The VICIOUS CYCLE of IBS, Anxiety and Stomach Problems

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Are your anxiety and stomach problems connected? Have you noticed how your anxiety starts to increase when you have an IBS flare up… which then leads to more anxiety.. which leads to more pain and gut issues? And how the more stressed and worried you become… your stomach symptoms feel like they’re never going to go away?

This video will help you make sense of the stress, anxiety and IBS cycle, and most importantly how to break it so you can start to manage your IBS symptoms and overcome Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Because when it comes to IBS and stomach problems, stress and anxiety they can form a really tight cycle which, overtime can become more and more automatic, until you start to question which came first – the stomach problem or the stress and anxiety?


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Hello, if we haven't officially met yet, I’m Jayne! I’m a psychotherapist specialising in gut directed hypnotherapy and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for IBS. I’m here to help you get long-term relief from your IBS symptoms with my proven and evidence-based approach The Calm Gut Program. Working with clients 1:1 worldwide I help you transform your IBS, no matter how long you’ve been suffering – without medications, drugs or diets.

As a teenager and young adult I struggled for over a decade with debilitating IBS symptoms, and after finally regaining control of my gut, I’m now on a mission to help you do the same.

DISCLAIMER: This content is designed to provide you with helpful information. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any illness or disease. The information provided in this content is for general educational purposes, has not been reviewed nor approved by the TGA and is not intended to take the place of advice from your medical professional, licensed dietitian or nutritionist. You are solely responsible for your health care and activity choices.

**When listening to hypnosis recordings, do so in a safe place, preferably where you will not be disturbed for the duration of your recording. Never listen to recordings or practice self-hypnosis while driving in a car, operating machinery, or doing anything else that requires your attention for safety reasons.

#gutdirectedhypnotherapy #ibsmeditation #hypnotherapyforibs
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Thanks for watching! Let me know down in the comments if you recognise yourself in this cycle? Have you noticed how anxiety and stress can exacerbate or even trigger an IBS flare up?


Great video. Over the years it feels like it's my stomach triggering the anxiety rather than the other way around. Even with PPI's and diet change, there is not much relief too be had. Years and years of abuse, tension, stomach acid, has made this chronic.


Sounds totally like me for these past month I haven’t been able to get past the anxiety regarding pain and constant gut inflammation it’s hell


totally me, got the docs tomorrow. Wish me luck


Brilliant information. This is me right now ❤


Now i know that i am not alone anymore. I taught i was the only one suffering this😭 I have a fear of traveling because of my stomach aches, and because im stressed about having to go to the toilet (which i can't do while traveling) my stomach hurts even more which leads to even more anxiety! It's so stressful. But thanks to your video at least now i understand what's happening to me!🥰🥰


Thank you so much for this video. I feel like I am finally understanding how to start going about all of this 🙈


This is my life down to a tea! This is me! I’m having such a bad time! I’m at the doctors in 2 weeks. I’m really struggling, and I really need some help.❤


Ever since 2-4 months ago, i’ve been so anxious in cars to the point where i feel like i have to go to the bathroom every time i’m in one. it’s put a strain on my social life, and i just want to deal with it and live my life


This is what I feel like I'm experiencing so much pain in my stomach been making feel sick n nauseous .


Thank you so much for nailing this on the head for me. I have certain triggers that flare up my ibs fight or flight nervous system. For example, if I'm going in a vehicle on a journey somewhere, going for a walk or somewhere where there's no bathroom or doing activities where I'll be away from a toilet i become fearful of having an accident which brings on panic. It has become really upsetting. Docs told me I have stress induced ibs-c, so they just gave me laxatives, but that's not helping my actual symptoms. As well as looking into cbt, I was going to ask the doctor for beta-blockers to help my nervous system for now until I get cbt underway. Would you say that would help my anxiousness?


This is very true for me. I have Bipolar disorder


Yes I'm dealing with this vicious cycle right now. It all started when I got summoned for jury duty.. especially the week I was supposed to go. I just found out tonight that I've been dismissed.. so yay I don't have to go. However I thought it would calm my anxiety... Hasn't yet. I'm still concerned about the IBS symptoms. Hopefully it calms down in a few days.


That's been my nightmare .it started 10 y ago. Got sick during a trip. And changed my life. But psychologists don't get it. The cycle of sick +fear+fitting more sick+anxiety+more etc etc. They don't talk about the nervous system ...I hope I can one day be free of this cage


Mam your video is soo amazing .. please tel sensitive people have more chanes of ibs or not?


Great video! Did you urself suffer from this?

Also once someone has cured themselves is there a chance ibs may come back? And if it does, does the person not look at it as before when they were suffering and therefore it stops quicker? Thank you


Well, your example with Toby is exactly what I am dealing with. I have muscular dystrophy so I've had tons of surgeries and antibiotics. After a spinal fusion 4 years ago, and catching double lung pneumonia, my stomach wasn't the same. It started causing me a lot of depression and anxiety and made it so I wasn't able to eat all the healthy foods I ate before due to them making my symptoms worse. I have so many things to worry about because of my disability so it makes it hard to mentally relax. I get these vibrations in the trunk of my body that feels like I'm sitting in a running car and I just feel really wired like I drank a bunch of coffee. I also live with my parents who both suffer from mental illnesses that cause a lot of outbursts and unpredictability. I have PTSD from both of them as well as other events that have happened in my life. I know that I need to live on my own and separate myself from them a little bit from them but it's just so hard because I'm physically reliant on my mom at the moment.


Hi doc

I had chronic health anxiety recently, which came with some scary physical symtoms. I even once had a panic attack with chest pains and serious heart palpitations

But after some weeks i summoned courage and went for testing. The test results came out negative, that i am clean.

So i thought since my doubt has been cleared, my anxiety symptoms should go away immediately automatically??

But i wqs surprised to wake up the next morning to same similar morning anxiety symptoms.

The symptoms has reduced as of today, but i am still having digestive issues..
My stomach is all over the place.😢

I don't know what to do..


Okey, that almost all happening to me. No help at all from health care, reaching suicidal level and self-cutting.... Professionals said i am fully Okey. What now? Give up?


How do i get out? I need this gas to stop. I have no more money for doctors. I have tried and tried and tried. I cannot sleep. I am doing the hypnosis and focusing on the good. This was my story, it started after getting norovirus.
