowski: K-12 Social Science Specialist at the Oregon Department of Education -- Teacher, Beaverton School District
Amanda Coven: Director of Education, Oregon Jewish Museum and Center for Holocaust Education
June Morris: Social Studies Teacher, West Albany High School
Carrie McCallum: Language Arts Teacher, St. Helens High School
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