How to Support Someone with Psychosis: 5 Tips

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Secrets to Providing Support and Case Management to Individuals with Psychotic Symptom, Schizophrenia or mental illness Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes, PHD, LPC-MHSP, LMHC
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#psychotic #schizophrenia #casemanagement #socialwork

00:00:00 - Psychotic Symptoms and Sleep Disturbances
00:07:42 - Strategies for Managing Bipolar and Major Depressive Disorder
00:11:30 - Understanding Cytochrome P450 Interactions
00:15:33 - Recognizing Relapse Warning Signs
00:19:19 - Joining the Person in their Reality
00:23:09 - Managing Psychotic Symptoms
00:26:56 - Implementing a Token Economy
00:30:59 - Motivation and Persistence
00:34:33 - Strategies for Cognitive Impairment
00:38:18 - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Psychosis
00:42:00 - Coping with Auditory Hallucinations
00:45:37 - Understanding Delusions and Hallucinations in CBT
00:49:33 - Questioning Delusions and Cognitive Distortions
00:53:25 - Helping Individuals with Delusional Beliefs
00:57:12 - Interventions for Psychotic Disorders
01:00:59 - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Psychosis

#selfhelp #cognitivebehavioraltherapy #counseling #counselling

NOTE: ALL VIDEOS are for educational purposes only and are NOT a replacement for medical advice or counseling from a licensed professional.

Video by Dr. Dawn Elise Snipes on integrative behavioral health approaches including counseling techniques and skills for improving mental health and reducing mental illness.

Рекомендации по теме

I just want to say I went through an entire mental breakdown, partially due to health issues I was not aware of at the time, and watching your videos helped me get through it. I didn't have anyone in my life to help me and I was having panic attacks repeatedly. I live alone and have always taken care of myself. At the time I thought I was literally losing my mind, I really believed I was going insane. But, your videos helped me to understand what was actually going on and it felt like there was someone that really understood. It was incredibly helpful for me to get through those dark years. I am back to my original self and I am so thankful you exist!


As a nurse, I have seen hot weather & poor hydration negatively impact those on SSRI's and/or those with a mental health dx. It's wonderful knowledge that I can bring to my mental health practice.


I’m so excited to learn about this from you! Love the way you deliver your content


This is so fare the best video I've come across so fare. Thank you so much! It is very helpfull!


Hernandez Kenneth Thompson Jason Lee David


Thank you Doc.
Can you pls do a video about Epilepsy?
My daughter got her first Grand Mal Seizure 10 months ago. She was 13 at that time & from then on she started getting Absence Seizures frequently & another Grand Mal Seizure after 6 months. Her MRI was normal, but her EEG was erratic even when she was calm. There is no family history of epilepsy, either maternal or paternal.

Sometimes I think that her brain might be affected by the Covid Vaccine, as before that she was completely normal, a very happy & intelligent child. Now the medications have lowered her IQ.

We began with Keppra, which made her behave psychotic, so we switched to Lamotrigine now.

I'm so scared to send her to school or leave her alone even while sleeping, as her first Seizure was during sleep & second was while she was in an online class.


What is an auditory aphasia ? Is it like a speech aphasia ?


What do you do when you have a family member with paranoid schizophrenia who does not believe she is ill and therefore refuse medications. She has been in psychosis for 10 years. We are told that as long as she doesn't hurt herself or someone else, there is nothing we can do. This is horrific for her and for us. She is being tortured by this. Why can't there be help prior to a major incident happening?


Awe I missed this, Dr. Snipes and mods and everyone I miss everyone. I had a small stroke so I’m working on getting better. Prayers please.
